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    ztracené heslo?
    DRAGONFotografie z vesmíru a kosmonautiky +videa
    DRAGON --- ---
    From the Apollo 15 Image Library - and enhanced version of AS15-88-11882 which Dave Scott took late in EVA-3 to document damage done to the descent engine bell during the landing. Early in EVA-1, about a minute and a half after his first step onto the lunar surface, Dave requested that Capcom Joe Allen "Tell the Program Manager (Jim McDivitt) I guess I got his engine bell. (Laughs) It's a little rise right under the center of the LM. The rear leg's in a crater and the rim of the crater is right underneath the engine bell. (Pause)
    [Scott, from the mission review done for the ALSJ in the early 1990s - "We had a heavier LM, with an engine that had a large bell. And we were told that, if we didn't shut the engine down before the bell contacted the ground, the bell would split and who knew what would happen. So one of our challenges was to get the engine off before the bell split. In fact, Jim McDivitt, the Program Manager bet me we couldn't do it. So Jim (Irwin) and I practiced that, only because it was a challenge. 'When the blue light goes on, tell me contact, and I'll get the sucker off. And I will also make sure I don't push the wrong button.' Because we had three buttons. One was abort. That was the red one. It was the blue one that shut the engine down. And you want to make sure you push the right button at the right time. You pay attention to that. Nevertheless, it was important to get the engine off immediately when we got to the point we knew we were down. So that changed some of our thinking, procedurally, in terms of what we did. It didn't change the mechanics of the procedures, but it did change the awareness of what we were trying to do."]
    [Dave crosses the TV picture from right to left, apparently trying out the two-footed kangaroo or bunny hop. Note that his task list includes three minutes of familiarization or "Fam".]
    119:57:32 Allen: Roger, Dave. Jim (McDivitt) got the message.
    119:57:33 Scott: (To McDivitt) Okay. Sorry about that Jim, but IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) landings, you know. (Pause)

    ARCHIMEDES --- ---
    ARCHIMEDES --- ---
    DRAGON: Astroporno!
    DRAGON --- ---
    Juno je kruťák :)

    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    K4STAN: "povrch komety 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, snimano ze sondy Rosseta"
    K4STAN --- ---
    BLACKHEAD: odkud to je ?
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    BETTER: Mohlo by byt zajimavy hopsat po ni, drzet se ve stinu... ;-) Jinak na slunecny strane to asi bude dost neprijemny...
    BLACKHEAD --- ---

    (nalezeno v GIFech)
    DRAGON --- ---
    SULINAR --- ---
    DRAGON: čím jsi to fotil jestli se smím zeptat? :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    dvě z víkendu v Kaunertalu

    DRAGON --- ---
    DRAGON --- ---
    SULINAR: tos me docela urazil, napsal sem to sem za poslednich 8 let jen jednou :) prach supr :)
    SULINAR --- ---
    DRAGON: ty jsi už jak LALINA :)

    Tady máš nějaký ty fotky :)

    Prachové laviny v Acheron Fossae, díky třetinové gravitaci se prach na Marsu chová podobně jako voda na Zemi.
    DRAGON --- ---
    SVANC --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Vnímání světla má logaritmický průběh a oko má neuvěřitelný rozsah. Takže i když na Plutu je plus mínus 1600x méně světla od Slunce než na Zemi, stále to ještě je o několik řádů více než intenzita světla za úplňku na Zemi.
    0.05–0.3 Full moon on a clear night
    32,000–100,000 Direct sunlight
    DRAGON --- ---
    ATOMIKS: ty seru z vas uz nekolik let :)
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    DRAGON: tak to z tý fotky krabí mlhoviny musíš srát delfíny, ne?
    DRAGON --- ---
    panove, kdyztak presun do Astro, tohle je hlavne o fotkach. O co mi slo je to, ze mohli nechat aspon tu zakladni colorizovanou, vybarvit to jeste vic jak omalovanky mi prislo uz trochu zbytecny.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    TURNPIKE: albedo je sice hezký, ale intenzita světla klesá s druhou mocninou vzdálenosti, a Pluto je cca 40 krát dál, ergo je to tisíckrát slabší plus mínus autobus. Možná na přivrácený straně k Charonu to bude lepší, ale žádnou velkou slávu bych tam neočekával.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam