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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    After 1,000 Days in Belmarsh Prison, Campaigners Demand Freedom for Julian Assange

    Press freedom campaigners on Wednesday marked Julian Assange's 1,000th day of imprisonment in London's Belmarsh Prison with renewed demands for the WikiLeaks publisher's freedom ahead of his looming potential extradition to the United States.

    "Journalism is not a crime," the Assange Defense Committee tweeted. "#FreeAssange. #DropTheCharges."

    Assange's partner Stella Morris said in a statement: "It will be 1,000 days this Wednesday that Julian Assange has spent in the harshest prison in the U.K. His young children, ages two and four, have no memory of their father outside the highest security prison of the U.K."
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    PEN America, the "human rights" careerists and the betrayal of Julian Assange | Salon.com

    Corporate money and Democratic Party apparatchiks have transformed PEN America into a servant of the ruling class

    (tak jako kdekoliv jinde)
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    rC3, CCC, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks: anatomy of a persecution
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    MTO: https://www.novarepublika.cz/2021/12/osobnosti-verejneho-zivota-zadaji-propusteni-juliana-assange

    PRAHA, 21. prosince, 2021 – Neprodlené propuštění Juliana Assange, zakladatele a hlavního redaktora serveru WikiLeaks, požadují signatáři otevřeného dopisu britskému premiéru Borisi Johnsonovi, který byl dnes předán britskému velvyslanectví v Praze. Dopis podepsalo více než pět desítek vědců, vysokoškolských pedagogů, spisovatelů, básníků, publicistů, lékařů a dalších osobností veřejného života, včetně několika signatářů Charty 77 a bývalých politických vězňů.
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    Christine Assange’s Open Letter to the World to Save the Life of her Son, Julian Assange (Dec. 2021) | by Jude Fleming | Dec, 2021 | Medium

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    Manufacturing Contempt for Assange: How the Media Made WikiLeaks Founder into a Scapegoat

    "The Guardian was one of WikiLeaks’s partner organizations, being fed bombshell after bombshell, revelations that helped build its brand and its audience. Yet, far from standing up for free speech and an open society, it was in the lead in attacking WikiLeaks and its founder."
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    Ivan David: Julian Assange je hrdina | VIP blogy známých osobností Vaše Věc

    V nejbližších dnech předá skupina asi padesáti českých aktivistů dopis britskému premiérovi Borisi Johnsonovi se žádostí, aby zabránil vydání Juliana Assange do Spojených států amerických.

    Hrozící trest pro novináře Juliana Assange by měl aktivizovat světovou veřejnost k jasnému protestu.

    Udělejme ve vlastním zájmu vše, abychom dostávali pravdivé informace a mohli se správně rozhodovat. Chraňme právo každého svobodně šířit pravdivé informace.
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    Deputy Prime Minister of Australia @Barnaby_Joyce, presently in Washington DC, publishes op-ed against #Assange extradition.

    Julian Assange is entitled to justice, despite criticisms of his personality
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    Stella Morris

    Julian #Assange suffered a stroke on the first day of the High Court appeal hearing on October 27th.

    Julian Assange has a stroke in Belmarsh prison: Fiancée blames extreme stress | Daily Mail Online

    'It must have been horrendous hearing a High Court appeal in which you can't participate, which is discussing your mental health and your risk of suicide and in which the US is arguing you are making it all up.

    'He had to sit through all this when he should have been excused. He was in a truly terrible state. His eyes were out of synch, his right eyelid would not close, his memory was blurry.'

    Assange was examined by a doctor, who found a delayed pupil response when a light was shone into one eye – a sign of potential nerve damage.

    Ms Moris and Assange have two sons, Gabriel, four, and Max, two, and have been engaged for five years. She said he had 'more or less' recovered – but she fears the attack shows his health is failing.

    She visited him for around an hour yesterday, taking the children to see him in a prison hall shared by dozens of inmates and their loved ones.

    She said Assange was distressed about being kept from his family, adding: 'He finds the prospect of a third Christmas in prison difficult.'
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    Assange Will Appeal High Court Decision Backing Extradition
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    MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Spreads False Information On Assange After High Court Decision
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    Snowden on Assange: What we are witnessing is a murder that passes without comment.
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    Julian Assange can be extradited to US to face espionage charges, court rules | Julian Assange | The Guardian
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    Journalists Speak Up for Julian Assange – Speak up for Assange
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    Assange judge is 40-year “good friend” of minister who orchestrated his arrest

    Lord Chief Justice Ian Burnett, the judge that will soon decide Julian Assange’s fate, is a close personal friend of Sir Alan Duncan, who as foreign minister arranged Assange’s eviction from the Ecuadorian embassy.

    The two have known each other since their student days at Oxford in the 1970s, when Duncan called Burnett “the Judge”. Burnett and his wife attended Duncan’s birthday dinner at a members-only London club in 2017, when Burnett was a judge at the court of appeal.

    Now the most powerful judge in England and Wales, Burnett will soon rule on Assange’s extradition case. The founder of WikiLeaks faces life imprisonment in the US.


    Duncan served as foreign minister for Europe and the Americas from 2016-19. He was the key official in the UK government campaign to force Assange from the embassy.

    As minister, Duncan did not hide his opposition to Julian Assange, calling him a “miserable little worm” in parliament in March 2018.

    In his diaries, Duncan refers to the “supposed human rights of Julian Assange”. He admits to arranging a Daily Mail hit piece on Assange that was published the day after the journalist’s arrest in April 2019.

    Duncan watched UK police pulling the WikiLeaks publisher from the Ecuadorian embassy via a live-feed in the Operations Room at the top of the Foreign Office.

    He later admitted he was “trying to keep the smirk off [his] face”, and hosted drinks at his parliamentary office for the team involved in the eviction.

    Duncan then flew to Ecuador to meet President Lenín Moreno in order to “say thank you” for handing over Assange. Duncan reported he gave Moreno “a beautiful porcelain plate from the Buckingham Palace gift shop.”

    “Job done,” he added.
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    “A Lot of Mistakes”: The Guardian and Julian Assange 

    Excellent expose of how the Guardian desperately tried to get info that would nail Julian Assange.
    On anniversary of the Manafort story, John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete conducted 2 exclusive interviews & gained access to The Guardian correspondence. This Explosive new investigative piece by John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete documents that The Guardian knew that the security company meant to be protecting Assange was actually spying on him. They didn’t publish the story. Instead, they requested transcripts of the conversations being spied on.
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    U.S. stonewalls probe into security firm that allegedly spied on Assange for CIA, says Spanish judge

    MADRID — The Justice Department has failed to respond to multiple requests from Spanish authorities for help in an investigation into a local security firm suspected of being used by the CIA to conduct aggressive — and potentially illegal — surveillance of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
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