Originally Posted by crabclaw
If you are positive you are inputting the correct information, then this error is displaying because you were not accepted into Closed Beta Phase 1. You will know if you were accepted into phase 1 by either receiving a confirmation email stating that you were accepted for Phase 1, or you will be able to log in without issue.
If your account page on the PWE website says "Status: Accepted", that means you are eligible for entrance into the closed beta, but NOT specifically for Phase 1 - unless you got confirmation of such.
tak tohle je dost ..... oni vypuste bilion klicu a pak z tech lidi vybiraj kdo se do te CBT dostane... dmnce neskonalejch rozmeru .... timhle krokem podle me naserou opravdu hodne lidi.
TAJEN: mas stejneho peska jako ja. sice si byl do CBT1 pozvan a dostal si klic na CBT1 ale nebyl si vybran abys CBT1 testoval.