SEJDA: Ale připomnělo mi to výborný vědecký humor z Wikipedie:
Air is the name given to the atmosphere of Earth. … dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases.
Což se ovšem posčítá na 100,01. O kus vedle jsou podrobnější čísla, kde je dusíku 78,084 , a v poznámkách pak:
Two recent reliable sources cited here have total atmospheric compositions, including trace molecules, that exceed 100%. They are Allen's Astrophysical Quantities[5] (2000, 100.001241343%) and CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics[4] (2016–2017, 100.004667%), which cites Allen's Astrophysical Quantities. Both are used as references in this article. Both exceed 100% because their CO2 values were increased to 345 ppmv, without changing their other constituents to compensate. [zase, drtivá většina přibývajícího vznikla z kyslíku a ostatní složky zůstávají stabilní] This is made worse by the April 2019 CO2 value, which is 413.32 ppmv.[2] […] Two older reliable sources have dry atmospheric compositions, including trace molecules, that total less than 100%: U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976[6] (99.9997147%); and Astrophysical Quantities[7] (1976, 99.9999357%).