FESTER: jenom 95 mega :)
The focal plane of the spacecraft's camera is made up of 42 CCDs at 2200 × 1024 pixels, which made it at the time the largest camera yet launched into space, possessing a total resolution of 95 megapixels. The array is cooled by heat pipes connected to an external radiator. The CCDs are read out every six seconds (to limit saturation) and co-added on board for 30 minutes. However, even though at launch Kepler had the highest data rate of any NASA mission, the 30 minute sums of all 95 million pixels constitute more data than can be stored and sent back to Earth. Therefore the science team has pre-selected the relevant pixels associated with each star of interest, amounting to about 5 percent of the pixels. The data from these pixels is then requantized, compressed and stored, along with other auxiliary data, in the on-board 16 gigabyte solid-state recorder. Data that is stored and downlinked includes science stars, p-mode stars, smear, black level, background and full field-of-view images