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    ztracené heslo?
    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa
    VIRGO --- ---
    to je fofr...Po nove Delphinae tu mame dalsi, opet objevenou japonskym astronomem
    Koichi Itagakim vcera (objevitel novy v Delfinovi). Mag 15-16, ale v dalsich dnech
    se ocekava zjasneni.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Spitzer slavi 10 let ve vesmiru. CG :)
    Jde o posledni ze ctyr observatori, ktere NASA vypustila na obeznou drahu Zeme, a to 25/8/2003.
    (Predesle tri byly vicepasmovy HST, uz nefunkcni Compton [obor gamma zareni] a rentgenova
    Chandra). Teleskop se zrcadlem o prumeru 0.85m prosel slozitym procesem prejmenovavani:
    Puvodni oznaceni znelo SIRTF (Space Infrared Telescope Facility), pozdeji byl z duvodu lepsiho
    vyslovovani prejmenovan na SST (Spitzer Space Telescope), nese tedy jmeno astrofyzika Lymana
    Spitzera, ktery prisel s napadem tohoto druhu teleskopu uz v roce 1946.
    I pres ubytek chladiciho media jsou stale nektere jeho pristroje funkcni.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Astronomy and Space News - Astro Watch: Cassini Snaps a Picture of Half Lit Dione

    VIRGO --- ---
    Doble Arcoíris / Double Rainbow | Astronomia y Astrofotografia

    VIRGO --- ---
    U tohoto mi spadla celist...okoli marsovskeho krateru Gusev (misto, kde pristaval Spirit),
    snimany sondou Mars Express. Vpravo dole je krasne videt elipticky stin mesice Phobos.

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    hodne hustej "letici ptak"...

    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Dva nadherne ulovky. Na prvnim snimku M45 - Plejady http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plej%C3%A1dy
    Na druhem planetarni mlhovina Helix - NGC 7293 ve Vodnari - jedna z nejblizsich mlhovin od naseho
    slunecniho systemu. http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet%C3%A1rn%C3%AD_mlhovina_Helix

    autor: Steven Kovick
    Camera: Pentax K5 IIs
    Telescope: Orion 8" Newtonian
    Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5
    Guiding: PHD Guiding
    Stacking software: PixInsight
    Location: Just East of Elk Island National Park
    Exposures: 18 x 4 minute exposures @ ISO 400

    autor: Tanja Sund
    0" Orion Astrograph
    Celestron CGem DX
    Guiding SSAG & PHD
    Acquisition: Nebulosity
    Processed with PixInsight & PhotoShopCC
    71 Minutes (9x 180Sec: 27 Min + 10 Darks / 11x 240Sec: 44Min + 10 Darks)
    100 Bias Frames
    4 August 2013 / Magalies Mountain Sanctuary, South Africa
    VIRGO --- ---
    Dalsi dechberouci snimek Saturnu a Titanu, porizeny sondou Cassini 11.8.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Update on the Bright Nova Delphini 2013; Plus a Gallery of Images from our Readers

    BRIGHT NOVA: Nova Delphini, which exploded just four days ago in the northern constellation Delphinus,
    has continued to brighten. With a magnitude of +4.5, it is now easily visible in binoculars even from
    urban areas if you know where to look. This cactus in Tucson, Arizona, points the way:

    VIRGO --- ---
    The Lagoon Nebula

    DRAGON --- ---
    Col. Chris Hadfield
    Good morning! Little-known space fact: Soyuz astronauts get 2 enemas prior to launch. Imagine if that was needed before every long drive...

    It's because the Soyuz toilet is ... basic. The human interface part is the apparatus on the left.

    KOZZINA --- ---
    VIRGO: Diky ;)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Uzasna kratka video sekvence zakrytu Deimosu Phobosem (slozena ze 41 snimku MastCam)
    Martansky sol trva 24h + 40 min, Phobos ma delku obezne periody asi 7.5h, takze se pohybuje
    rychle ve smeru zapad-vychod, Deimosova doba orbity cini 30 hodin, takze se zdanlive pohybuje
    retrogradne. To je dobre viditelne na videu, ale ted mi poprve doklaplo, proc nektere zdroje
    uvadeli retrogradni pohyb Deimosu!!!! (resilo se to i nekde tu...)

    Two Moons Passing in the Martian Night - YouTube
    VIRGO --- ---
    KOZZINA: Paradni!!
    KOZZINA --- ---
    NGC281 - Pacman Nebula - HST palette
    vice informaci o pouzite technice: http://astrofotky.cz/gallery.php?show=ogami/1376568996.jpg

    DRAGON --- ---

    Thomas O'Brien sent SPACE.com this image of the Milky Way over Machu Picchu on July 4, 2013. He captured the photo from Putucusi Mountain, which is located across the Urubamba River Valley from the historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu, Peru. Machu Picchu is the dark, saddle-shaped area between mountains on right side of the image where the arc of the Milky Way intersects with the horizon.
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