dle tohoto WG maže jen 10+ let nehraný účty kvůli GDPR:
https://legal.eu.wargaming.net/en/eula4.10. We may delete your Account if your Account is inactive. Your Account is inactive if you have not logged in your Account for a consecutive period of ten (10) years. We will inform you at least forty-five (45) days before we delete your Account and you will have the possibility to prevent your Account from being deleted by logging into your Account and restoring your Account until the date set out in the information about the planned deletion. When we delete your Account, your personal data will be deleted or anonymized.takže je to buď scam a nebo WG něco posralo (ale sám mám přes rok nehranej alt a nic mi zatim nepřišlo)
LIQUIDFREAK: jestli to neni scam a opravdu to přišlo z adresy končící @wargaming.net tak se ještě ujisti, že je to tvůj main, jestli jsi třeba kdysi nezakládal nějakej alt, kterej nedávno oslavil 10. narozeniny :)