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    ztracené heslo?
    TAJENMMORPG turisté
    TAJEN --- ---
    Tak prej dnesni update opravi 600 chyb tosem zvedavej.. vcera vespr brestplate fail vespr retributer fail sem na suchu jak s materialem tak s naladou ty crafti stojej zahovno :(
    TAJEN --- ---
    Tak vidis a pak tu ctu zese bavime jen o lajne :( Tak , kdyz nam neumozni hrat to co by sme chteli ? :((( To jako jo na mmorpg.com tech klicu bylo snad 3k sou to hovada jako stim Vindictusem.. kdo nenapsal pribeh na FB byl v prdeli :(
    RAEVA --- ---
    MALY_BOBIK: takže tě očekáváme na kamelu ;)
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---

    Originally Posted by crabclaw
    If you are positive you are inputting the correct information, then this error is displaying because you were not accepted into Closed Beta Phase 1. You will know if you were accepted into phase 1 by either receiving a confirmation email stating that you were accepted for Phase 1, or you will be able to log in without issue.

    If your account page on the PWE website says "Status: Accepted", that means you are eligible for entrance into the closed beta, but NOT specifically for Phase 1 - unless you got confirmation of such.

    tak tohle je dost ..... oni vypuste bilion klicu a pak z tech lidi vybiraj kdo se do te CBT dostane... dmnce neskonalejch rozmeru .... timhle krokem podle me naserou opravdu hodne lidi.

    TAJEN: mas stejneho peska jako ja. sice si byl do CBT1 pozvan a dostal si klic na CBT1 ale nebyl si vybran abys CBT1 testoval.
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    tak se nak nemuzu lognout :(
    TAJEN --- ---
    Tak prid do hry a zeptej se Raxeho nebo pod na TS
    RAEVA --- ---
    TAJEN: mno tak dík za odpověď...:)
    TAJEN --- ---
    Ta ne no proste se nenaloguju a tosem si udelal i new acc :(((((((
    TAJEN --- ---
    jede toooooo
    TAJEN --- ---
    Tak nic uzjetam jen jeden servr a je off tak certvi :(
    TAJEN --- ---
    Tak FW si neco sosl a uzse updatuje
    TAJEN --- ---
    Jak tomam tusit ? Zeptej se Bobka :)
    RAEVA --- ---
    TAJEN: zítra budu celý den hrááát a hrááát :) poraď mi prosím má cenu jet toho sumonera?
    RAEVA --- ---
    TAJEN: jak sprovoznili? už je zas na dvě hodiny full vitka?
    TAJEN --- ---
    Jo Bobku logni kamael po restartu zprovoznili vitalitku :)
    TAJEN --- ---
    Sak je 27meho ne ?
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    cas tam nak nevidim ....
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    With the beginning of the first phase of closed beta testing fast approaching, many people are wondering what will be focused on in terms of game play and mechanics testing.

    With two phases currently planned for closed beta testing, the first phase will focus primarily on the following aspects of Forsaken World:

    First half of phase 1 - Content up to level 29. Second half - Content up to level 30. Characters will be capped at this point during phase 1.
    Starting zones for all races
    Basic guild functions
    Beginner pets and pet functions
    Crafting and refining
    All UI elements

    Phase 2 will broaden the horizons a little bit, with content up to level 50 being accessible. The following aspects of Forsaken World will then be open for testing:

    Guild Wars
    Arena Battles
    Cash Shop enabled (players will be provided cash shop currency for free during this phase)
    Advanced guild functions
    Advanced pet functions
    Tentatively, these beta phases are slated to last around 3 to 4 weeks a piece. As a we get closer to the launch of the open beta, more and more players will be allowed access to the closed beta for testing purposes. Eventually, all players will have the opportunity to play during a closed beta phase.

    Closed beta phase 1 begins on October 27th. We thank everyone for their patience in waiting for the start date of the Closed beta! The wait will be worth it!
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    http://fw.perfectworld.com/talentcalc talent tree na FW :OOOOO
    MALY_BOBIK --- ---
    TAJEN: mno kdyz se to zapina ve ctvrtek tak se nedivim ze servr nejede :DDDD
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