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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Snowden: Konec Assangeovy kauzy! Klíčový svědek proti Assangeovi po letech přiznal, že lhal – !Argument
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    Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment - Stundin
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    Julian Assange plans to marry in UK prison | News | DW | 26.06.2021

    The WikiLeaks founder, who faces charges in the US over a massive leak of classified data, has been engaged to his partner since 2016. The couple hopes to marry in a London prison ahead of his 50th birthday on July 3.

    WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is planning to marry in the UK's Belmarsh prison, where he is currently being held, his fiancee Stella Moris told the German news agency DPA on Saturday.
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    The Organizers of a Major U.K. Exhibition Used My Name to Promote Their Show. But They Were Too Afraid to Embrace My Ideas

    This time, for the design of the postcard I included a sketch from my 2015 work All Fingers Must Point Down on the reverse side. On the front is an image of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s treadmill, which was given to me in October 2016 as a present some months after I interviewed him in summer 2016 while he was seeking asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, before he was detained by the British authorities in April 2019. I am a strong supporter of Assange because I firmly believe in the importance of investigative journalism in a civil society. As I felt that I did not have the chance to do justice to Assange’s story, the combination between my encounter with him and my ongoing interest in sending letters to political prisoners was crystallised into Postcard for Political Prisoners. It is a project which not only shows care to political prisoners, but it also encourages participants to reflect upon the relationship between the freedom that they enjoy and the price these fighters pay for that freedom.
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    Proslavil se v roce 1969, kdy oskenoval tisíce stránek tajných dokumentů, dodnes známých jako Pentagon Papers, a vynesl je do médií. Odhalovaly, jak moc jsou Spojené státy zapojeny do války ve Vietnamu.
    Nejednalo se ale o jediné tajné materiály, které Daniel Ellsberg odtajnil. Kvůli dokumentům týkajícím se možnosti jaderného útoku na Čínu ho nyní může čekat soud.

    Whistleblower v 90 letech: Daniel Ellsberg může jít k soudu - Aktuálně.cz
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    “Julian Is Suffering”: Family of WikiLeaks Founder Assange in U.S. to Demand His Release from Prison
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    Julian Assange’s father and brother continue their U.S. tour and were in Boston on Wednesday where Assange was presented with the Sacco and Vanzetti award. Watch the replay here.
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    Geneva calls for the release of Julian Assange

    In the name of the humanitarian values rooted in Geneva, City of Peace and Human Rights, a dozen personalities, including the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer and the Mayor of Geneva, are mobilizing on June 4 to launch the “Geneva Call to Free Assange” #GVA_FreeAssange. The “AnythingToSay” statue dedicated to whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning as well as to Julian Assange will be installed at the same time on the Pâquis pier in front of the Geneva Jet d’eau.
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    "This Is The BIGGEST SCAM of The Century" - Edward Snowden (NEW)
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    Julian Assange's Father and Brother Announce US Tour to Demand Journalist's Freedom | Common Dreams News

    "Gabriel and I are excited to talk to the American public on why protecting journalism and freeing Julian is so important to a free press," says John Shipton, the WikiLeaks founder's father.
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    Jennifer Robinson: JULIAN ASSANGE · Repression, Isolation & Lockdown
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    Světový den svobody tisku je pro Juliana Assange jen dalším dnem ve vězení | NWOO.ORG

    „Zatímco americký prezident Joe Biden oslavil Světový den svobody tisku a chválil hrdinská nezávislá média, jeho vláda se stále snaží dosáhnout doživotního věznění Juliana Assangea z platformy WikiLeaks za žurnalistiku“, řekl slavný whistleblower americké národní bezpečnostní služby (NSA) Edward Snowden. Vyjádřil se tak v pondělí, poté, co se ministr zahraničí USA Antony Blinken chlubil oddaností USA k „svobodě tisku“ a „bezpečnosti novinářů po celém světě“. Assangeovo pokračující stíhání je v přímém rozporu s těmito slovy, řekl Snowden. "Bylo by přesvědčivější, kdyby Bílý dům vytrvale neusiloval o 175letý trest pro vydavatele oceňované žurnalistiky globálního významu - navzdory prosbám snad každé významné organizace svobody tisku a lidských práv," tweetoval Snowden.
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    Britain is damaging its reputation by keeping Julian Assange in jail, says partner | Julian Assange | The Guardian

    Britain would be on stronger ground campaigning against authoritarian regimes if it pressed the Biden administration to drop its call to extradite Julian Assange on espionage charges, Stella Moris, Assange’s partner, has told the Guardian.

    Moris – who has two children with Assange – is trying to broaden the campaign of support for him by pointing to the global damage caused to the UK’s reputation by keeping him in jail for so long.
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    Lightning Talks: Assange Case - Next Steps mp4
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    Aaron Maté @aaronjmate

    On why five ex-OPCW officials have joined Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Lawrence Wilkerson, Tulsi Gabbard and other prominent signatories to urge the OPCW to address the cover-up of a Syria chemical weapons probe & hear out the dissenting scientists

    Statement of Concern: The OPCW investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, Syria | Courage Foundation
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    Julian Assange's father takes freedom fight to Canberra | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT
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    L'Italia si schieri in difesa di Assange. Petizione a Di Maio e Mattarella - WORLD AFFAIRS - L'Antidiplomatico
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    Stefania Maurizi @SMaurizi

    My lawyers and I have submitted a criminal complaint against #UCGlobal for allegedly spying on me during my meetings with Julian #Assange at the #EcuadorianEmbassy. We asked @fnsi ( the Italian Union of Professional Journalists) to intervene
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    Matt Taibi - Daniel Ellsberg Talks About Whistleblowing, the Pervasiveness Of Official Lies, and the Dangers of the Espionage Act
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    Trevor Timm @trevortimm

    Here’s a former NSA lawyer arguing the Biden admin must continue Trump’s Assange prosecution *specifically because it will allow the US gov to charge other journalists*

    The Biden administration should think twice about walking away from prosecuting Julian Assange • Penn Law
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