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    ztracené heslo?
    IGRACEKTorchlight [Diablo reloaded] - jeste jeden level a du spat...
    rozbalit záhlaví
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    DANCHEZ: ale ešte by mi to mohl někdo připomenout :-D
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    DANCHEZ: a to se vyplatí ;-)
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    kdo hrajete warez, velmi brzy bude sleva na Torchlight II, tak si to holomci hledte koupit

    We will have a Steam Thanksgiving sale soon! (including a Torchlight 2 discount).
    The devs of Torchlight 2 leaked, that Torchlight 2 will be soon on sale. It will be on sale with the Steam Thanksgiving sale.

    We're thankful for fans, and we're showing it by putting Torchlight II on sale! Watch for it during Steam's Thanksgiving sale, coming soon.

    source: http://www.torchlight2game.com/news/2012/11/16/happy-thanksgiving/
    ZELGARIS --- ---
    Runic Games • View topic - Patch Notes 1.17.x.14


    Owl pet added
    Badger pet added


    Russian language now available
    Polish language now available


    Several spelling errors fixed
    Dimensions fixed on one texture
    A lot of internal fixes to support translations better, and copy-pasting of cyrillic characters and use of IME
    Characters with certain special characters in their names won't fail to save
    Attacks that deal weapon% no longer give bonus crit for values over 100%
    Missiles with an AoE were not properly taking into account some untargetable states
    Run speed bonuses were sometimes added twice
    Fixed Trillbot achievement quest



    Rank 8 and 9 or Seismic Slam scale soak values properly on direct damage
    Flame Hammer, Ember Hammer and Emberquake correctly list staves in requirements

    Storm hatchet now targets better on slopes
    Storm hatchet should be less likely to collide with walls and more likely to collide with units
    Ravage knockback/slow resistance fixed
    Ravage falls back to autoattack when mana is low
    Battle rage properly refreshes now
    Shadowbind procs now level properly

    Rank 4 of Firestorm now has correct max damage
    Issues w/ Prismatic Bolt duration effects resolved
    Fixed mana cost for rank 10 of Infernal Collapse


    Made requirement reduction spells work properly


    Rifle and Cannons now use weapon damage instead of DPS - fast weapons were stronger than intended, slow weapons were weaker than intended
    A non functioning proc on the Tundra set was converted to a functioning Lifesteal
    Tomes of Weapon Expertise (spells) now correctly state that they improve Claw use, amongst the other weapons
    New ring for Emberweave set
    New pants for Embercraft set
    Legendary wand Earth Dies Screaming can no longer crash the game
    Fixed some issues with item-based proximity effects getting doubled


    Various pathing and collision fixes
    Various new boss rooms added for maproom maps
    Several new Phase Beast rooms added
    Can't be knocked behind fence in Arena of Slaughter


    Exploding zombies now strike only once per explosion
    King gels have champion resistances and minion gels cannot be charmed


    Transmutation recipe for sockets can't eat gems with no return.

    Random Maps

    Some random map affixes better tuned

    Quest Related

    You must talk to the guardian of mana before you can enter the dungeon from Act 4 hub
    Some players stuck in a state where their quests will not advance, or the final quest will not complete, allowing access to the mapworks, should be resolved.


    Fix for crash in certain circumstances when wearing gear that requires a requirement reduction spell
    Fixed crash when quitting the game from the options menu while the shared stash is open.
    SIRLOON --- ---
    HRAFNAIN: ne, nebyl cas. a cekam na editor
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    @SIRLOON ty si online?
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    WOODMAKER: můžem zarybařit někdy :D
    a poslat zviřátko pro lahváče...;

    btw. tedka mě zmordoval Mordox, jako obvykle...---
    a to presto ze vim, jaky je to jedovaty hovado.
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    steam: puntmuj ;)
    PUNKEJT --- ---
    WOODMAKER: jojo, spousta zlata, nejakej ten item...

    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    no tak pojdte si zahrat, ne?
    steam: hrafnain
    runic: hrafnain
    SIRLOON --- ---
    WOODMAKER: mne zmizel kdyz uz byl skoro tuhej
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    rozbil někdo toho zlatýho kraba?
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    SIRLOON: jako hrál jsem zatím jenom demo a crack, ale kdykoli bylo v okolí víc nepřátel, stačilo vyplítvat manu střílením tím kouzlem s cannonem a nikdo nezůstal. Teď chci otestovat toho embera, protože se mi líbí ta teleportace, ...
    SIRLOON --- ---
    WOODMAKER: ja mam vsechny classy. na elite mam s inzenyrem jako glasscanonem problem pac ke mne vsichni rychle naskacou a sem v riti. s emberem ten problem nemam :) s nim mam zase problem ze se mi nedoplnuji hp :(
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    právě přemýšlím, co dat za classu. U cracknuté mi to nejlíp šlo za holku s dělem v ruce, co posílala spiderminy a měla healing bota. Ale vadí mi, že se ta holčina musí tahat s tím kanónem. Na druhou stranu to vždycky všechno strašně rozbilo.
    SIRLOON --- ---
    WOODMAKER: klidne bych dal, ale porad se mrcasim mezi levely 15-30 s ruznyma classama :)
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    MALY_BOBIK: tak to předpokládám, že nebudete mít aktuální verzi hry ... :/
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    WOODMAKER: nemame originalky :(
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    MALY_BOBIK: fajn, ale myslel jsem, že to půjde spíš přes ten Steam, nějak, aby to šlo ideálně jedním tlačítkem. Dá se na tom tungle vidět, že hrajete, nebo je to o tom se neustále ptát?
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    WOODMAKER: ja hraju s kamosem prez tungle se nekdy pridej :)
    WOODMAKER --- ---
    Tak jsem si zrovna koupil TL II a nemůžu se dočkat, až to nainstaluju a rozjedu doma. Promiňte, že to tu nepročítám, ale konají se nějaké společné hry? Co k tomu budu potřebovat/odehrát/?
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    DANCHEZ: dik! dobry vedet.
    ale tak koukam, ze konkretne treba sockety umi vyvrtat i Albrecht, tak to jo :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam