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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Bringing Julian Assange Home: John Pilger - New Matilda

    When Harold Pinter accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, he referred to “a vast tapestry of lies up on which we feed”. He asked why “the systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities, the ruthless suppression of independent thought” of the Soviet Union were well known in the West while America’s imperial crimes “never happened… even while [they]were happening, they never happened”.

    In its revelations of fraudulent wars (Afghanistan, Iraq) and the bald-faced lies of governments (the Chagos Islands), WikiLeaks has allowed us to glimpse how the imperial game is played in the 21st century. That is why Assange is in mortal danger.

    John Pilger Speaks at Free Julian Assange Rally - Sydney Town Hall - 17th June 2018
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    Conspiracy Builds to Force Assange Out of Ecuadorian Embassy
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    Protest in Sydney, Sunday 17 June, to demand freedom for Julian Assange | (We) can do better

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    Pressure Builds On Australian Government To Act On Assange Stalemate - New Matilda

    On 8 June 2018 a DFAT spokesperson confirmed that: “The Australian Government is committed to engaging in good faith with the United Nations Human Rights Council and its mechanisms, including the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.”

    The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is described as ‘a body of independent human rights experts that investigate cases of arbitrary arrest and detention.’ It was established by resolution 1991/42 of the former Commission on Human Rights.

    What does all this mean? Over two years have passed without any further comment about the WGAD’s findings by the Government. Now the Government is paying lip service to the existence and role of the WGAD, as it must as a conscientious member of the United Nations. But it is still refusing publicly to accept or even acknowledge its findings in relation to Mr Assange’s detention, let alone trying in any way to address them.
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    New Film “Discreet Airlift” Documents the Struggle to Hold U.S. Officials Accountable for Torture

    (film included pod odkazem)

    The Bush years saw the opening of the “global war on terrorism,” a borderless, opaque conflict in which the U.S. government became a proponent of wars of aggression, extrajudicial killing, indefinite detention, and torture. Obama’s fateful decision to not seek criminal accountability for the acts of that period — as well as his failure to shut down some of its most notorious landmarks, like the prison at Guantánamo Bay — has allowed many of those responsible for post-9/11 human rights abuses to remain in or return to public service. Among those who have found themselves “falling upwards” despite their involvement in likely criminal acts is Gina Haspel, a CIA official heavily implicated in detainee torture who was confirmed last month as the director of the intelligence agency.

    With no apparent consequences for official criminality, some citizens are trying to take accountability into their own hands. As part of this effort, a citizen-led group called the North Carolina Commission of Inquiry on Torture is working to investigate the role that public and private institutions in its state played in helping facilitate extraordinary rendition — essentially a kidnapping program to clandestinely move detainees to more friendly jurisdictions — and torture carried out by the U.S. government. The commission is the focus of Johanna Hamilton’s “Discreet Airlift,” a new film from Field of Vision. The film follows activists in North Carolina attempting to raise awareness about the involvement of local officials and private companies in post-9/11 torture, including Aero Contractors, a CIA-connected company that conducted rendition flights on behalf of the agency.
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    Edward Snowden: 'The people are still powerless, but now they're aware' | US news | The Guardian
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    2018 'Delayed Disclosure': National Security, Whistle-Blowers and the Nature of Secrecy

    The significance of Edward Snowden’s revelations has been viewed primarily through the prism of threats to citizen privacy. Instead, we argue that the most dramatic change has been a decline of government secrecy, especially around national security. While the ethical aspects of state secrets and ‘whistle-blowing’ have received recent attention, few have attempted to explain the dynamics of this growing climate of exposure. Our argument is largely technological and we ground our analysis in the changing nature of intelligence work, which is increasingly merging with ‘big data’. But we also identify a related cultural change: many intelligence contractors are at best agnostic about the national security state. Meanwhile, the Internet itself provides the perfect medium for the anonymous degradation of secrets. Because the main driver is technology, we suggest this trend is likely to accelerate, presenting national security chiefs with one of their biggest future challenges.

    dl: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/?s=10.1177%2F0032321718764990
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    Edward Snowden Interview with Peter Van Valkenburgh of Coin Center | Blockstack Berlin 2018
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    “Just be fair”: when does journalism undermine its own reputation? | openDemocracy

    YB: What’s the most remarkable experience you have had working on Wikileaks releases and Snowden files?

    SM: Access to information which has basically revealed the ‘invisible power’, the state and the intelligence services that act behind our backs. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are not aware of these dark corners and don’t realize the existence of the full force of the State against them. Assange, Snowden, and Manning have shed tremendous light on the inner government of the world, notwithstanding.


    YB: Do you think that the Metadata programme is still running?

    SM: Of course, they carry on as always. Metadata is one of the most important leaks in history. The European Union has done absolutely nothing about this. Metadata has never prevented any kind of terrorist attack. They basically run it not to fight terrorism, but in order to gather information, because information is power.


    It is very damaging that the media likes to portray a confrontation between Wikileaks and the United States. This is propaganda, not the big picture. At the governmental level, the Australian Government has done absolutely nothing regarding Julian Assange's case. I wonder if they have even realized that an Australian citizen is being arbitrarily detained in London just for doing journalism! Wikileaks is an ‘aggressive’ media organization on a mission to fight the ‘invisible power’ behind any government in the world.


    I am not saying that the Guardian should spend its days celebrating WikiLeaks. But it should just be fair. 

Take the term "fugitive" they used in their latest story on "Operation Hotel": that is precisely the word the UK government uses to refer to Julian Assange. The Guardian is certainly aware that the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) established that the UK government is responsible for detaining him arbitrarily since 2010.

    It definitely knows that the UK government tried to appeal the UNWGAD's decision and lost. So in the eyes of international law, Julian Assange is a vulnerable person under arbitrary detention by the UK government: he is not a fugitive.

    I don't think the media should assist powerful governments in whitewashing violations of international law and I don't think the Guardian should help the UK government to smash WikiLeaks: it should act as a watchdog.

    WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are definitely not perfect and I do not agree with everything they do regardless: they certainly have made mistakes and some questionable choices. But as a matter of fact, as a long-time media partner, I have been able to verify that the documents they have published are genuine and in the public interest.

    This is what a media organisation does: publishing authentic information in the public interest. They have done very important work by providing crucial documents to the public, so that every lawyer, every journalist, every activist and citizen can access the information freely and take informed decisions.

    This work is extremely valuable and, it is a matter of fact that this work has been copied or imitated by many. I don't think there is any doubt that the powerful entities exposed by WikiLeaks want to destroy it and I don't think there is any doubt that Julian Assange and his WikiLeaks team face huge legal and extralegal risks. I don't think I have ever seen another media organisation targeted by the full force of the State, as WikiLeaks is. Media like the Guardian should not assist governments and their powerful entities in smashing WikiLeaks. That's not what journalism is supposed to do.
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    Assange's refuge in Ecuadorian embassy 'in jeopardy' - CNNPolitics

    Assange’s protection from US extradition “in jeopardy” | I am WikiLeaks
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    - je to teda z tech zakazenych serveru, ale snad to prezijete bez osypku. dam i odkaz na original...

    I já jsem Julian Assange

    "...Juliana Assange odsoudilo Švédsko, Británie, USA a teď i Ekvádor k samovazbě bez přístupu ke slunečnímu světlu nebo k lékařské péči. Bez soudu, bez rozsudku a na základě pouhých tvrzení, z nichž většina se ukázala jako vycucaná z prstu. To je v rozporu s tolika národními a mezinárodními zákony, že je zbytečné se je snažit vypočítávat a vyjmenovávat.

    Zároveň jsou tím všichni budoucí bojovníci za pravdu odsouzeni k perspektivě, že s nimi bude nakládáno stejným způsobem jako s Julianem. Zapomeňte na soudy, zapomeňte na spravedlnost. Dostanete se na seznam hledaných. Dosud jsem neztratil drobnou naději, že do věci vstoupí Vladimir Putin a zachrání Assange před tou hrubou nespravedlností, která ho pronásleduje až příliš mnoho let. Putina stíhá stokrát víc lží a narážek než Assange, ale má za sebou silný národ. Assange má v konečném důsledku jen nás.

    Možná nejsmutnější na lidech, jako jsou Chelsea Manning, Kim Dotcom, Edward Snowden a Julian Assange, je to, že všichni patří k vůbec nejchytřejším lidem, které může náš svět nabídnout. Tu kombinaci inteligence, odvahy a morálky, kterou vykazují na své vlastní nebezpečí a riziko, bychom si měli hýčkat, ale místo toho je necháváme šikanovat našimi vládami, protože ti lidé odhalují pravdy, které se vládám vůbec nehodí.

    Brzy už nezbyde nikdo, kdo by ty pravdy říkal, nebo vůbec jakékoli pravdy. Temné dny. Když dovolujeme, aby ti nejbystřejší a nejodvážnější mezi námi a navíc nejzběhlejší v nových technologiích byli umlčováni, dovolujeme zároveň, aby se tyto technologie používaly proti nám.

    Nejsme nijak daleko od stavu, kdy se v našich vlastních životech staneme nadbytečnými – kdy bude všechno důležité rozhodováno nikoliv námi, ale za nás. Otcové zakladatelé se obracejí v hrobech. Ti by dobře chápali, proč je potřeba chránit Juliana Assange.

    Když řekneme, že my všichni jsme Julian Assange, není to jen slogan."

    I Am Julian Assange
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    On Courage
    [8 min]

    I wanted to talk on the the importance of courage for having a entertaining life, for having a fulfilling and inspiring life, for having fun with the various organizations that have done bad things that we have exposed. Most of them in the business are trying to instill fear into people. They don't actually need to be able to carry out their threats, they just need to have people believe that there's a serious chance they might, and that's I think a very very important lesson from this. My experiences and the experiences of the rest of our staff over the last eight years show that actually there's an attempt to use my situation as a general deterrent, which I'm not very happy about, but I want to put it in perspective.

    So how much risk is there 'being WikiLeaks', or 'working for WikiLeaks', or visiting me here at the Embassy, or donating to WikiLeaks, or to its legal defense, or supporting us. Videos like the one you saw suggest that the the risk is unlimited, but in fact the number of people that have been in prison, who work for WikiLeaks, is just me - first for 10 days, then I had very severe house arrest for five hundred and sixty days, and then about 2000 days in this embassy with an ongoing battle with the British government, which spends about 5 million pounds a year in a type of hi-tech siege around the embassy. But I haven't been killed, I haven't been assassinated, no one else working for WikiLeaks has even been arrested, no one has been prosecuted for supporting us. It hasn't come about not because all those threats are completely empty, it's come about because we have intelligently managed those threats. Despite the difficulties of my personal situation, which is physically adverse in various ways, we're able to continue publishing. And we have published on average a million documents every year, and continue to do the very meaningful and significant work that makes life satisfying.

    So I think that is the first step in a genuine courage - that actually there's not much courage needed to act in a way that appears to be courageous, because authorities who are attempting to stop people - in our case knowing the truth, but in other cases secure liberty for one group or another - first look to create perception of fear in people. And they have become extremely skilled at it. And the more developed the society and the economy, the more skilled in installing that fear without resorting to assassinations. There are of course circumstance which arise, as they have in Syria and Libya and before that Iraq, where the desire to install fear is actually backed by serious military force and people are killed. But for most of us that is not the case, and for those of us who have the luxury of living in countries which have not fallen into war, I believe it is our duty, it is a weight on all of us to try and use our luxurious position in the West to see through the illusions of fear, in order to ensure that those people in other countries don't face the reality of war. And we have made some significant contributions to that of which I am proud. So that's my thesis - that most fear is installed in people by those in power looking to dissuade them from actions that they can actually more or less safely take.

    Economy of money, reputation, attention
    [37 min]

    Every movement needs an economic basis. The proper economic basis of the left in history has been unionism, occasionally there have been churches and sometimes mass membership in political organizations and their membership base. But now we are in a situation where broadly speaking in the West there is no economic basis for the left. There are connections to political parties and government for patronage that comes from it. That of course refers to all parties that might getting involved and the jobs they can hand out. So without an economic basis one is left with a subsidiary motivation and that is reputation. The reputational economy is based on another economy which is the attention economy. The attention economy is a zero-sum game - there's a finite amount of attention and for you to get some, you have to take it from other places. WikiLeaks is famous for being persecuted and for its publications. It has a lot of wealth in the attention economy and I personally have a lot of wealth in the attention economy, but my wealth is being famous for being severely persecuted. Within the left there are some who are all about - in their view - equalizing disparities in wealth and the particular wealth that they have been going for is this reputation economy wealth. So because the mainstream press is always looking for ways to attack WikiLeaks and to attack me because of its coupling to existing security and big business establishments, those who are after attention are able to get themselves get re-eported by the mainstream press by attacking me.

    Information sphere and AI
    [42 min]

    The issue of our information sphere, our information universe that we have to deal with as human beings is [...] a much a much bigger problem [...], I think it's our greatest challenge now.

    If we look at the direction of AI and the automation of the production of information that flows across - political information, cultural information - then we're heading into a very postmodern world. A little bit like the transformation from classical physics into a quantum description of reality - a slightly blurred, unpredictable reality that human beings can't possibly assess and therefore make determinations on. That is a very serious problem that all human societies will have to face, and it is politically used by Facebook, Google and their other intermediaries as their excuse as to why they should manage the information space of human civilization. They're not just simply robber barons that can sit by. Rather, they have become in some sense kings of our information space and they have the obligation of the nobles to intervene and to manage human perception on broad scale. But that is truly a threat to everything that everyone does, because everything that you do is based upon your perceptions. There's nothing else to base it on other than what you perceive, and if your perceptions are being changed on mass in bulk by artificial intelligences that we have a very hard problem perceiving, and that move at speeds faster than we can understand them, then human politics as we know it is over, and human culture as we know is is gone, and the human management of human affairs will be nothing like what we are familiar with.

    [...] [This] negative message is really important. The information space will be dominated by artificial intelligences and that means the end of human politics as anything that we can conceive.

    But on the other hand child mortality is decreasing. -- It's not a joke. There's a lot of longed-for statistics about the human condition which are improving and have been improving over 40 years, and they continue to improve. But how much influence we're able to maintain to pursue our shared interests, is I think questionable when we are no longer in control of how we perceive the world.

    [...] We had our battle with the NSA. I've been having battles in relationship to cryptography since 1990s and we won repeatedly important parts of those battles. The battle against Orwellian state control that the National Security Agency threatened - the answer is cryptography - and it's not a complete answer, but it's a substantial answer. The battle against artificial intelligence is not feeding the damn thing, it's 'stop feeding Google'. It needs to train on what human beings do, so when human beings give over their lives, document their lives, to information services that are accessible by Google and Baidu and so on, we are laying the foundations for our own predictability with the erection of artificial intelligences which can operate within the human space. Not runaway killer robots, but rather runaway giant corporations that have that tremendous capacity. And they will use it like corporations have always used these advantages compared to others, to extend their domain of domination over others.

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    Speech by Mr. Julian Assange at the #ElevateFestival
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    Ecuador’s Ex-President Rafael Correa Denounces Treatment of Julian Assange as “Torture”

    Treatment of Assange is unjust, says former Ecuador minister | World news | The Guardian

    The Guardian Rejoices in the Silencing of Assange - Craig Murray
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    2018 Nozomi Hayase - WikiLeaks, the Global Fourth Estate

    WikiLeaks, the Global Fourth Estate: History Is Happening: Nozomi Hayase: 9781984027184: Amazon.com: Books

    dl: http://nozomihayase.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/N_Hayaseweb.pdf
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    I as a retired US Army colonel with 29 years in the US military and then a former US diplomat who was in the u.s. Diplomatic Service for 16 years and served in US embassies in Nicaragu,a Grenada, Somalia Usbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, I helped reopen US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2001 and then was the deputy chief of mission or deputy ambassador in Mongolia in 2003, and I resigned from the US government after nearly 40 years in working under eight different US presidents.


    it is critical to our world that we know what's going on with our governments and quite honestly I've learned more from WikiLeaks about the operation of the US government through the diplomatic files bradley manning now chelsea manning delivered to wikileaks than I really knew in my 16 years with the US government. I've read more US diplomatic cables through WikiLeaks and I ever did with 16 years in the US government.

    Ann Wright on Wikileaks
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    Defector: WikiLeaks ‘Will Lie to Your Face’
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    The Global Intelligence Files - List of Releases

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    re:publica 2018 – Opening Fireside Chat with Chelsea Manning
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    “Motivated by justice”: defending the world’s courageous people | openDemocracy

    Australian human rights lawyer and member of the legal team defending Wikileaks since 2010, talks about the hacker from Queensland who chose to fight against surveillance capitalism. Interview.
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