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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
    Informace o Wikileaks, Assangovi, Snowdenovi, Manningovi...

    mapa mirroru WL http://labs.vis4.net/wikileaks/mirrors/
    online twitter kanaly Anonymous http://hacktivists.org/
    aktuální info o dění kolem WL v CZ http://twitter.com/#!/leaks_info_cz
    bradleymanning.org http://www.bradleymanning.org/

    O smysluplnosti Wikileaks a jestli je Assange zloduch nebo hrdina diskutujte prosim zde: [ WikiLeaks ] Držte se prosím tématu podpory a toho co se aktuálně ve prospěch Assange a Wikileks děje. Zítra budou zbytečné diskuse mazány, resp. opakování bude za banán
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    After 1,000 Days in Belmarsh Prison, Campaigners Demand Freedom for Julian Assange

    Press freedom campaigners on Wednesday marked Julian Assange's 1,000th day of imprisonment in London's Belmarsh Prison with renewed demands for the WikiLeaks publisher's freedom ahead of his looming potential extradition to the United States.

    "Journalism is not a crime," the Assange Defense Committee tweeted. "#FreeAssange. #DropTheCharges."

    Assange's partner Stella Morris said in a statement: "It will be 1,000 days this Wednesday that Julian Assange has spent in the harshest prison in the U.K. His young children, ages two and four, have no memory of their father outside the highest security prison of the U.K."
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