(Repast ze slashdotu, prevzato z mistniho klubu o CERNu -- rozesmalo, smazte pokud to neni dostatecne na urovni :-)
New Particle Identified At LHC
Posted by timothy on Thursday December 22, @10:14AM from the particularly-new dept.
First time accepted submitter m4ktub writes
"A team of researchers working with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC have published an article in arXiv where they describe what is believed to be the first observation of a new particle: the boson Chi-b (3P). [...]
Who knew (Score:5, Funny)
by Hatta (162192) on Thursday December 22, @10:17AM (#38459586) Journal
They even have chibi particles now.
Re:Who knew (Score:5, Funny)
by mangamuscle (706696) on Thursday December 22, @10:34AM (#38459790)
It is chibi, but further experiments are required to determine if it is kawaii.