Edward Snowden Could Be Granted European Asylum After 'Extraordinary' EU Parliament Vote
A vote to recognise Snowden's status as a "human rights defender" was narrowly passed by 285 – 281, with members asked to ensure the whistleblower does not suffer rendition to his homeland where he faces a raft of espionage charges.
Martina DLABAJOVÁ [Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe] ALDE/ADLE CZE in favour
Dita CHARANZOVÁ [Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe] ALDE/ADLE CZE in favour
Petr JEŽEK [Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe] ALDE/ADLE CZE in favour
Jan KELLER [Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament] S&D CZE in favour
Kateřina KONEČNÁ [Confederal European United Left - Nordic Green Left] GUE-NGL CZE not vote
Petr MACH [Europe of freedom and direct democracy Group] EFDD CZE not vote
Jiří MAŠTÁLKA [Confederal European United Left - Nordic Green Left] GUE-NGL CZE not vote
Luděk NIEDERMAYER [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against
Pavel POC [Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament] S&D CZE in favour
Miroslav POCHE [Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament] S&D CZE in favour
Stanislav POLČÁK [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against
Jiří POSPÍŠIL [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against
Miloslav RANSDORF [Confederal European United Left - Nordic Green Left] GUE-NGL CZE not vote
Olga SEHNALOVÁ [Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament] S&D CZE in favour
Pavel SVOBODA [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against
Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against
Jaromír ŠTĚTINA [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against
Pavel TELIČKA [Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe] ALDE/ADLE CZE in favour
Evžen TOŠENOVSKÝ [European Conservatives and Reformists Group] ECR CZE against
Jan ZAHRADIL [European Conservatives and Reformists Group] ECR CZE not vote
Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ [European People s Party (Christian Democrats)] EPP CZE against