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    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“

    Kurvu a intelektualku uz jsem nasel: ja jsem kurva a ona je intelektualka. Ja mam rad takovy, ona zas makovy. Oba mame radi lidi, kytky a zvirata. Ovsem v ruznych pomerech. Ja se jmenuju Tomas ona Adela. A k tomu nam dobomahej -uh.Arrakis učí filozofii nože - uřízneš to, co není dokončené, a řekneš: "A teď už je to dokončené, protože to konči zde." ~ Princezna Irulán : Sebraná rčení Muad´Diba Neávist k duševnímu sebepozorování. Dušespytné analýzy, jako: Včera jsem byl takový, a proto jsem dnes takový, a to proto. Není to pravda, vůbec ne proto, anebo proto, a nebo takový ani makový. Klidně snášet sám sebe a neukvapovat se, žít tak jak je třeba, neobýhat se jako pes. ~ Franz Kafka : Aforismy
    "Není škoda ničeho, co už je pryč. Škoda je nynějška a dneška, všech těch nesčíslných hodin a dní, které jsem ztratil, které jsem jen strpěl, které mi nic nedarovaly, ani mnou neotřásly."
    ~ Hesse: Stepni Vlk
    Proste blazen co si zo sveta aj sam seba robi legraci, zabava ostatnych a neriesi problemy. a par krat to uz bol taky hundrajuci zobrak, mumlajuci si svoje pravdy, sediaci s flaskou jabcaku
    ~ Hiena
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    Internetová jazyková příručka

    http://prirucka.ujc.cas.cz/ - 62 tisic slov!!
    rozbalit záhlaví
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: okay, takze som si presiel tie starsie clanky a nemal som pravdu, ankolko jeden z nich je dokonca od rovnakeho kolektivu, to sa teda ospravedlnujem.

    Avsak, ja som hovoril furt o tom clanku, ktory si tuna postoval (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00234-8) a ziaden starsi.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: Lepsi s uvozovkama, coz mi Nyx nebere.... Nicmene:

    sputnik v site:thelancet.com - Hledat Googlem
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: pouzil som, a ziadne starsie clanky o Gamkovidvaku v The Lancet som nenasiel.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: Pouzij ho :-)
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: ano. Ti ruski autori publikovali v Lancete nejake stare clanky o Gamkovidvaku?
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: Google mas...?
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: aky "stary clanek", prosim Ta?
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: Reagujes na stary clanek, ktera ja neodkazuji a ani jsem ho nezminoval.

    Ja odkazuji novy clanek:

    "The interim report of the phase 3 data now presented"

    LAUNCHER --- ---
    Konecne pokrok v tehle ceske specialitce a svinarne:

    "Škodu, kterou způsobí dítě mladší 13 let, má podle novely hradit ten, kdo nad ním zanedbal náležitý dohled. Z tohoto pravidla zavádí návrh dvě výjimky. Dítě bude odpovědné, pokud škodu způsobí skutkem majícím povahu úmyslného trestného činu, nebo pokud to dovolí jeho majetkové poměry. Jde například o případ, kdy dítě zdědí rozsáhlé jmění."

    Poslanci schvalují vládní návrh zákona, který má zakázat dětské dluhy - iDNES.cz
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: Institut Gamaleja vyvinul vakciny, ktore su hadam ucinne a bezpecne. Kolektiv autorov Institutu Gamaleja o tom napisal clanok do Lancetu, ktory presiel peer review, narozdiel od vakcin firiem BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca alebo Janssen vsak nedodali raw data/protokoly k referovanej studii fazy III.

    ja opakujem, ze dufam ze ucinnost aj bezpecnost Gamkovidvaku a GMA pri jej vyrobe sa pocas registracie u EMA potvrdia, uz preto, ze nikto z nas by nemal ziaden osoh z toho keby niektora z pouzivanych vakcin bola podvod.

    Kolektivu Institutu Gamaleja, reg. uradom Srbskej ani Madarskej republiky to vsak konkretne v pripade ruskych (a ani cinskych) vakcin na slovo neverim.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    Nicmene EMA uz na tom pracuje:

    Yesterday - MOSCOW (AP) — The European Medicines Agency has started a rolling review of Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, many months after it was first approved for use in Russia and after dozens of countries around the world have authorized it.

    EU regulator starts a review of Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine

    Prijde mi zajimave, jak ma Sputnik V odlisnou prvni a druhou davku. To jsem zatim u jine COVID vakciny nezaznamenal.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: Domnivam se, ze ruske urady tu nikdo krome tebe neresil.

    Dole mas odkazy a citaty, o kterych tu byla rec.
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: Tak, ja sam dufam ze je ta vakcina ucinna a bezpecna a potvrdi sa to aj v EMA registracii, ale verit to ruskym uradom na slovo proste neverim zatial.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: S tim nepomuzu, nemam pocit ze jsem neco vic, nez moji kolegove z citovanych zemi (aktualne Madarsko a Srbsko, ale jinak skoro vsechny).
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: ano, presne to si myslim, nakupili "Sputnik" (realne Gamkovidvak a Gamkovidvak Lyo), lebo veria Ivanovi na slovo a nemaju moc alternativy na vyber.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    LIBRIUM: A ty si myslis, ze tech 30 zemi nize nakoupilo Sputnik V na teto bazi?

    Pls get real.
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Prijde mi, ze to nemyslis zle a ze nejdriv bylo opravdu spoustu pochyb, ale ted uz je to prokazano, ockuje se o ma to dobre vysledky.

    Jen bych si "zupdatoval" nazor.
    LIBRIUM --- ---
    LAUNCHER: a keby na teba diler len ztamrkal a povedal ti, ze "je to Comirnaty" a "mas mu proste verit", lebo "predsa nie je odlud, aby v takejto situacii o niecom takom klamal", veril by si dilerovi tiez?

    Ja teda nie, a dokym nebude ten registracny proces a inspekcie produkujucich zavodov EMA-ou uzavrete s pozitivnymi vysledkami, neverim ani Rusom (verili sme im napriklad aj pocas olympiad, a dopadlo to tak, ze s asistenciou FSB podkopali cely system protidopingovych kontrol. Verili im Ukrajinci a prisli tak o Krym a na Donbase im este doteraz Rusi aj s miestnymi narkomafiami vrazdia ludi).
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Ad Sputnik V.

    Muzes citovat pls? Konkretne string "FDA" mi to nenachazi.

    Naopak tam vidim napsano:

    "But the outcome reported here is clear and the scientific principle of vaccination is demonstrated, which means another vaccine can now join the fight to reduce the incidence of COVID-19."

    K tomu z Wiki:

    Emergency mass-distribution of the vaccine began in December 2020 in multiple countries including Russia, Argentina, Belarus, Hungary, Serbia and the United Arab Emirates. As of March 2021, thirty nine countries have granted Sputnik V emergency use authorization[9] while over a billion doses of the vaccine were ordered for immediate distribution globally.[10]

    Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine - Wikipedia

    Scientific assessment:

    Nejdriv pochyby:

    Balram Bhargava, director of the Indian Council of Medical Research, said that Russia had managed to fast-track a COVID-19 vaccine candidate through its early phases.[43]

    On 11 August 2020, a World Health Organization (WHO) spokesperson said, "... prequalification of any vaccine includes the rigorous review and assessment of all required safety and efficacy data".[7]

    A WHO assistant director said, "You cannot use a vaccine or drugs or medicines without following through all of these stages, having complied with all of these stages".[44]
    Francois Balloux, a geneticist at University College London, called the Russian government's approval of Gam-COVID-Vac a "reckless and foolish decision".[2] Professor Paul Offit, the director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, characterized the announcement was a "political stunt", and stated that the untested vaccine could be very harmful.[7]

    Stephen Griffin, Associate Professor in the School of Medicine, University of Leeds, said that we can be cautiously optimistic that SARS-CoV2 vaccines targeting the spike protein are effective. Moreover, as the Sputnik antigen is delivered via a different modality, namely using a disabled Adenovirus rather than formulated RNA, this provides flexibility in terms of perhaps one or other method providing better responses in certain age-groups, ethnicities, etc., plus the storage of this vaccine ought to be more straightforward.[45][failed verification]

    Pozdeji optimismus:

    Stephen Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said "the data [is] compatible with the vaccine being reasonably effective ... These results are consistent with what we see with other vaccines, because the really big message for global health scientists is that this disease [COVID-19] is able to be addressed by vaccines."[45]

    Julian Tang, clinical virologist at the University of Leicester, said: "Despite the earlier misgivings about the way this Russian Sputnik V vaccine was rolled out more widely – ahead of sufficient Phase 3 trial data – this approach has been justified to some extent now."[46]

    Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading, and Polly Roy, professor and Chair of Virology at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, commenting on phase III results published in the Lancet in February 2021, said "The development of the Sputnik V vaccine has been criticised for unseemly haste, corner cutting, and an absence of transparency. But the outcome reported here is clear and the scientific principle of vaccination is demonstrated, which means another vaccine can now join the fight to reduce the incidence of COVID-19."[47]

    Hildegund C. J. Ertl, a vaccine scientist at the Wistar Institute, called the phase-III results published on 2 February 2021 "great": "Good safety profile, more than 90% efficacy across all age groups, 100% efficacy against severe disease or death, can be stored in the fridge and low cost. What more would we want?"[48]

    According to preliminary review by experts,[who?] the lyophilized formulation of Gam-COVID-Vac is similar to the smallpox vaccine, circumventing the need for continuous "colder chain" or cold-chain storage – as required for the Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna vaccines respectively – and allowing transportation to remote locations with reduced risk of vaccine spoilage.[49][50] "
    LAUNCHER --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Ad Pfizer:

    1) Do Prahy nejezdim.

    2) Pokud by byla vakcina Pfizer ke koupeni od neoficialniho dealera, mel ji uskladnenou rozumnym zpusobem a byl to ochoten predvest, bylo na ni cislo k online overeni a to cislo zafungovalo, tak moc rad.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    LAUNCHER: Aneb jednoduse: bodnul by sis neco cireho v lahvicce s napisem treba Pfizer, koupeneho od dealera z hlavaku?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam