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    ztracené heslo?
    LAUNCHERElektromobily 🏞️ 🛣️ 🏎️ 🚗 🚐 🚙 🚌 🚒 🚛 🔌
    NIKDAS --- ---
    COMODOR_FALKON: To chce pak ale koupit nejakej extra levnej kousek s "mrtvou" baterkou.
    COMODOR_FALKON --- ---
    DOCKINEZ: V každém případě Zdeněk Havrlík má homologaci na vestavbu 120Ah baterie…
    CRAZY_IVAN --- ---
    Electric vehicles (EVs) now last as long as petrol and diesel alternatives – and their improving reliability outpaces fossil fuel-powered cars each year because the technology is still maturing.
    Robert Elliott at the University of Birmingham, UK, and his colleagues analysed nearly 300 million records from the UK’s compulsory roadworthiness test, called the MOT, which show the condition, age and mileage of vehicles on the road between 2005 and 2022. This covered some 29.8 million vehicles in total.

    Electric cars now last as long as petrol and diesel counterparts | New Scientist
    DOCKINEZ --- ---
    NTR23: Ano, absenci údaje o baterii jsem si všiml. Za další info děkuji, na video se určitě podívám.
    NTR23 --- ---
    DOCKINEZ: Trvá vůbec neuvádí, co to má za baterii. Může mít 60Ah i 94Ah.
    Obě se vyráběly v 2016. Na to záleží celkový dojezd.

    Je to ještě verze před faceliftem, ma kulaté mlhovky.

    Je možné, že to má ještě plastové konzole uchycení motoru, nevim přesně kdy je vyměnili za kovové. Ty plastové praskaly, pokud se to zabrzdilo jen “péčkem” a ne parkovací brzdou.

    Video na YouTube auto.cz s Vaculíkem a Havrlíkem jsi už viděl?
    DOCKINEZ --- ---
    Hmpf, pomalu se v rodině dostáváme z fáze „jednou si koupíme rodinný bevko, až to bude výhodný a bude to mít velkej kufr“ do fáze „lásko, co kdybych ti na takový to popojíždění po městě koupil i3?“

    Na co si dávat majzla? Je třeba tohle past?

    BMW i3 BEV | CarTec Group BMW
    IV0 --- ---
    Vždycky si rád přečtu, že jsem koupil dobře 🙂 (Ioniq 6)
    Nejdelší dojezd po krátkém nabíjení? Šampionem je Porsche, následuje Hyundai a Kia - Novinky
    BUNDA --- ---
    PEPAZZ: tvl skoro půl auta vyměnil na záruku :)
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Tesla Model 3 | Long Range AWD | Gesamtpaket inkl. Ext. Warranty in Bayern - Offenhausen | Tesla Model 3 Gebrauchtwagen | kleinanzeigen.de

    dobrá cena
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    zeekr 007 gt (wagon/kombi)
    Meet the Zeekr 007 GT: A Stunning Wagon Set to Take Europe by Storm!
    JIMIQ --- ---
    Türkiye’s electric vehicle market expands 46 percent in 2024 - Latest News

    Filip Turek neni doma prorokem

    SPEEDY --- ---
    Meanwhile in Berlin.
    DIRTJUMPER --- ---
    NIKDAS: 750 kg bývá většinou nebrzděnej a těch 1.600 může být druhá hodnota odpovídající brzděnýmu
    NIKDAS --- ---
    W_NOICE78: budu muset mrknout do technicaku, ale fakt se mi zdalo, ze 750kg max. Mozna to nekdy v prubehu zivotnosti zvysili?
    W_NOICE78 --- ---
    NIKDAS: 1600kg ma starsi gererace taky
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    NIKDAS: IMHO neco z toho bude real narust, neco z toho bude vetsi odvaha napsat vyssi cislo. Humornq vzpominka takhle, kdyz mame #patek. (kdo nezna - ten naves je prazdny, nelekejte se)

    NIKDAS --- ---
    W_NOICE78: Docela přehlížená zpráva (resp. Já si nevšiml, že by to někde někdo zdůraznil) že nový TMY může tahat 1600kg, místo původních 750, což je určitě změna k lepšímu :)
    W_NOICE78 --- ---
    Launch series za 1.53M, to se Edolf moc nepredvedl. V US maji v cene aspon FSD
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    What’s cheaper to maintain? Battery, motor, or transmission replacement costs?

    The most expensive batteries per kWh are found in hybrids, of any type. On average, the total kWh cost for hybrids is 40% higher than that of EV battery systems.
    The most expensive complete drivetrain systems, on average, are hybrids, followed by ICE vehicles, while EV systems are the cheapest. (This refers to the average cost!)
    The worst parts procurement systems, right-to-repair access, and support (backend/frontend) are from: Xpeng, MG, BYD, Stellantis, Honda, Nissan, Volvo, Rivian, Lucid, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia.

    MG and BYD have not yet activated their RMI systems.

    Lucid and Rivian have no RMI systems at all.

    Hyundai does not issue invoices, leaving accounting departments with nothing to process.

    Kia has not yet approved RMI accounts and discriminates against Croatian and Slovenian owners by blocking access to Kia Connect.

    Warranties you cannot rely on if you purchase vehicles from: Stellantis, Mercedes, Kia, Hyundai.

    Cheapest components:

    Tesla has the lowest kWh cost.

    VW has the cheapest OBC.

    Tesla has the cheapest electric motors.

    Tesla also has the best right-to-repair (RMI) system.

    Tesla and BMW offer the best powertrain value and cheapest powertrain parts.

    Porsche has the most expensive parts globally.

    Best RMI systems (critical for sustainability and cost-effectiveness): Tesla, BMW, Mercedes, VAG, Ford, Toyota.
    Worst systems: Stellantis, Kia, Hyundai, Xpeng, MG, BYD.
    The most expensive systems (unsustainable for servicing): BMW, Xpeng, BYD—this significantly increases the total cost of vehicle ownership and reduces ROI.
    Lucid, Rivian, and others have no support systems, meaning these vehicles should be avoided as they could become unusable and not servicable at any moment.

    Chinese brands have proven completely unprepared for European expansion and lack scalable systems for corporate and aftermarket needs. Some EU representatives of these brands are already considering withdrawal due to non-functional EPC catalogs and even worse support.

    Mythbusting EV, ICE and Hybrid powertrain price Comparison – EV Clinic
    data sheet
    EV vs ICE vs HEV by EV CLINIC - Tabulky Google
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