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    ztracené heslo?
    LYNCH --- ---
    KUBAN88: to uz letelo z disku.
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    LYNCH: jo sosám PES FIFA jsem ještě nevidel
    LYNCH --- ---
    KUBAN88: uz sosam
    ROENICK --- ---
    plus ta LM, ja nemam co resit :) demo jsem jeste nehral, ale uz 18ctka se hrala skvele
    HAVANA --- ---
    Je to dobrý. Už sem byl skoro rozhodnutej že letos dám zase přednost pesku, ale ten gameplay je fakt super
    JAFROST --- ---
    https://youtu.be/5QLEvyHu8IY muj kratkej gameplay
    JAFROST --- ---
    KUBAN88: je tam lm kick off
    JAFROST --- ---
    KUBAN88: na vsechno, ja jedu ps4 a teda zmenili toho fakt dost
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    JAFROST: už je venku demo? na xbox aspon doufam
    ROENICK --- ---
    je tam naka ochutnavka LM?
    JAFROST --- ---
    tak uz z dema je jasny, ze zmen, novinek a vylepseni v samotnym gampley je tuna.. jsem totalne nadsenej z pohybu, chovani mice, opakovanych zaberu... takticky pokyny behem zapasu konecne trochu ve stylu PES, stejne tak druha sipka ukazujuci dalsiho hrace na prepnuti. Ale do me uplne dostava je plynulost hry, oproti lonsku to pusobi vsechno mnohem plynuleji
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    For the first time ever, Messi and Ronaldo have the same rating in FIFA • Eurogamer.net

    EA Sports has announced the top 10-rated players in FIFA 19, and Lionel Messi has the same overall rating as Cristiano Ronaldo - a first for the series.

    Both players have dominated the FIFA series, as you'd expect, with both occupying the player ratings top spot at various points. But never before have both had the same overall rating.

    This year both Messi and Ronaldo, considered by many to be the two best footballers to ever play the game, are rated 94. In FIFA 18, Messi was rated 93, one point behind Ronaldo.
    ROENICK --- ---
    THESTOUPA: zrovna to nesu. To bude mozna jedina cesta jak bude hrat Sparta evropu :)
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    Sparta Praha vstupuje do e-sportu, zakládá svůj tým pro FIFA a hledá hráče - Lupa.cz

    Stoupající obliba e-sportu nalákala i tuzemský fotbalový klub AC Sparta Praha. Pražský celek oznámil, že zakládá vlastní profesionální e-sportovní tým, který se bude účastnit turnajů FIFA eWorld Cup.

    Hraj FIFU za Spartu
    ROENICK --- ---
    THESTOUPA: me tam zajima jen jedna pisnicka, co tam ma byt od letoska a cekal jsem na ni hodne let :) my vsichni :)
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    FIFA 19 Soundtrack, featuring Childish Gambino, Gorillaz, Logic, and More

    This year, the EA SPORTS™ FIFA19 soundtrack raises the stakes yet again, featuring:

    - Hot tracks from superstars like Childish Gambino, Gorillaz, Logic, Jacob Banks, Crystal Fighters, and supergroup LSD (Labrinth, Sia & Diplo).
    - New music from Scotland’s award-winning trio Young Fathers, UK neo-soul collective Jungle, and Aussie indie stars Mansionair.
    - Buzzworthy breakthrough artists, like American singer-songwriter Billie Eilish, Manchester grime rapper Bugzy Malone, London soul man Stealth, German producer/performer NoMBe, UK rapper Octavian, Oslo DJ Bearson, French-American rapper Bas feat. J. Cole,and UK singer-songwriter Sam Fender.
    - The eagerly-awaited final chapter of The Journey features a gorgeous, dramatic original score by Academy Award® winner Hans Zimmer (The Lion King, Gladiator, The Dark Knight Trilogy) and Lorne Balfe (Pacific Rim Uprising, Mission: Impossible – Fallout).

    FIFA 19 launches worldwide on September 28, but you can hear the soundtrack on Spotify now.

    You can also pre-order the FIFA 19 score by award-winning composer Hans Zimmer on iTunes today and get a free download of “Intimidation Game” immediately.


    FIFA 19 boasts 43 tracks representing more than 16 countries to create another one-of-a-kind international musical experience. It’s where UK rock, Scottish hip hop, and Swedish post-punk meets South Korean EDM, Colombian pop, and Zimbabwe bangers. It’s where superstars premiere new music, where unknown acts reach a global audience, and where gamers worldwide discover it all. It defies genres, erases borders, and introduces you to your favorite new artists and songs. From consoles, to Spotify, to stadiums around the world, this is the sound of the world’s game this season.
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    This Is Not A Real Life Picture Of David Beckham - It's From PES 2019 - SPORTbible
    THESTOUPA --- ---
    FIFA 19 may add Fortnite celebrations - but probably not this year • Eurogamer.net

    FIFA has prided itself on mirroring football culture, so at this year's Gamescom, I took the chance to ask the team whether they had any plans to introduce Fortnite dances to FIFA 19. When I spoke to FIFA creative director Matt Prior about the possibility of adding Fortnite celebrations to the game, he had the following to say:

    "We pride ourselves on authenticity so if it's something you see in the real world, if a player - Griezmann, Dele Alli, those guys generally tend to do that - if it's something they do, then it's something we would potentially look to emulate. At the end of the day, if you watch a game and you see something in the real world game, we want that reflected in our own title. So there is potential."
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    no co jsem slysel z dobreho zdroje, tak SKS ma ve FIFA 2019 byt
    WYDER --- ---
    WYDER: Mozna to tak horke nebude:(

    Viz jeden z komentaru:

    Raymy napsal 18. 8. 2018 v 21.49
    Opravdu prebirate herni info od seznamu? :D Jedinne co je v tom clanku pravda, je to ze tam bude Sparta, to je potvrzene. Plzen je vicemene take potvrzena. Zbytek jsoubohapuste spekulace na zaklade licence UEFA. Jenze ta se tyka prezentace soutezi a nikoliv klubu. Ty si EA musi dojednat samostatne. Takze si troufnu tvrdit ze na 90% ve FIFA nebude Jablonec, ani Sigma. Slavia je otazka, ale je v PES a na dotaz jednoho fanouska mu byl potvrzen jen PES. Samozrejme bych se rad mylil ale tak ruzove, jak to popisuje clanek, to neni.

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