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    ztracené heslo?
    SCHWEPZOccupy Wall Street
    ADMIX --- ---
    XCHAOS: Neboj, ja to znam, demokracie, ale jen vocad pocad.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    ADMIX: sorry, ale byl to offtopic.... a dost zjevný. sice míň agresivní, než offtopic video krádeží v samoobsluze, ale pořád offtopic.

    (jak vidíš, tak moderátor se anketami vždy neřídí :-)
    ADMIX --- ---
    XCHAOS: psal, ze podporuje OWS (ta zelva), takze to offtopic nebyl!
    XSI --- ---
    A tohle konstatování samozřejmě offtopic vůbec není ;-)

    A to je ten důvod, proč to tu asi spousta lidí čte nárazově, pokud vůbec, a určitě ne denně, a nehlasují v anketě atd. Popravdě, když vidím, kolik je tu vždycky nových příspěvků, ani nemá cenu ten spamklub otvírat. A je to škoda :-(
    XCHAOS --- ---
    (smazal jsem 1x offtopic od FESTERa, protože jeho želva s pivem na zádech tu offtopic je)

    Jistě - život FESTERovi nezničilo osamělé pochlastávání, ale aktivisté OWS. Jak jinak....
    FESTER --- ---
    cool ne ???

    Occu-Mom Places 4 Year-Old Daughter on Train Tracks.wmv - YouTube
    FESTER --- ---
    titulni stranka :

    FESTER --- ---
    propaganda liberalu :

    Virginia Elementary School Indoctrinating Third-Graders With Occupy Sing-A-Long: “They Want More Money, They’re The 1% … I’m Happy To Be Part Of The 99%”…

    shame takle vyplachovat mozky malych deti...:(
    FESTER --- ---

    We reported on Thursday of a schism between the progressive wing of the Coffee Party and its leadership. Launched with high hopes last year and seen by some as a progressive answer to Tea Party, the party has instead been an example of the failure to counter the power and energy of the tea party movement -- and its own board members are portraying it as an organizational disaster.

    The Coffee Party and its discontents - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com

    have a nice day...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Coffee Party USA | The Coffee Party's Top 10 Accomplishments in 2011 | Coffee Party
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Unemployed Portuguese told to 'just emigrate' - Features - Al Jazeera English
    FESTER --- ---
    Occupy Charlotte turmoil after 4 accused of burning U.S. flag | WCNC.com Charlotte
    FESTER --- ---
    XCHAOS: co je na poznamce offtopic ???

    XCHAOS: well done...
    Kdo je Eamonn McCann ???? let see :

    He was involved with the Irish Workers Group, a Trotskyist organisation, for a time in the 1960s...


    A Trotskyist and outspoken atheist, he is a prominent member of the Socialist Workers Party in Ireland, and in recent Northern Ireland elections has stood as a candidate for the Socialist Environmental Alliance

    cim dal tim lepsi... veris vazne dobrym lidem....
    As a political activist, he has lent his support and considerable oratorical skills to many causes, including campaigns in support of abortion rights, immigrants and gay marriage.

    vrana k vrane seda...

    pak sed nedivime ze tomuto buzerantskymu komunistovi veris...:)

    have a nice day
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Why a whistle-blowing US soldier is my Man of the Year - Eamon McCann, Columnists - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk
    If Bradley Manning had committed war crimes rather that exposing them, he wouldn't be in so much bother.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    FESTER: typickej offtopic.

    ale víte co, dnes je Silvestr, a já současně nemám žádné extra program na večer a při kvalitě všech našich deseti digitalizovaných kanálů bude net zřejmě ještě to zábavnější. takže to tady asi bude trochu Silvestrovské vydání a holt vás fakt šetřit nebudu.
    FESTER --- ---
    stare zname pravidlo

    1) Vzdy mam pravdu
    2) pokud nemam pravdu tak v tom pripade plati bod 1
    ADMIX --- ---
    FESTER: Pravdu ma nacelnik!
    FESTER --- ---
    XCHAOS: jiste pirati maji VZDY pravdu....
    ADMIX --- ---
    A nebo nemas premiovku, ve ktery jsou plny anketky - neudelame ostrou petici zidobolsevikovi NYXovi?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam