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    MTOChemtrails/Geoinzenyring/Klimaterorismus aneb Jak si objednat slunečný den
    STARSIGN --- ---
    Nano-aluminum arrives
    Aluminum already represents a small but critical part of many rocket fuels, including the propellants for the space shuttle's solid booster rockets and NASA's next generation Ares rockets. The metal's high ignition temperature of more than 6,920 degrees Fahrenheit forces exhaust gases out at high velocity to propel rockets upward.
    ALICE squeezes even more out of the aluminum by using nano-scale particles with diameters of 80 nanometers, or 500 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Such tiny particles combust more rapidly than larger particles to give an additional kick, and may allow easier control over a rocket's thrust.
    "The nano-scale aluminum is really key to making system work," said Timothee Pourpoint, a professor in the school of aeronautics and astronautics at Purdue. "Using only micron-sized aluminum powder and water ice would not have worked."
    Researchers have tossed around theoretical calculations of using just aluminum and water for rocket propellant in the past. But the Purdue and Penn State teams took advantage of the relatively new nano-aluminum to translate the concepts into reality.
    "There have certainly been previous research efforts with nano-aluminum and water," Son told SPACE.com. "This effort is the first time that anyone has actually launched a rocket."
    New Rocket Fuel Mixes Ice and Metal
    MATT --- ---
    STARSIGN: to se dává do raket nebo tim očkujou děti? máš ty články aspoň celý nebo si domýšlíš na základě nahajpovanejch abstraktů?
    STARSIGN --- ---
    We report on the synthesis of air-stable aluminum nanoparticles (Al NPs) capped with 1,2-epoxy-9-decene. Long-chain epoxides have proven to be effective capping agents for Al NPs as the epoxide ring is highly susceptible to ring-opening polymerization, leading to the formation of putative polyether loops on the nascent Al NP surface. However, these materials are observed to degrade within several hours to days following exposure to ambient air. By inducing polymerization of the additional terminal alkene functionality on the epoxide, we have produced Al NPs that exhibit both a shelf life of ~6 weeks and a high active Al content. (...)
    We graciously acknowledge the US Air Force Nanoenergetics Program for funding.
    Synthesis of aluminum nanoparticles capped with copolymerizable epoxides | SpringerLink
    MATT --- ---
    STARSIGN: a co tim chces dokázat? do hlavy ti fakt nevidim.
    MATT --- ---
    STARSIGN: z kominu mi jde kour, je v nem vlhkost. je to teda zalevani rozprasovacem?
    STARSIGN --- ---
    pise sa tam napr.: Tyagi et al. [9] found experimentally that with the addition of 0.1% and 0.5% (by volume) of Al and Al2O3 NPs, the hot plate ignition probability of nanoparticle laden diesel fuel was significantly higher than that of pure diesel fuel.
    takze pridava sa aj oxid aj cisty hlinik (do dieselu, ale moze sa aj inde)
    STARSIGN --- ---
    STARSIGN: realne ten link sice nikam nevedie, ale to nevadi
    aspon toto som nasiel
    STARSIGN --- ---
    MATT: tak to je parada, ze ti to z toho prijde
    ale realne je na konci clanku link na tento clanok
    nebud preto smutny a dychaj zhlboka
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MATT: ještě zjistit od kdy se přidává :) a pak chetrail je na světě... oxid hliníku suprově váže vlhkost :) a tak se není co divit že ty čmouhy tak super drží na obloze... jinak samo sebou došli jsme k závěru že teda letadlo vypouští oxid hliníkuk kterej pak padá na zem cestou může zreagovat s nějakou kyselinou atd... tak že jsou to chemtrails nebo ne???
    MATT --- ---
    cekal bych neco jako 4 Al+ 3 O2 -> 2 Al2O3
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MATT: já taky na chemii nikdy nebyl... ale jak prosímvás vypadá rovnice hoření hliníku???
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: oni porovnavaj pomery. o kompletnim shoreni to tolik nevypovida, ale prislo mi, ze tu zpochybnujete, ze ten hlinik vubec shori. a oni ho tam pridavaj protoze ma pri horeni lepsi pomer energie na objem. pred shorenim ty castice jeste napomuzou lepsimu odpareni tech uhlovovodiku.
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: no tak to je jak jsem níže ne? :) Nebo v čem to píšu jinak, když už si tu rejpame? Nicméně co to znamená vzhledem k tomu kompltnimu shoření ?
    Imho teda, pokud to není naš obor jako profese, budou to všechno z definice amatérské dohady. I když to možná děláš, nevím? Já na chemii nikdy nebyl
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: porovnavaji pomer energie na objem, resp. hmotnost vzhdem k uhlovodikum. ale je to jen amaterská dedukce :D
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: nebo to lomeno je pomer vuci uhlovodikum? ale klidne to vlastnimi slovy vysvetli, co to v tom uryvku presne resi :)
    ja teda o boru a na bor bohatych pudach se priznam, ze nic nevim, ani proc by mely byt vyraznej lepsi nez uhlovodiky na zaklade objemu a hmotnosti. nejak mi tam ty implikace unikaj :-) predpokladam, ze volume je opravdu objem a mass hmotnost? nejak jsem z te absence vysvetleni zmaten
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: oooooouuuuukejjjj :D
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: Ja tomu nerozumim. Je tam neco o tom, ze (hlinik?) ubyl na hmotnosti a nabyl na objemu.
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: a jak to teda chapou zdejsi odbornici?

    Note that aluminum has significantly increased energy/volume, but lower energy/mass compared to hydrocarbons. Boron and boron-rich solids are significantly better than hydrocarbons on both volume and mass bases.
    jak jinak bys tohle vysvetlil, nez ze ty latky shori?
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: Tohle mi vsechno prijde jen jako amaterske dedukce. Nekde by melo byt zjevne uvedene, ze se ty nanocastice kompletne spali
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: tak treba z tohodle One major problem with combustion of both boron and aluminum (most metals, in fact) is that the metal surfaces are passivated by a native oxide layer a few nanometers thick. This oxide greatly retards ignition of the metal. In addition, if the particle size is reduced into the nanoscale, the oxide (which is just dead weight) becomes a larger and larger fraction of the total mass, with corresponding reduction in energy density. Particles can easily be generated without an oxide coating, however, if they are not protected somehow, they ignite (sometimes explosively) upon contact with air.

    z to tvyho jsem pochopil, ze by to moh nekdo vdechnout treba pri manipulaci.

    btw: jen bych jeste podotknul, ze spousta studii vznika jenom proto, ze to treba nekdo umi zmerit (a aby byla prace). s realnou situaci to nemusi mit nic spolecnyho.
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