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    KOMATSUAdvaita Vedānta अद्वैत वेदान्त
    Brahman, Purusha, citta, prakrti, no-self, heuristics

    let me explain… what we call a person is a collection of cells, nothing more; the mind, perceptions intellect and mental functions are the activities of the billions of neurons controlling brain activities. The self is an illusion generated by the brain. There is no single self that can do practices nor one that can be liberated. How do you liberate an illusion that neurons generate?
    In Advaita there are no individual autonomous self agents. Brahman is all inclusive of everything including cells, neurons and atoms. Mind, intellect, personal self, mental processes, thinking, remembering and all actions including matter, energy and space are all “prakriti”. You can’t rearrange prakriti to become Citta, Cit or the Awareness of Purusha. Nothing affects Purusha and no other self exists that can morph into Purusha. Purusha IS Brahman always. You can’t sneak up on jñana or gnosis by trying to transform prakriti into its most sattvic form via study or practice. Sattvic prakriti is still never Purusha. Only viveka is needed, but not needed by anyone, because there is no self to be rescued. Only Brahman is Real. (JP)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Drazí přátelé, pracuju teď s Viliamem Poltikovičem na dokumentárním filmu o Míle a Eduardu Tomášových a byli bychom vám moc vděčni za jakoukoliv podporu a sdílení s vašimi přáteli. Film můžete podpořit zde:

    Hithit - Šťastny ať jsou všechny bytosti - Míla a Eduard Tomášovi


    Šťastny ať jsou všechny bytosti - Míla a Eduard Tomášovi na chatě a v Lucerně - Trailer

    Oficiální stránky: https://www.facebook.com/Stastny.at.jsou.vsechny.bytosti
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    When the mind dwells on nothing, true mind appears. » Diamond Sutra
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    But the moment you think of Reality, the moment you think Subject, the moment you think of the Absolute, the moment you think of the Truth, it is a concept. It is only when the thinking totally stops that Truth exists
    KEIKIN --- ---
    Možná to sem nepatří, ale mně se to hrozně líbí:

    "Jistý Zipruanna byl znám tím, že bydlel na hromadě odpadků a výkalů ve vesnici Naira-bad v západní Indii. Nikdy na sobě neměl nic oblečeného. Jednou ho navštívila delegace anglických dam, které se dověděly o jeho svatosti. Přijely mu vzdát čest a po­žádat o nějaké duchovní rady. Jenže byly tak šokovány jeho vzhledem, že když to Baba viděl, vzal do rukou svůj penis, třásl jím a křičel na dámy: „Tohle vás znepo­kojuje? Tak malá věcička? Dyť to nic není:"
    ERIDANI --- ---
    KEIKIN: SAibaba mne na tom videu velmi zaujal. Vždy si záhadně otíral ruce do kapesníčků svých asistentů a pak najednou čaroval:D Pěkný dokument. Hodně pěkné moudra celým dokumentem proplouvají:)
    KEIKIN --- ---
    DUŠE VÝCHODU 4 - Ášramy, místa klidu a poznání - YouTube
    KOMATSU --- ---
    Adi Šankara - životní příběh velkého indického světce (The Philosopher, 1983) - YouTube
    DAWYT --- ---
    Wherever it leads you, it will be a

    dream. The very idea of going beyond

    the dream is illusory. Why go

    anywhere? Just realize that you are

    dreaming a dream you call the world,

    and stop looking for ways out. The

    dream is not your problem. Your

    problem is that you like one part of the

    dream and not another. When you have

    seen the dream as a dream, you have

    done all that needs be done.

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
    OMEGAPOINT --- ---
    "Where is the "me"? The "me" is always associated with the body and the body as seen through the microscope is nothing but a play of cells being created and destroyed."

    "Truth or Reality is itself a concept. When you are in the truth or in deep sleep, which is only a pale reflection of the real, in that state of deep sleep is the Truth. And in that Truth there is no experience. In the waking state, the state of deep sleep is a concept. In deep sleep it is the Truth. But the moment you think of Reality, the moment you think Subject, the moment you think of the Absolute, the moment you think of the Truth, it is a concept. It is only when the thinking totally stops that Truth exists."

    "When we talk of time and space, we say infinite space and eternal time. It is still a mental concept of total space and total time. But the mind cannot conceive of that state prior to the arising of the space-time. The moment you think of Reality, the reality is a concept. You are the Reality of which the split-mind makes a concept. You are the Reality, but not as the "me"

    "It's very simple. Don't think about what you have heard here. Just don't think about what you think you've understood. And then that understanding will have a chance to flower. But the more you think about what you have understood, the more it's wasted."

    "All there is, is Consciousness. And the mind is merely a reflection of that Consciousness."
    OMEGAPOINT --- ---
    "What is the significance of the statement 'No one can get enlightenment'? This is the very root of the teaching. It means that it's stupid for any so-called master to ask anyone to do anything to achieve or get enlightenment. The core of this simple statement means, according to my concept, that enlightenment is the annihilation of the "one" who "wants" enlightenment. If there is enlightenment - which can only happen because it is the will of God - then it means the "one" who had earlier wanted enlightenment has been annihilated. So no "one" can achieve enlightenment and therefore no "one" can enjoy enlightenment."

    "The joke is even the surrendering is not in your control. Why? Because so long as there is an individual who says "I surrender" there is a surrenderer, an individual ego... What I'm saying is that even the surrendering is not in [your] hands."

    ("Who cares?", pp. 6 - 22)

    Ramesh Balsekar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    OMEGAPOINT --- ---
    "The final truth, as Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj and all the sages before them have clearly stated, is that there is neither creation nor destruction, neither birth nor death, neither destiny nor free will, neither any path nor any achievement. All there is is Consciousness."
    IRO --- ---
    IRO --- ---
    neoadvaita rulezzz :)
    IRO --- ---
    ERIDANI: Mooji je super týpek, má dredy a nevadí mu občasné hulení 8-) spliff before satsang :D
    ERIDANI --- ---
    DAWYT: :D No já ti sem nanejvýš hodila, že je ten člověk moc ukecaný:)))
    DAWYT --- ---
    ERIDANI: To je! Asi už dosnídal:)Ale takhle v sobotu rano si to poslechnout není špatný. A nikdo sem nic nehází :)
    ERIDANI --- ---
    DAWYT: To je strašně moc řečí, zatím co mu snídane větrá v misce.
    DAWYT --- ---
    Breakfast With Mooji - YouTube
    KAILASH --- ---
    Workshop recitace Šrí Rudram - anuváka 9 a 10, Sobota, 1. října 2011 – Praha


    Podle vize projektu Rudram 2012, jehož cílem je sjednotit skupiny a organizace zabývající se zpíváním véd v Evropě prostřednictvím společného zpívání Šrí Rudram, Veda Union oznamuje jednodenní workshop k nácviku 9. a 10. anuváky posvátného zpěvu Šrí Rudram.

    Sri Rudram (lyrics and meanings) - YouTube
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