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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Karel Hvížďala: Merkelová, Biden a Assange | Plus
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    Daniel Hale Sentenced To 45 Months In Prison For Drone Documents Leak
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    Stefania Maurizi @SMaurizi
    Jul 29

    the UK authorities just informed me they will release me more documentation on the Julian #Assange case: in the last 6 YEARS, my lawyers @estelledehon @suigenerisjen and I have appealed 4 times: ICO, First-tier Tribunal, Upper Tribunal, ICO again
    TADEAS --- ---
    Assange is everywhere

    The case of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange decides whether freedom of the press in Europe and the USA is still worth anything.
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    UAPs Aren’t Russian or Chinese — and the Pentagon Knows It

    Private emails published by Wikileaks — written by a former IT contractor and sent to Clinton/Obama insider John Podesta — refer to American tracking of UFOs arriving from ‘deep space.’
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Berlín Na 120 politiků, umělců a novinářů vyzvalo německou kancléřku Angelu Merkelovou, aby se při setkání s americkým prezidentem Joem Bidenem tento týden ve Washingtonu zasadila o omilostnění zakladatele serveru WikiLeaks Juliana Assange.

    „Snažně vás prosíme, pomozte v případu Juliana Assange stavět mosty,“ stojí v dopise adresovaném Merkelové z 11. července. Podle agentury DPA, která má text k dispozici, dopis iniciovaný investigativním novinářem a spisovatelem Günterem Wallraffem podepsali poslanci Spolkového sněmu napříč politickým spektrem, bývalí ministři spolkové vlády jako Sigmar Gabriel nebo Oskar Lafontaine, rakouská nositelka Nobelovy ceny za literaturu Elfriede Jelineková nebo vydavatelka ženského časopisu Emma Alice Schwarzerová.

    Zdroj: https://www.lidovky.cz/svet/podporovatele-zakladatele-wikileaks-assange-vyzyvaji-merkelovou-chteji-aby-pozadala-bidena-o-jeho-os.A210712_121058_ln_zahranici_libs
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    Julian Assange seeking permission for a prison wedding
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    Julian Assange - The Price of Truth | DocFilm | DW | 02.07.2021

    The decision not to extradite Julian Assange to the US is unlikely to be the end of his struggle. For the past 10 years, a team of reporters has followed Assange and the WikiLeaks network.

    MTO --- ---
    Zizek: Assange turns 50 in jail – a reminder of a Western democracy paradox he exposed, where non-freedom gives a sense of freedom — RT Op-ed

    It’s a twisted irony that the 50th birthday of jailed journalist Julian Assange comes just a day before the US’ Independence Day. That reminds us of the dark aspects of the ‘Land of the Free’ and most of Western democracies.
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    TADEAS: tady je ten clanek. tak uvidime. snowden tvitoval, ze by mohli stahnout obvineni...

    Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment - Stundin
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    "One of the main witnesses in Julian Assange’s extradition case has admitted he made false claims against Assange in exchange for immunity from prosecution, a bombshell revelation that could have a major impact on the WikiLeaks founder’s fate. Assange faces up to 175 years in prison if brought to the U.S., where he was indicted for violations of the Espionage Act related to the publication of classified documents exposing U.S. war crimes.

    According to a new article in the Icelandic newspaper Stundin, the convicted hacker Sigurdur 'Siggi' Thordarson falsely claimed he was a prominent WikiLeaks representative instructed by Assange to carry out hacking attacks, but he was in fact only tangentially involved with the organization. The article suggests the U.S. Justice Department collaborated with Thordarson to generate the indictment for Assange that was submitted to the British courts. "

    Attorney: U.S. Case Against Julian Assange Falls Apart, as Key Witness Says He Lied to Get Immunity
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    The Weird, Creepy Media Blackout On Recent Assange Revelations - Caitlin’s Newsletter

    "As of this writing, it has been three days since the Icelandic newspaper Stundin broke the story that a key witness in the US government's case against Julian Assange had fabricated allegations against the WikiLeaks founder. And yet, somehow, Assange is still in prison.

    Weirder still, not one major western media outlet outside of Iceland has reported on this massive and entirely legitimate news story..."
    TADEAS --- ---
    Julian Assange could be RELEASED from UK prison – major new Labour Party bid launched | UK | News | Express.co.uk

    "Dear Governor,

    "We are deeply concerned by the ongoing refusal of you and the Justice Secretary to allow an online video meeting between Julian Assange and a cross-party group of British parliamentarians.

    "As you know Julian Assange is currently on remand in HMP Belmarsh, not for the violation of any UK law, but over extradition to the USA for his journalistic work carried out in the UK at the invitation of The Guardian and published in numerous leading newspapers worldwide.

    "In the US, Julian Assange faces a prison sentence of up to 175 years, meaning he could spend the rest of his life in jail.

    "This case has important implications for press and publishing freedoms in the UK and for the US-UK Extradition Treaty including its ban on extradition for political offences.

    "We, therefore, believe it is vital that parliamentarians be allowed to discuss these important issues with interested parties. We are not making this request as private citizens but as British Parliamentarians deeply concerned by the potential consequences of this high-profile case.

    "This could be permitted under the rules for Official Visits which state that there can be visits from “public officials whom the Governor permits to visit”.

    "A cross-party group of parliamentarians first requested an online meeting in December 2020. It is simply unacceptable that six months on this simple request continues to be met with such intransigence.

    "You have the authority to grant such a meeting and we call on you to facilitate an online meeting without further delay."
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    Snowden: Konec Assangeovy kauzy! Klíčový svědek proti Assangeovi po letech přiznal, že lhal – !Argument
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    Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment - Stundin
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    Julian Assange plans to marry in UK prison | News | DW | 26.06.2021

    The WikiLeaks founder, who faces charges in the US over a massive leak of classified data, has been engaged to his partner since 2016. The couple hopes to marry in a London prison ahead of his 50th birthday on July 3.

    WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is planning to marry in the UK's Belmarsh prison, where he is currently being held, his fiancee Stella Moris told the German news agency DPA on Saturday.
    MTO --- ---
    The Organizers of a Major U.K. Exhibition Used My Name to Promote Their Show. But They Were Too Afraid to Embrace My Ideas

    This time, for the design of the postcard I included a sketch from my 2015 work All Fingers Must Point Down on the reverse side. On the front is an image of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s treadmill, which was given to me in October 2016 as a present some months after I interviewed him in summer 2016 while he was seeking asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, before he was detained by the British authorities in April 2019. I am a strong supporter of Assange because I firmly believe in the importance of investigative journalism in a civil society. As I felt that I did not have the chance to do justice to Assange’s story, the combination between my encounter with him and my ongoing interest in sending letters to political prisoners was crystallised into Postcard for Political Prisoners. It is a project which not only shows care to political prisoners, but it also encourages participants to reflect upon the relationship between the freedom that they enjoy and the price these fighters pay for that freedom.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Proslavil se v roce 1969, kdy oskenoval tisíce stránek tajných dokumentů, dodnes známých jako Pentagon Papers, a vynesl je do médií. Odhalovaly, jak moc jsou Spojené státy zapojeny do války ve Vietnamu.
    Nejednalo se ale o jediné tajné materiály, které Daniel Ellsberg odtajnil. Kvůli dokumentům týkajícím se možnosti jaderného útoku na Čínu ho nyní může čekat soud.

    Whistleblower v 90 letech: Daniel Ellsberg může jít k soudu - Aktuálně.cz
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    “Julian Is Suffering”: Family of WikiLeaks Founder Assange in U.S. to Demand His Release from Prison
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    Julian Assange’s father and brother continue their U.S. tour and were in Boston on Wednesday where Assange was presented with the Sacco and Vanzetti award. Watch the replay here.
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