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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    DNC vs @Wikileaks Court Opinion
    "It is sufficient for this case to find that the privacy interest in the alleged trade secrets is insufficient to overcome the strong public interest in the publication of matters of paramount public concern" (pg 47 thread)
    #RussiaGate #FreeAssange https://t.co/JF2MKeMVi2

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    Court opinion from SDNY on alleged #RussiaGate conspiracy against DNC:
    - "DNC provides no evidence that Trump Campaign and @Wikileaks (1) participated in theft of DNC emails (2) helped the Russian Federation (3) were even aware of the hack beforehand"
    - (paraphrase - link below) https://t.co/v1Q1pyo2b1

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    An important win for free speech: we have won our motion to dismiss for @wikileaks in the @DNC lawsuit against #Assange, WikiLeaks et al over the 2016 US election publications on First Amendment grounds. Full judgment: https://t.co/SZmyLd1Z83

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    National strike against Ecuadorian government demands Assange’s freedom - World Socialist Web Site
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    Assange stál za únikem e-mailů před volbami v USA. Byl ve spojení s Ruskem, píše CNN — ČT24 — Česká televize

    Záběry ze skrytých kamer a záznamy bezpečnostních agentů mají dokazovat, že velvyslanectví proměnil v řídící centrum WikiLeaks a místo, odkud otřásl prezidentskou kampaní ve Spojených státech.

    fakt konec tohle

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    A new low from US journalism:@CNN gained access to logs gathered by spies ( hence professionals in disinfo ops),“verified” the logs by asking intel people who have an obvious interest to smear Julian #Assange,and published them as “ factual information “. https://t.co/JT5IZXdf4X

    How Julian Assange turned an embassy into a command post for election meddling - CNNPolitics
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    United Nations: demasking the Torture of Julian Assange. Rico Brouwer and Nils Melzer
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    In Defense of Julian Assange - Edited by Tariq Ali & Margaret Kunstler
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    Video: Folter gegen Julian Assange - ttt – titel, thesen, temperamente - ARD | Das Erste
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    The Guardian’s direct collusion with media censorship by secret services exposed - World Socialist Web Site
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    Wanted for espionage - the hunt for Wikileaks | Das Erste - Panorama
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    Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom w/ John Pilger – KPFA
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    Lawyers do not have sufficient access to #Assange, says @suigenerisjen We cannot get him papers. It takes weeks to reach him. He has no computer to prepare or read materials. It's such a serious extradition case, raises such fundamental questions about journalistic protections.
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    'You don't stand a chance': how the press freedom argument will go for Assange

    Goodale can see a future Assange v United States going all the way to the US Supreme Court.

    “I think the world should pay attention to it. It will be a defining case. [A conviction would] make it constitutional to have the equivalent of an Official Secrets Act in the US. It was always thought the First Amendment would stop [that].”

    Australia already has its equivalent of Britain’s Official Secrets Act, the 1914 Crimes Act, cited this week after AFP raids on the home of a News Corp journalist and the ABC’s Ultimo offices over leaked classified material. There is, however, no Australian equivalent of the US Constitution’s First Amendment protecting free speech.

    Goodale says there is “constant drumbeat” in Washington “to get the leakers … administrations want to stop the leaks because they make government more difficult”.

    But, says Goodale, “leaks are the safety valve in the system”.

    The Pentagon Papers set a powerful precedent but is of only limited help to Assange, says Goodale. It ruled there could be no barrier to stop publication, but it said nothing about what happens once something is published.

    “Rules for [whether someone can be guilty of espionage for] publication have never been set out in the history of the republic,” Goodale says. “What we really don’t want in the world is reporters and publishers subject to criminal sanctions when they’re publishing the truth about what’s going on in the world.”
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    Julian Assange mocked for ‘David Letterman’ beard

    How public humiliation works: On 11 April #JulianAssange was mocked for his beard throughout the world. During my visit, he explained to us that his shaving kit had been deliberately taken away three months earlier.
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    Sajid Javid signs US extradition order for Julian Assange | Media | The Guardian
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    Assange's father in emotional jail visit | The Canberra Times

    Asked if he thinks Assange remains optimistic about his future, the artist said: "No I don't think so. I think he's deeply worried."
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    U.S. delivers formal extradition request for Julian Assange to U.K.
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