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    KAROLINA182Postpress, zušlechťování tiskovin
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    všech 95 obr, stojí to za to!!

    Paperlux is a design studio from Germany... beside the fact their project for luxury brands are very inspiring, they develop a very special printing technic called the Paperlux™ paper etching process.

    With this method, it is possible to translate logos, images, and fonts into crisp, three-dimensional etchings on the finest papers, without damaging the reverse side of the paper. The special concentration of light only removes the top layer of the selected material in varying and exactly calculated depths, and in doing so successfully creates a filigree relief formation of previously unknown precision.

    Of course, the detailed pictures of the project and textures help to make all their project look amazing...

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    In order to create texture and special notes cover, after many difficulties, and finally found a suitable way of making paper, in particular, imports of U.S. patent leather book dedicated to test the color PU leather.

    As a designer, a texture, and how important the book with notes, in order to produce the desired notes in the book, the team not only in the appearance of materials and design efforts, in addition to also take into account the habits, media, Binding with the way ... so read the details, six months after repeated testing and sample trimming, and finally to overcome production problems, the best results.

    In addition to carefully selected within the pages of paper for drawing and writing paper material, in order to prevent the focus of the drawing or mark through the written troubles also thicker paper pounds, Also a small part of the kraft paper used as material changes in the packaging graphic stickers, but also into the Filter017 has always been careful with humor.

    Sticker Note:
    I'm happy to hear you say gossip.
    I can keep your secret.
    I remember all the days of celebration.
    I like you tickle my belly.
    We are the best friends, the best family!
    You will also bury me, after in a hundred years, as others miss your of memory!
    We will be never separated, even though you can't get enough from me.

    This book has two color, Orange and Black.
    Blank inside
    Size: 4.9" x 8.1" (12.5 cm x 20.5 cm)
    Style is "POP"Corn / CASINO LIFE PATTERN.

    buy here

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    Creative Collective Effect is a fashion show focusing on ecoconscious clothing. Initiated by Creative Collective the show,featuring well known brands such as Nudie Jeans, took place duringStockholm Fashion Week. During the night, hip hop group Movits!, freshback from a month long US-tour, gave a special performance.

    We designed the identity for the show comprising a WordPress blog, alogotype, posters and flyers plus a set of stickers. The key words ofthe identity was recycling, collaboration, engagement and creativity.This was emphasized on the poster by cropping the logotype to sixdifferent pieces and mixing them to create a graphical pattern. Alongthe lines of each piece, the paper was perforated so that the piecescould easily be ripped out and fit together to form the logotype. Thiscalls for the previously mentioned creativity and symbolizes the act ofcollaboration and recycling. The perforation lines were set to resemblestitches on garments.


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    Sice trocho OT, ale já váš vzdělám i proti Vaší vůli! .)
    Sedmnáctý seminář UGD: film Making Faces v kině Oko / ostatní / Font

    První seminář v novém akademickém roce se uskuteční netradičně v kině Oko v Praze-Holešovicích. Promítat se bude dokumentární film Making Faces (Tvorba písma). Film osobně uvede režisér snímku, americký typograf Richard Kegler.

    Making Faces: Jim Rimmer (trailer) - YouTube

    Film bude promítán v původním anglickém znění společně s anglickými titulky, diskuse bude vedena v angličtině, překlad ani tlumočení není zajištěno. Promítání i s úvodním slovem potrvá asi hodinu.
    Po prázdninové pauze opět pokračuje cyklus seminářů Unie grafického designu. Dokumentární film Richarda Keglera Tvorba písma: Kovové litery ve 21. století nabízí fascinující pohled na osobnost a tvorbu kanadského umělce a typografa Jima Rimmera (1931–2010), který před kamerou odhaluje způsob tvorby kovových liter od prvních skic až po odlití písmene „k“. Keglerovi se podařilo detailně zachytit celý proces, který na světě ovládá již jen několik málo lidí. Zajímavé je, že písmo bylo zároveň vytvořeno v digitální podobě a prodává se pod názvem RTF Stern.
    Promítání se uskuteční v pondělí 5. září 2011 od 18.00 v kině Oko.

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    42 Superb Letterpress Business Cards at DzineBlog.com - Design Blog & Inspiration
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    Elevate Desire

    Hannon Richards Architectural Collections
    Created at Foundry

    Hannon Richards brand is about pure and uncompromised spacial vision, the way the light plays within a space the experience moving within the floors, and at different times of day. The design of this piece needed to reflect these unspoken experiences and did so through a series of die cut pages, photography, and page colour. This piece was a dream to design, I can only imagine how the people living in these homes feel.

    výsek a dobrý nápad :)
    ZLORTH --- ---
    KAROLINA182: super!!! good job! :)
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    Nástěnka rozšířena o zajímavé informace :)
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    QR na vizitkách, některé perličky jsou tam k tématu

    30 Creative QR code business cards | Webdesigner Depot
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    AKA Tony Award BBQ Invite on the Behance Network

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    2010 Calendar
    12 Storie Attorno al Green (12 Stories Around the Green), 2010 Calendar realized for Banca Generali. Golf is the main subject and a different story about this sport is told for each month. This project was realized in collaboration with Pangramma snc - Turin, Italy. Text: Carlo Coscia, former journalist of La Stampa newspaper.
    2010 Calendar on the Behance Network

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