(dalsi famozni astrofotograf)
John Chumack www.galacticimages.com
The Sun in Hydrogen Alpha Light - The Full Solar Disk on 03-08-2013
Lunt Solar LS60Scope/LS50 F, B1200, Hydrogen Alpha Solar filter
DMK31 fire-wire camera, 1/408 sec exposure, 724 frames
I captured these Shots during my Lunch break...I was expecting to see a bit more Activity on the Sun
with Solar Maximum being only a month away, and yes, there are a few Sunspots & some prominences visible!
I've been hearing that this has been a weaker Solar Maximum. Despite this lower activity, The Sun is always
Beautiful to see in Hydrogen Alpha Light, and just Maybe it will surprise us with some crazy activity sometime soon!
I included the blue image to help you see the finer surface detail. North is up in both images!