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    ztracené heslo?
    FALUCIUSVědecké vtipy
    FEKALNIK --- ---
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    SULTHAN: tyvole to by mě asi fakt netrklo :)) dobro
    OTAVA --- ---
    ELHO_CID: don't shoot the messenger boy please
    FJERTIL --- ---
    SULTHAN: ELHO_CID: Navíc je na to třeba znát znělku původního, seriálového, hraného batmana.
    Use YT young padawan.
    SULTHAN --- ---
    ELHO_CID: sodium (Natrium) = "Na"
    ELHO_CID --- ---
    OTAVA: Některý jsem nepochopil, hlavně ty chemický. Třeba proč batman?
    OTAVA --- ---
    Scientists tell us their favourite jokes: 'An electron and a positron walked into a bar…' | Science | The Guardian
    SCHWAB --- ---
    jeden oddechovej

    Fyzikář: "Ve vlaku je cestující. A co se mu chudákovi nestalo...“
    Studentka: "Zapomněl si koupit jízdenku!“
    Fyzikář: "Ne, nezapomněl. Stalo se mu něco mnohem horšího: byl v neinerciální soustavě!“
    TRAVIX --- ---
    TRAVIX: Jestě alt:
    After meeting with a few of the subjects, the IRB actually recommended that you stop stressing out so much about safety guidelines.
    TRAVIX --- ---
    XKCD poslední dobou trochu ztrácel dech, ale myslím, že tohle je kvalita:
    NAVARA --- ---
    HARVIE: tak dřív jsme fungovali stejně - přefikla se ta, co nestihla utéct - ale pak jsme si to zkomplikovali a učíme se obejít ty komplikace :o
    HARVIE --- ---
    ZCR --- ---
    GAARQ: imho by měli dělat aplikovaný výzkum - v patentech se tohle vidí běžně ;-]
    GAARQ --- ---
    ZCR: vítej v klubu. jeden ze spoluautorů je vedoucí jedné z kateder jedné větší univerzity, druhý je významným hráčem v opěvované výzkumné instituci.
    ZCR --- ---
    GAARQ: teď už to vidím... ale možná jsem to snad ani vidět chtít neměl o_O
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    No neni to uplne vedecky v poradku, ale snad potesi (ukradeno v Military):
    GAARQ --- ---
    ZCR: co takhle?

    ZCR --- ---
    GAARQ: hm, obrázek nevidím a umístění mi hlásí chybu... :-(
    KAERO --- ---
    CATHACK: to je dobre!
    - The book is a promising reference concept, but the execution is somewhat sloppy. Whatever generator they used was not fully tested. The bulk of each page seems random enough. However at the lower left and lower right of alternate pages, the number is found to increment directly.

    - For a supposedly serious reference work the omission of an index is a major impediment. I hope this will be corrected in the next edition.

    - At first, I was overjoyed when I received my copy of this book. However, when an enemy in my department showed me HER copy, I found that they were the OPPOSITE of random - they were IDENTICAL.

    - Then on page 74, I was surprised to find my birthdate. 8 pages later I saw my Social Security number! Intrigued, I kept reading. After another dozen or so pages I found my phone number, my street address was smack-dab in the middle, and 4 pages before the end I found my driver's license.
    CATHACK --- ---
    Různé recenze na knihu A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates na Amazon.com:

    • While the printed version is good, I would have expected the publisher to have an audiobook version as well.
    • The book is too hard to follow, the author randomly shifts from one number to another without any prior warning.
    • This has got to be the most useless set of sudoku puzzles ever.
    • This is an old version - no good for metric countries. I'd have to go through each number and subtract 32, multiply by 5 then divide by 9. Does anyone have a macro for this?
    • Does anybody know about a german translation of this book? I really would be glad, if I can get in german.

    Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates
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