NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Graphics Card Unleashed - $599 US For 8 GB GDDR5X, 2.1 GHz Overclock Speeds and Performance Faster Than Titan X and 980 SLI
Shrneme 1080:
reference 1600Mhz, 1800 boost
realne boost 2133MHz (#typyco)
pri techto frekvencich 180W TDP (#hezkyy)
$599, tedy 18k vcetne dph - njn to se dalo cekat, to zas v nvidii budou vozit koks rudlama
GTX 1080 Graphics Card | GeForce
Mezigeneracni narust vykonu vetsi nez se cekalo a vetsi nez odpovida novemu procesu.
Hail to the king. Bohuzel, dokud amd neuvede nastupce FuryX, bude mit nvidia highend jistej a to i cenove, pocitejme s tim.