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    ztracené heslo?
    VODISKALeft 4 Dead / L4D2
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    dneska bylo už včera.. sakra a zase jsem to nestihl
    DZS --- ---
    MAJKA: Ja bych aj dal ale budu z prace az tak za hodinku ci dve
    MAJKA --- ---
    kdyby si dneska chtel neco zahrat... krome versus, ktery mi naprosto nejde, tak na me na steamu houknete :) nick Maika_CZ
    KUZZMA --- ---
    Myslel jsem jste /JMSE/ lepsi, slabcaci.... NEXT ASI BRASILIA!!!§?
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    KUZZMA: Jo
    KUZZMA --- ---
    Velky cesky versus dneska? V 7 na steamu!
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    Connecting Fights
    August 5, 2011 - L4D Team

    Today’s Left 4 Dead 2 update contains a new version of the Terminal Map For Dead Air. With this change, we are getting pretty close to being complete on this campaign. We have a few more known bugs to fix – but it is close. At this stage what we really need is more testing.

    To encourage testing, we created a new achievement: Connecting Fights. You earn it by playing a complete game of Versus in Dead Air. Do that and we have another prize. When 60,000 people earn this achievement, we will unlock the beta version of Blood Harvest on Steam the next weekday.

    60,000 is going to be hard. You can’t rage quit and you need to work together. Once you get the achievement, help others get it as well. As always, please post feedback and bugs for the campaign on the Steam Forums and Facebook.

    Watch for twitter updates with stats on your progression to the goal.
    DZS --- ---
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    DZS: parada, takze staci kdyz nainstaluju ja a lide co se ke mne pripoji uz to nemusi mit? :)
    DZS --- ---
    _LEPIK_: Pokud mas rad konkretni mutaci, doporucuju tenhle addon: http://www.vpkme.com/vpk/files/1007/l4d2/official_and_custom_mutations.html
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Je někdo pro to že by jsme si dnes stáhli campaň která není originál a zahráli si jí nejlépe ve 4 lidech a tu samou kampaň :D

    Včera super hra akorad skoda ze francik neprezil :( Jinak muzem urcite zopaknout... A diky lulankovi za archivementy :D
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: ne, dokud je mutace taaank.. ;)
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    _LEPIK_: Hraješ dnes?
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    experta s realismem obcas hrajem s id dexnom..
    DZS --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: Jojo, stejnes krusty, nick: D.
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Francik tam je jako Francik a DZS tam mas stehnyho sasu Chrastiho vid... takze dnes jeste by to chtelo 4tého... A kdo to založí?
    DZS --- ---
    FRANCIK --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: Si señor.
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    :D Dnes po šesté hodině??? Sejdeme se na steamu?
    FRANCIK --- ---
    Já bych taky dal. Ale expert by mi s dokončenim bažin moc nepomoh. :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam