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Dr. Clemens Heni, a leading German researcher on modern anti-Semitism, told The Jerusalem Post that Werner Vorgel, a former member of the Nazi Party and of its SA stormtroopers, “was among the first elected members of the Greens to the Bundestag in 1983.”
After the media exposed Vogel’s background, he resigned from the Bundestag.
Heni said that leading Green Party politicians at the time did not object to Vogel’s membership in the party. Heni added that the founders of the Greens welcomed August Haussleiter, who, as co-founder of the Greens in 1979, played an important role in the party’s development. Haussleiter was active in Hitler’s Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 and praised the German Wehrmacht in 1942. He stoked anti-American and anti-Semitic sentiments in post-World War II West Germany, said Heni.
Baldur Springmann, a former member of the SA, also played an important role in the nascent phase of the German Green party. He left the party in 1980.
Heni said that Henning Eichberg also played an important role in the founding the Green Party in the southern German state of Baden-Wurttemberg in 1979, although he did not choose to become a member. Eichberg had closes ties with former Nazi anti-partisan specialist Arthur Ehrhardt of the SS.https://www.jpost.com/jewish-world/jewish-features/the-nazi-roots-of-the-german-greens-318973