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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    JOHN PILGER: Assange Arrest a Warning from History – Consortiumnews
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    Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S. | Democracy Now!

    Assange helped teach the people about our tarnished freedom – now we are all he has left to defend him | The Independent
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    Daniel Ellsberg On Assange Arrest: The Beginning of the End For Press Freedom
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    takze krok k totalitnimu rezimu. congrats
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    Spanish Police Probe Extortion Scheme Involving Surveillance on Assange – Consortiumnews
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    RELEASE: Ecuador threatened Assange over his efforts to stop its espionage operation against his legal, journalistic meetings.

    1st letter is from meeting with Frontline Club founder Vaughan Smith.
    2nd letter is from meeting with free speech group Article 19's Legal Director. https://t.co/eh4tuMpcZn
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    Whistleblower: WikiLeaks reports spying operation against Julian Assange at Ecuador embassy in London | In English | EL PAÍS
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    Julian Assange: WikiLeaks says spies at work in Ecuadorian embassy | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    LIVE: Wikileaks Editor in chief holds press briefing on Assange's "new criminal case"
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    The Guardian view on Julian Assange: it would be wrong to extradite him | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian
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    On the Pavement with Wikileaks - Craig Murray

    When Julian does leave the Embassy, whatever the circumstances in which he does that, it will be for a day or two the largest media story in the world and undoubtedly will lead all the news bulletins across every major country. The odds are that he will be leaving and facing a fight against extradition to the United States, on charges arising from the Chelsea Manning releases which revealed a huge amount about US war crimes and other illegal acts.

    It will be very important to try to focus a hostile media on why it is Julian is actually wanted for extradition. Not for the non-existent collusion with Russia to assist Trump, which is an entirely fake narrative. Not for meetings with Manafort which never happened. Not for the allegations in Sweden which fell apart immediately they were subject to rational scrutiny. And not for any nonsense about whether he hacked the communications in the Embassy or cleaned up the cat litter.

    This is not going to be an easy task because pretty well all of the Western media is going to want to focus on these false anti-Assange narratives, and they will be determined to give as little attention as possible to the fact he is a publisher facing trial for publishing leaked state documents which revealed state wrongdoing. It is a classic and fundamental issue of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Drawing together a team that can get this message across in such MSM windows as are afforded, as well as through social media, is an important task. The team needs to be in readiness and to be backed by a suitable support infrastructure that can be dusted off and sprung into action. The public framing of Julian’s position will undoubtedly impact on the final outcome; that is why the MSM have put in such a consistent effort to demonise one of the most interesting figures and original thinkers of our time.

    If the balloon really had gone up this weekend, we would have been woefully unprepared to deal with the task of explaining the true story. If nothing else, this weekend’s alarm has been very helpful in concentrating minds on the size of the task.
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    From Brexiteers to Communists And Everything Between: Protesters Unite For Julian Assange at Ecuadorian Embassy
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    The government of Ecuador has removed an official from its embassy in London who is accused of having a close rapport with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

    Foreign Minister Jose Valencia told Democracia radio Monday the civil servant "worked in a very close way" with Assange. He did not provide the official's name or go into any detail, other than to say that embassy workers must respond first to the Ecuadorian state
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    Assange hraje o život. Čím pobouřil Ekvádor a proč mu hrozí ztráta azylu? | info.cz
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    FULL DOC: Never seen before Assange court testimony sheds fresh light on US-backed Ecuadorian expulsion plans https://t.co/YgkWkJqXnQ

    Transcript JA Ecuador Court Intervention
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    Julian Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson on rumours the Wikileaks founder will be expelled from Ecuador's Embassy and extradited to the United States. https://t.co/qSn0PgzazK

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    SCHWEPZ: "President Moreno, desperate to divert public attention away from the scandal, is using the claims as a pretext to oust Julian Assange, whom he erroneously blames for the publication, from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. On 2 April, the President stated that Assange has “violated the ‘conditions’ of his asylum” and that he will “take a decision” “in the short term.”" https://defend.wikileaks.org/...blog-julian-assange-in-jeopardy/?mc_cid=34cd97b2c3&mc_eid=8188ea33de
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    SCHWEPZ: cz tisk opet fascinujici:

    "Podle serveru Wikileaks by měl být Assange vyhozen kvůli skandálu, k němuž nedávno zveřejnil dokumenty." -- tak nevim jestli tohle je zamerna idiocie novinare co to pise nebo je nekompetentnost v zakladni anglictine? wikileaks zminily tenhle leak na svym twitteru, to je asi tak vsechno co s tim maj spolecnyho. zbytek ohledne toho kdo to heknul atd. je ekvadorska fabulace (alespon z dostupnejch informaci).

    a opet v clanku chybne uvedeno "obvineni ze znasilneni" ("Assange se uchýlil na ekvádorské velvyslanectví v roce 2012, aby se vyhnul vydání do Švédska, které ho chtělo vyslechnout kvůli obvinění ze znásilnění z roku 2010.") kdyz slo o podani vysvetleni. nekolikrat jsem jim kvuli tomu psal do lidovek, ale ignorujou me.

    a lezerne zmineno, ze muze byt vydan to usa, coz je obrovskej problem pro celou zurnalistickou profesi, bez jakyhokoliv dalsiho komentare.

    asi nelze cekat nic vic. halo noviny at its best.
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    Zakladatel serveru WikiLeaks Julian Assange bude vyhnán z azylu na ekvádorském velvyslanectví v Londýně během několika dnů či hodin,
    uvedl na Twitteru WikiLeaks s odvoláním na nejmenovaný vysoce postavený ekvádorský zdroj. Ekvádor se na tom podle něj už dohodl s Británií.

    Zakladatel WikiLeaks Assange prý může přijít o azyl, během pár dnů - iDNES.cz
    Assange expulsion from Ecuador embassy would be 'illegal,' his legal team says - CNN

    Podle serveru Wikileaks by měl být Assange vyhozen kvůli skandálu, k němuž nedávno zveřejnil dokumenty. Kauza se týká rodiny ekvádorského prezidenta Lenína Morena a převádění peněz do daňových rájů.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam