Tentokrát nic přímo ode mne (i když v kuchyni se už něco peče :))
Velmi příjemný dokument o současné digitální tvorbě - sice se týká hlavně hudby, ale některé věci jsou tam naznačeny pro všechy oblasti.
a pak zase jednou povedená glosa kterou napsal Noah Bradley (jeho střízlivé a rozumné úvahy jsou mimo jiné to, proč už dlouho sleduji jeho blog :) - zvlášť předposlední věta by se dala tesat do kamene :D
Don’t listen to everyone
od autora Noah Bradley
If I listened to all of the advice I received over the years, I would not be successful. Hell, I wouldn’t even be an artist.
In fact, most of the best decisions I’ve made in recent years have directly contradicted advice from people older, smarter, and more experienced than me.
We are constantly barraged by the opinions of others. They may mean well, but often unbeknownst to them their opinions are jaded by the life they have led and the experiences they have had. If they failed at something, they would expect anyone else to fail as well. And if they succeeded, they would expect the same of others. What may have been simply the luck of the draw becomes, at least subconsciously, justified and repeatable.
Artists in particular are not strangers to this. Art school is a breeding ground of vocal opinions. We learn to give and receive critique. We use it as a tool to improve. But at a certain point we find that we have to put the critiques of others aside and decide for ourselves what we think is best. If we always listen to others, we’re merely creating by committee.
I do not create your art and you do not create mine. I do not live your life and you do not live mine.
Don’t listen to everyone. Not even me.