WOJTYLA: multivěžový klidně, ale tady ta zadní věž je protiletadlová - navíc by to byl tier X. jo a je to mimochodem koncept, který vymyslel Stanislaw Lem :)
Czolg P (Pancernik) or the Stanislaw Lem tank
Stanisław Lem was a famed Polish writer of science fiction, philosophy and satire; you may know him from his most famous work, Solaris. What some of you may be unaware of was that when Lem was not writing, he tried his hand at tank design.
Lem submitted his proposal to the USSR, which used current and future (1944–1947) heavy tank technology. In the letter, Projects of technical innovations in defense, Lem included illustrations of the proposed tank, and the letter also featured other, smaller tanks.
The vehicle, called Czolg P (Pancernik)/tank-battleship, would have weighed 220 tons, have been 10 meters long and 4 meters wide. It would have been armed with a supposed 152–155 mm. gun for its main turret, 2 AA machine guns in the rear, and 4 machine guns in the smaller copulas along the perimeter. Including its 4 tracks propelled by a single diesel engine, it would be quite a formidable super-heavy tank. Unfortunately, due to an abundance of ground cruiser projects, the USSR ultimately passed on the project.