ZETOR_13: tak mam pocit, ze tu je velky problem.
ty rikas ze 1 hamburger ma 3.3 kJ
Hamburger McDonald's - kalorie, kJ a nutriční hodnoty | KalorickéTabulky.cz
ze ma 1 MJ
tak mam pocit ze www.kaloricketabulky.cz si strasne vymysli nebo ze je problem jinde.
vzhledem k tomu, ze jako etalon hamburgeru je nejvhodnejsi vzit klasiku od mcdonalds, tak na jejich strankach:
Hamburger: Our Classic Burger | McDonald's
mame hodnotu "250 Cal". Tak jsem zacal patrat, jake ze vlastne kalorie to maji byt. A nasel jsem zajimavou veticku na wiki:
Calorie - Wikipedia
"In a nutritional context, the kilojoule (kJ) is the SI unit of food energy, although the kilocalorie is still in common use.[10] The word calorie is popularly used with the number of kilocalories of nutritional energy measured. To avoid confusion, it is sometimes written Calorie (with a capital "C") to make the distinction, although this is not widely understood (in part because capitalization contravenes the SI rule that the initial letter of a unit name or its derivative shall be lower case in English).[11]"
Tak babo rad. je "250 Cal" mysleno jako 250*4.2 = 1 kJ nebo to je 250 * 1e3 * 4.2 = 1 MJ?
Panove, standardizace energie v zakladni jednotce jidla selhava. Mili kolegove vedci, sepisujte nove granty!