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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    Stella Moris on her secret family with Julian Assange: ‘He’s unlike anyone I have ever met’ | Family | The Guardian

    Even though this interview with Assange's partner Stella Moris is in the Guardian, it is definitely worth your time. When Julian Assange was staying in the Ecuadorian embassy under assylum, he started a relationship, then a family with Stella Moris. Moris tells how they managed to keep it secret so long, what drew her to him, about how he is doing in prison '“He’s very unwell. He’s struggling a lot." and why deporting him to the US would be disastrous for democracy.

    Excerpt: "They found they had much in common. Both were freedom of information champions and had experienced nomadic childhoods. Assange has said he lived in more than 30 Australian towns and attended 37 schools before settling down with his mother and half-brother in Melbourne. She was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and lived in Botswana, Lesotho, Sweden and Spain before going to university in the UK.
    Before even meeting him, she says, she was convinced he was the victim of an elaborate sting. 'I had read all the documents and it was clear that this was a political case and that he was innocent. The Swedish authorities were behaving in a way that was inexplicable, refusing to question him. Then it came out that they were being advised by the Crown Prosecution Service not to question him in England..."
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    The Belmarsh Tribunal: Free Julian Assange

    For exposing the criminality of the War on Terror, the US and its allies have persecuted, imprisoned, and plotted to assassinate Julian Assange. Belmarsh Tribunal turns the tables in the extradition hearing against Julian Assange, a case that will shape the future of journalism for decades to come.

    Organized by The Progressive International the tribunal will hold its first physical proceedings in London at the Convocation Hall, Church House, Westminster.

    WHEN: 3pm BST, 22 October

    Srećko Horvat, cabinet member of the Progressive International and one of the founders of the Belmarsh Tribunal, said:

    "After the revelations about the murderous CIA plans to kill a publisher and journalist on British soil, not only the current US government but also the UK government must be held responsible for still keeping Assange in prison. The Biden administration should drop the charges against Assange and the UK government should free him immediately and end the suffering and torture of a courageous man who has committed no crime. In a society in which telling the truth becomes a crime, we are all accomplices of crime as long as Assange is in prison."
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    Alexander Mercouris: Legal Perspective on USA v Assange Appeal
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    Julian Assange’s High Court fight against extradition
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    FBI Informant In Assange Case Jailed By Icelandic Police To Stop Crime Spree
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    Key witness in Assange case jailed in Iceland after admitting to lies and ongoing crime spree - Stundin
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    Australia reveals it raised case of Julian Assange with US, amid ‘kidnap plot’ claim | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    Nils Melzer: Analysis of the Yahoo News Report on Assange
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    CIA officials under Trump discussed assassinating Julian Assange – report | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    SCHWEPZ: je to zradce vlasti (maticka USA), tak jakypak copak
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    K Gosztola

    Journalists for Yahoo! News finally confirmed a narrative around Mike Pompeo and the CIA's war on WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, which I outlined back in October 2019. It's an important report.

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    Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA's secret war plans against WikiLeaks

    In 2017, as Julian Assange began his fifth year holed up in Ecuador’s embassy in London, the CIA plotted to kidnap the WikiLeaks founder, spurring heated debate among Trump administration officials over the legality and practicality of such an operation.
    Some senior officials inside the CIA and the Trump administration even discussed killing Assange, going so far as to request “sketches” or “options” for how to assassinate him.
    Discussions over kidnapping or killing Assange occurred “at the highest levels” of the Trump administration, said a former senior counterintelligence official.
    The conversations were part of an unprecedented CIA campaign directed against WikiLeaks and its founder.
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    I wrote "The Secret Power. Because they want to destroy Julian #Assange And #WikiLeaks "to explain that only Kafka can help you understand how hallucinating and absurd that the US, which has destroyed entire nations, tries a journalist who has NEVER caused a single death


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    Julian Assange loses court battle to stop US expanding extradition appeal | Julian Assange | The Guardian

    During Wednesday’s hearing, the US government argued Assange, 50, was not “so ill” that he would be unable to resist killing himself if extradited – challenging Baraitser’s ruling that the US authorities could not “prevent Assange from finding a way to commit suicide” if he was extradited.

    Dobbin said the US government would seek to show that Assange’s mental health problems did not meet the threshold required in law to prevent extradition.

    She told the court: “It really requires a mental illness of a type that the ability to resist suicide has been lost. Part of the appeal will be that Assange did not have a mental illness that came close to being of that nature and degree.”
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    USA/UK: US authorities must drop politically motivated charges against Assange | Amnesty International
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    Karel Hvížďala: Merkelová, Biden a Assange | Plus
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