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    ztracené heslo?
    SCHWEPZOccupy Wall Street
    FESTER --- ---
    PREVIT: lidi ve svete si ho "vazi" proto ze byl prvni postkomunistickej... nic vic nic min
    PREVIT --- ---
    FESTER: Kdyby to byl nastrcenej "bilej kun", myslis, ze by si ho tolik lidi ve svete vazilo?
    FESTER --- ---
    PREVIT: zas tak prd ne... naky knizky od nej sem cetl...

    PREVIT: Havel... pac si udelal pak s komousama keri ho drzeli v base... jakmile komousi zjistili ze to neudrzi v ruce... tak my te pustime stanes se presidentem a ty nas nebudes stihat zakazovat a podobne... Walesa prvni co udelal je zakazal komoskou stranu Havel je omlouval...
    PREVIT --- ---
    FESTER: Kdo to podle tebe mel vzit tenkrat do ruky?
    PREVIT --- ---
    FESTER: Ale o Havlovi vis prd.
    FESTER --- ---
    FESTER: nejaky hrdina se musel vyrobit...
    FESTER --- ---
    PREVIT: ano zil jsem v CR... odchod 1986 takze ne moc daleko od sametove...
    PREVIT --- ---
    FESTER: Tys tu tenkrat zil? Kolik ti bylo let? (nechci hned bejt sprostej...)
    FESTER --- ---
    vyuzilo se toho ze byl v base jeho knizky zakazany systemem ( zakazane ovoce nejvic chutna) jinac zasluhy na sametove revoluci = 0
    FESTER --- ---
    PREVIT: nasrtcena figurka... bylo potreba udelat radoby leadera
    PREVIT --- ---
    FESTER: Hmmmm...
    FESTER --- ---
    XCHAOS: Havel je u me idiot... nabrat vazne...
    udalal pakt s komousama
    XCHAOS --- ---
    A Man in Tunisia, a Movement on Wall Street, and the Soldier Who Ignited the Fuse | MichaelMoore.com
    XCHAOS --- ---
    'Anyone who takes himself too seriously runs the risk of looking ridiculous; anyone who can laugh at himself does not.' - Vaclav Havel
    FESTER --- ---
    taj ka paradni lidi jako napr Willie Nelson...

    zvanej jedno a delaji jine :

    Count millionaire country singer and tax cheat Willie Nelson among the growing list of extremely wealthy entertainers supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement.

    Where better to make his feelings known than at the perilously liberal Huffington Post Saturday:

    Thanks to the Occupy Wall Street movement, there's a deeper understanding about the power that corporations wield over the great majority of us. It's not just in the financial sector, but in all facets of our lives. The disparity between the top 1 percent and everyone else has been laid bare -- there's no more denying that those at the top get their share at the expense of the 99 percent. Lobbyists, loopholes, tax breaks... how can ordinary folks expect a fair shake?

    Maybe Nelson ought to look in the mirror as he was raised by his grandparents during the Depression and had to pick cotton at a very young age.

    Now he's worth $15 million.

    Sound like he got a fair shake?

    Of course, as the New York Times reported in 1991, Nelson made a lot of his money by not paying taxes:

    Since Willie Nelson's "Who'll Buy My Memories? (The I.R.S. Tapes)" went on sale in June, it has sold only 160,000 copies. Under Mr. Nelson's unusual arrangement with the Government, the collection of 25 songs must sell at least four million copies if it is to erase the singer-songwriter's tax obligations.

    "You got to be positive," Mr. Nelson said in an telephone interview last week. "It's not unheard of. I could sell three million albums. I've done it before." He hopes sales will improve when the collection is available in stores; it is sold now only through phone orders advertised mostly on late-night television.

    When Mr. Nelson was served last year with a $32 million bill for delinquent taxes -- one of the largest ever presented to an individual -- it seemed unlikely that anyone, even the cowboy heroes of his country and western songs, could rescue him.

    That bears repeating: "When Mr. Nelson was served last year with a $32 million bill for delinquent taxes..."

    Who's he to point fingers about "the top [getting] their share at the expense of the 99 percent?"

    jinac asi pro tebe prima clovek... huli marenu tak ho berem... :)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Myslím si, že minimálně dalších 24h (vyhlášený státní smutek za neznámého vojína :-) je ontopic hledat paralely mezi hnutím, které Havel rozpoutal v 70tých letech v celé Východní Evropě - a mezi arabským jarem a jeho západními protipóly.
    FESTER --- ---
    XCHAOS: jiste ze ne... jenze mezi tema OWS je tez hodne ilegalu vis...:)
    PREVIT --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Když už dneska ten Havel... dost dobrý článek...
    TečkaCZ - xChaos: Keep on Rockin' in the Free World #rock #music #freedom #vaclavhavel
    XCHAOS --- ---
    FESTER: vidíš, já ani o žádných ilegálech nemluvil...
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