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    ztracené heslo?
    MILOSHITRegina Spektor
    MARTIK --- ---
    MILOSHIT: já byl taky trochu zklamanej. Hodně jsem se těšil, ale před koncertem jsem měl naposlouchaný jen Soviet Kitsch a pak jsem se divil, že z něj moc nehrála. Genialitu následujících dvou alb jsem objevil až po koncertě, poslouchám je v kuse pořád a je mi strašně líto, že jsem si to nenaposlouchal dřív. Regina mi přišla hodně smutná až skoro znuděná. Zpěv a hra dokonalá, mráz po zádech běhal, ale nepřišlo mi to jako regulérní koncert, ale spíš taková festivalová výplň. Strašně rád bych ji viděl znova na jejím vlastním koncertě. Ale kdo ví, jestli se tu ještě někdy ukáže.
    Nicméně, vůbec byla dobrá, že po té tragické deset dní staré události vůbec vystoupila a ještě se občas usmála.
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    nikdo. fajn.

    Regina Spektor - The Flowers
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    Jinak byly ste někdo Na Colours of Ostrava? Vaše dojmy z vystoupení Reginy? Já sem si to užil ale za prvé jsem byl zklamán, že nedala Hotel Song a pak že byl celý koncert takový smutný kuli tomu úmrtí Violoncellisty. Na druhou stranu sme zas ale měli všichni jedinečnou příležitost vidět Reginu plakat...
    Btw ví někdo komu říkala uprostřed (tuším) písně Machine "Please sir, get out of the stage" ? Asi jen nějakej kulisák no...
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    Regina Spektor - Chemo Limo

    I had a dream
    Crispy crispy Benjamin Franklin came over
    Baby-sat all four of my kids

    Then in my dream
    I told the doctor off
    He said if you don't want to do it
    then you don't have to do it
    He said the truth is
    You'll be okay, anyway

    Then in my dream
    Crispy crispy Benjamin Franklin and the doctor
    Went and had a talk with my boss

    Something about insurance policies
    They kept the door closed at all times
    I couldnt hear or see

    When they came out they said
    You'll be okay, anyway
    And I smiled cause I'd known it all along.

    No thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you
    I don't have to pay for this shit
    I couldn't afford chemo like I couldn't afford a limo
    and on any given day I'd rather ride a limousine

    No thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you
    I ain't about to to die like this
    I couldn't afford chemo like I couldn't afford a limo
    And besides this shit is making me tired
    it's making me tired
    it's making me tired
    You know I plan to retire some day,
    And I'm gonna go out in style
    go out in style
    This shit it's making me tired
    it's making me tired
    it's making me tired
    I'm-a gonna go out in style go out in style

    When I woke up
    My kids were being quiet
    I knew it was a dream right away
    I called the limousine company

    Then I got dressed
    I dressed the kids as well
    The limousine pulled in
    And we piled in

    The doctor he asked which way we were headed
    I said, Sir, let's just go west and he listened obediently,
    Sophie only wants to listen to radio BBC
    Michael sat on my knees and whispered to me
    All about the meanies
    Jacqueline was being such a big girl
    with her cup of tea looking out of the window
    And Barbara
    She looks just like my mom
    Oh my god, Barbara
    She looks so much like my mom

    No thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you
    I don't have to pay for this shit
    I couldn't afford chemo like I couldn't afford a limo
    and on any given day I'd rather ride a limousine

    No thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you
    I ain't about to die like this
    I couldn't afford chemo like I couldn't afford a limo
    And besides this shit is making me tired
    it's making me tired
    it'smaking me die
    You know I plan to retire some day,
    and I'm-a gonna go out in style
    go out in style
    This shit it's making me tired
    it's making me tired
    it's making me tired
    I'm-a gonna go out in style go out in style

    Style (something like a beatbox)

    I had a dream
    Crispy crispy Benjamin Franklin came over and
    Baby-sat all four of my kids

    I had a dream
    Crispy crispy Benjamin Franklin came over and
    Baby-sat all four of my kids

    Sophie only want to tune us into radio BBC
    Michael sat on my knees and whispered to me
    All about the meanie
    Jacqueline was being such a big girl
    with her cup of tea looking out of the window
    And Barbara
    She looks just like my mom
    Oh my god, Barbara
    She looks so much like my mom

    Oh my god, Barbara
    She looks so much just like my mom...
    MARTIK --- ---
    Noty od božské Reginy náhodou nějaké nemáte?
    MATHEW --- ---
    ECLECTICA: jo. názor, který nemá absolutně žádnou váhu, taky netřeba dodávat
    ECLECTICA --- ---
    MATHEW: ukrátka na mě působí plagiátorsky a afektovaně. Neříkám, že mám patent na rozum, je to jen můj názor, to snad netřeba dodávat.
    MATHEW --- ---
    ECLECTICA: a tori amos je napodobenina joni mitchell ne? zomg
    BUBBLE --- ---
    ECLECTICA: pokud za nápodobu počítáš že jsou obě ženy a obě hrají na klavír tak možná. Jinak tématem, stylem zpěvu i osobností jsou každá dost jinde.
    ECLECTICA --- ---
    Asi tu se svým názorem nebudu moc populární, ale Regina mi připadá jako taková nepříliš věrohodná nápodoba Tori Amos apod.
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    Regina Spektor - Bartender (live)

    Come on, bartender
    Won't you be more tender?
    Give me two shots of whiskey
    And a beer chaser

    Love will be the death of me
    Love is so fickle
    It starts with a flood and ends with a tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-trickle

    Come on, bartender
    Just a little more tender
    I ate all your peanuts
    Return me to sender
    I've been too candid
    Now I'm barely standing
    Just call me a taxi
    And prepare me for landing

    Ooh, you have got to kick me back out
    Into the cold and nasty weather
    And maybe if I sober up
    I will stop
    Pretending that love is forever
    Love is forever

    Come on, bartender
    Come on, bartender
    Come on, bartender

    Ooh, you have got to kick me back out
    Into the cold and nasty weather
    And maybe if I sober up
    I will stop
    Pretending that love is forever
    Love is forever
    Love is, Love is
    Love is forever

    Come on, bartender
    Come on, bartender
    Come on, bartender

    Love will be the death of me
    Love will be the death of me
    Love will be the death of me

    Love is so fickle
    It starts with a flood and it ends with a tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-tri-trickle
    Tri - ckle...

    Come on, bartender
    Come on, bartender
    Come on, bartender...
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    JEDI: smazáno, sem patří jen věci o Regíně...
    BLEVAJZZ --- ---
    tak já si udělám taky reklamu... :-D jinak super zaslouží si to;-)

    [ FOLK zahranicni - Russian Red,Emiliana Torrini,Michelle Lewis,Norah Jones,Jack Johnson ]
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    CORTEX --- ---
    Man waaalks out of his apartment ... ;-)

    MILOSHIT --- ---
    Regina Spektor - Somedays Live (in tonight show with Jay Leno)

    povšimněte si prosím pohledu v jejich očích v 0:51...
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    Regina Spektor - Colours of Ostrava 2010 - Fidelity
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    MILOSHIT --- ---
    Prostě rozpustilá žena...

    Regina Spektor - Wallet

    “The Wallet”

    I found a wallet,
    I found a wallet
    Inside were pictures of your small family
    You were so young, your hair dark brown
    You had been born in 1953
    Your winter birthday was stamped on the plastic
    Of a license so recently expired
    I was so tired as I walked through my door
    I let all the contents of your wallet on the floor

    And like a holy relic
    Or a mystery novel
    I thumbed them in the dim light
    Searching for a clue-
    A Blockbuster card,
    An old stick of Juicy Fruit
    A crumpled receipt for a pair of leather boots

    I have no wallet,
    I have no wallet
    I keep my cards together with a blue rubber band
    And with a free hand I search in my pocket
    For pieces of, pieces of paper and change

    I’ll take your wallet
    To my local Blockbuster
    They’ll find your number
    in their computer
    You’ll never know me
    I’ll never know you
    But you will be so happy
    When they call you up.
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