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    LAUNCHERElektromobily 🏞️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🚗 🚐 🚙 🚌 🚒 🚛 🔌
    Vitejte v boardu Elektromobily!

    Prosim dodrzujme stejna rules*, jako napriklad v obdobnych subreddits na Redditu.

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    2) Toto je SFW board.
    3) Bez ICE prosim, na to jsou na Nyxu vhodnejsi boardy.
    4) Toto neni vhodny board pro napr. vase culture wars proti EV.
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    Diky za pochopeni 🤦‍♂️ Pozor, druhé varování může být za 7 dnů RO i hůře.

    Prejeme prijemnou zabavu 🚗🔋 a hlavne bezpecne kilometry za volantem / s autopilotem.

    * Work in progress
    rozbalit záhlaví
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    PEPAZZ: However, the main feature of the Yichi 06 is the six-gen Apollo autonomous driving system. Its hardware comprises 40 sensors (including 5 LiDAR units) and processors with a peak computing power of 1200 TOPS. According to Baidu’s officials, it supports the L4 autonomous driving system suitable for complex on-road scenarios. As a result, the Yichi 06 can be sold without a steering wheel inside. Similar to the upcoming Cybercab.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Autonomní taxi : Ytchi od Baidoo
    Yichi 06 is an electric minivan created jointly by JMC and Apollo. It has a minimalistic styling, rear sliding doors, a single taillight strip, and four seats inside. Its dimensions are 4765/1885/1715 mm, with a wheelbase of 2830 mm. It has a single electric motor for 110 kW (147 hp) in the front axle. It is powered by an LFP swappable battery. The Yichi 06’s pack can be replaced in three minutes.

    PEPAZZ --- ---
    dalsi SUV tentokrate od MG
    MG ES5 pure-electric SUV made its debut, positioned as a family compact SUV, offering three ranges: 425 km, 515 km, and 525 km. It was renamed from “S5” to “ES5”. The price range is expected to be around 100,000 – 150,000 yuan (14,100 – 21,200 USD) and will launch later this year. The MG ES5 will likely be exported, the test vehicle was spotted in Europe in August.

    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Mexico’s New President Has A Plan: A Cheap Mexican EV For The Masses Called “Olinia” : )


    LAUNCHER --- ---
    PEPAZZ: Super, ale chtělo by to zrychlit výrobu 🙄
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    DHL says that it was able to confirm that the Tesla Semi is capable of 500 miles on a single charge with a full load.

    Over a two-week trial period this summer, DHL Supply Chain USA took a thorough look under the hood of the Tesla Semi, integrating the e-truck into 3,000 miles (5,000 km) of normal operations out of Livermore, California. The trial included one long haul of 390 miles (625 km) – fully loaded with a gross combined weight of 75,000 pounds (34 metric tons) – confirming the Tesla Semi’s ability to carry typical DHL payloads over a long distance on a single charge.
    During the trial, the trial vehicle averaged 1.72 kWh/mile operating at speeds exceeding 50 mph (80 km/h) on average for over half its time on the road. The result exceeded our expectations and even Tesla’s own rating.
    DHL tests Tesla Semi and confirms the electric truck's impressive performance | Electrek

    LAUNCHER --- ---
    PEPAZZ: TMY začalo až 2020, normální cyklus. Akorát lidé vidí že tu je refresh TM3 a plaší, aniž by si uvědomili, že ta je z 2017.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    FEDAJKIN: lepší než aims to develop :)
    FEDAJKIN --- ---
    PEPAZZ: keyword: "is developing"
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    BYD predicts rapid EV growth in Germany, Europe’s largest auto market, within the next six months. With EVs starting at around $30,000 (25,000 euros), BYD expects to win over German buyers quickly.

    Li criticized the tariffs, saying the buyers lose in the long run, but added that BYD will begin building cars in Hungary in 2025.

    “I think we will become an important market participant here in Europe,” Li told FAS. The company is already expanding its sales team in Germany as it looks to gain a foothold in Europe’s largest auto market
    BYD to break into Europe's largest auto market with $30,000 EVs
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Hyundai Motor is developing ultra-high-capacity LFP batteries to power upcoming low-cost Hyundai and Kia BEVs.
    Hyundai aims to maximize cell capacity, planning to develop LFP batteries with an energy density of around 300 Wh/kg by 2025.

    Hyundai to develop industry-leading 300Wh/kg LFP EV batteries
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    MAGE: zajimalo by mě na co s tou novou verzi čekají? možná proste jen mel vetsi prioritu CT a Cyberrobotaxi
    MAGE --- ---
    Tesla zacala nabizet do Y treti radu sedacek
    Cekal bych ze pockaji az bude nova verze…

    Tesla uvedla důležitou novinku u svého neprodávanějšího Modelu Y. Radost budou mít hlavně velké rodiny - Garáž.cz
    MAGE --- ---
    PEPAZZ: tak bud si to skodovka prolobuje nebo bude muset zlevnit tak o 200k =)
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    MAGE: bude druhé kolo, ví se?
    RSZ --- ---
    Pro pracovní nabíječky/wb jsem měl vybraný jako cpo sys. ChargeUp, trochu se ale změnila situace a hledám spíš nějaký systém provozovaný on prem. Není tu někdo z oboru, kdo by měl chuť na půlhodinový call?
    NIMBUS --- ---
    Tesla is Struggling to Find Buyers for the $79,990 Cybertruck, Finishes Entire US Reservation List in 9 Days | Torque News

    Zajímavé. Stejně asi splasnkne Aptera (jestli se vůbec někdy začne vyrábět)... Kolika lidem se od preorderu změnila životní situace /trh se taky za pět let značně změnil a to v Evropě asi ještě dva roky nebude ;-)
    CERMI_FOX --- ---
    Sakra, doufal jsem, ze si koupim tesla y v slibovane nove verzi. No nic,.holt moje plnolete auto bude muset vydrzet dal :(
    MAGE --- ---
    party's over
    Je konec. A předčasný. Češi vyčerpali dotace na elektromobily za pouhých 7 měsíců, žně měla hlavně jedna značka - Garáž.cz
    CERMI_FOX --- ---
    W_NOICE78: imho to je kompilát několika videí, teda pokud si tesla neumí přebarvit vnější lak z bílé na červenou v případě striku (což by bylo docela originální :) )
    W_NOICE78 --- ---
    MAGE: To uz se tu resilo mockrat, ze FSD v EU nefunguje a jiny znacky maji lepsi asistenty jizdy. Dostal strike, aby to byla senzace do videa, za normalnich okolnosti ho tak snadno nedostanes.
    Stejny FSD co maji v US bude mozna v EU az pristi rok.

    Q1 2025
    - FSD in Europe (pending regulatory approval)
    Updated Strike System

    With FSD v12.4, Tesla has also updated its Autopilot Suspension feature which is designed to enforce the responsible use of FSD.

    The current system lets the driver receive up to five strikes (three strikes for vehicles without a cabin camera) before Autopilot and FSD become unavailable. If that happens, then FSD is unavailable for one week. Strikes are only removed once the driver has accrued five strikes, or when Tesla wipes out strikes for everyone, which happens about twice a year.

    The new system is more gracious about removing strikes. The vehicle will continue to issue strikes whenever the driver isn't paying attention, however, now the vehicle will gradually remove strikes for the driver after a certain period of time.

    Tesla states that one strike will be removed for each 7-day period the driver goes without receiving a strike. So if FSD gets disabled due to strikes, the driver will still go one week without FSD, although now strikes are removed on an ongoing basis. This new strike system is expected to apply to vehicles with and without a cabin camera.
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