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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Matt Taibi - Daniel Ellsberg Talks About Whistleblowing, the Pervasiveness Of Official Lies, and the Dangers of the Espionage Act
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    Trevor Timm @trevortimm

    Here’s a former NSA lawyer arguing the Biden admin must continue Trump’s Assange prosecution *specifically because it will allow the US gov to charge other journalists*

    The Biden administration should think twice about walking away from prosecuting Julian Assange • Penn Law
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    In A Secret Australia, eighteen prominent Australians discuss what Australia has learnt about itself from the WikiLeaks revelations – revelations about a secret Australia of hidden rules and loyalty to hidden agendas. However Australians may perceive their nation’s place in the world – as battling sports stars, dependable ally or good international citizen – WikiLeaks has shown us a startlingly different story.
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    Bipartisan delegation of Australian MPs meets with US embassy about Julian Assange
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    Julian Assange: Repression, Isolation & Lockdown #DNL23 #BehindTheMask
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    Yanis Varoufakis: "They don't want to extradite Assange. They want to kill him." | DiEM25
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    Zveřejnit vše jako Assange? Dbal jsem na zodpovědnost, říká britský novinář - Seznam Zprávy
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    What's next for Julian Assange? (Waters, Eno, Loach, Varoufakis, Stefania Maurizi conversation).
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    Rozhodnutí britského soudu nevydat Assange je logické, USA si za ně mohou samy
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    Mexico offers political asylum to Julian Assange
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    Artists for Assange
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    “Victory for Julian”: U.K. Blocks WikiLeaks Founder Assange Extradition to U.S. on Espionage Charges
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    Julian Assange cannot be extradited to US, British judge rules | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    media.ccc.de -Why We Must Save Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

    by: Stefania Maurizi

    Can a journalist reveal state secrets when they cover up very serious human rights violations, war crimes and torture? This is what the Julian Assange and WikiLeaks case is about. Assange's persecution is a judicial case that will decide how far journalism can go in Western democracies.

    For the first time in the history of the United States a journalist may end up in prison for publishing truthful information in the public interest. It’s unprecedented. And it should be a wake up call: our democracies are getting so dystopian that the war criminals enjoy impunity, whereas a journalist exposing war crimes faces life imprisonment. We can't afford to lose this case: we must save Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks journalists. In this presentation Stefania Maurizi, Italian investigative journalist who partnered with WikiLeaks will go back ten years into the most complex, intricate and crucial case concerning journalism and free speech today. As a first-hand witness working with Assange within the Ecuadorian embassy and a witness before the UK court, she will detail her work documenting some of the most obscure aspects of the long-term campaign of attacks against WikiLeaks, spanning accross five jurisdictions.
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    media.ccc.de -CIA vs. Wikileaks

    In this talk, I aim to report and show a collection of observations, physical, visual and other evidence of the last years incidents that strongly indicate a context of the US Central Intelligence Agency and/or potentially other entities of the US Government actions against Wikileaks and surrounding persons and organisations.

    While the area of technical surveillance, SIGINT/COMINT and related Organizations and Methods have been more or less well understood in the hacker scene, the tactics and methods experienced and discussed in this talk are of a different type: For the moment, I would call it "initimidation surveillance" as it lacks the aspect of "covert" type of actions.

    On the last Chaos Communication Congress, I have analysed the technical aspects of the surveillance in and surrounding the ecuadorian embassy where Julian Assange stayed; this talk shows what happened to other people - friends of Assange, supporters of Wikileaks etc - not only in England, but also in other countries / other parts of the world.

    The idea is to not only show the scope of activities but also to contribute to a better understanding of these tactics, that might be applied also in completely different political environments where governments act in extralegal ways against activities they dislike, although they that are not a crime or easily criminalized.
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    Assange Update: BOMBSHELL Audio Recording Released of Assange & US State Dept. Lawyer
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    I Am Guilty of Violating the Espionage Act

    It is impossible to overstate the dangerous precedent Mr. Assange’s indictment under the Espionage Act and possible extradition sets: Every national security journalist who reports on classified information now faces possible Espionage Act charges. It paves the way for the United States government to indict other international journalists and publishers. And it normalizes other countries’ prosecution of journalists from the United States as spies.

    To reverse this dangerous precedent, the Justice Department should immediately drop these charges and the president should pardon Mr. Assange.

    Since Sept. 11, this country has witnessed an escalating criminalization of whistle-blowing and journalism. If Mr. Assange’s case is allowed to go forward, he will be the first, but not the last. If President-elect Joe Biden wants to restore the “soul of America,” he should begin with unequivocally safeguarding press freedoms under the First Amendment, and push Congress to overturn the Espionage Act.
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    Pardon Julian Assange — GEORGE CHRISTENSEN MP
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    Brave whistleblowers exposing lies & illegal actions in our government must be protected.

    Join me and urge Congress: Pass my bipartisan legislation (HRes1162, HRes1175, HR8452) calling for charges against @snowden
    & Assange to be dropped & to reform the Espionage Act.
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