Spotify finally removes its 10,000-song library limit - The Verge
Jsem si rikal, jestli ten nesmyslnej limit neodstranili, protoze bezne jsem musel cca kazdych par tydnu odstranovat starsi alba, abych si mohl pridat novy. Je hezky, ze Spotify trva jen roky, nez odstrani nesmyslny demence, ktery nikdy nemely existovat. Viz treba nemoznost editovat poradi songu v playlistech na Androidu (vyreseno loni po asi peti letech, naprosto zakladni funkce), nemoznost zobrazit frontu na iPadu (vyreseno loni nebo predloni tusim taky po letech, naprosto idiotskej bug)... Ale jinak mam Spotify samozrejme rad.
“Users have been requesting that Spotify remove the limit for years, but the company had previously shown resistance to the idea, commenting in 2017, ‘At the moment we don’t have plans to extend the Your Music limit. The reason is because less than 1% of users reach it.’”