LOBOTECH: Tak teda ten patch je pro me dost hrozivej...hraju sorc na 50tce a dodelavam si jugga.
DPS sorc/sage je ted hratelnej jen s "infamous" hybrid buildem, kterej dostane nerf, ze kteryho se podle me jentak nevzpamatuje.
"Wrath now affects Lightning Strike and Crushing Darkness only. Crushing Darkness's periodic damage now benefits from the 20% damage bonus when it is used to consume the Wrath buff."
Timhle nerfem prijde sorc/sage o vsechen burst co mel (a ten stejne nebyl buhvi jakej v porovnani s ostatnima). Neni tam na kompenzaci zadnej buff 31 talentum, ktery jsou hrozny. Lightning tree je na PvP nepouzitelnej a full madness postrada burst a 31 talent je uplne nejhorsi...kdyby tam aspon nebyl ten 2sec. stun a melo to nizsi CD...takhle je to jen resolve filler s prumernym dmg. Ted si lidi hodne rozmyslej, jestli vemou na ranked WZ dps sorc/sage.
Heal sorc/sage taky dostali pekne za usi
"Force Bending no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Dark Heal by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Dark Infusion by 30%."
...tohle je zlej nerf. Nejak tam u sorc/sage vidim jen nerf, nerf, nerf...coz je nemile, protoze nemam pocit, ze by sorc/sage byl nejak OP.
Jugg dostal taky pekne. Tohle je velkej pruser:
"Added Crash, a new passive ability granted at level 10 that causes Force Charge to stun the target for 2 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 12 seconds."
Uplne zbytecnej resolve filler, kterej fakt nepotrebujem. 2sec stun je vysmech...misto aby opravili immobilize, tak jak by mel fungovat, tak tam prsknou takovej hnus. Timhle je jugg pekne v prdeli, protoze bud force choke nebo force push je na stejnej target nepouzitelnej, protoze bude mit full resolve. A na konec to nejlepsi.
"Force Alacrity (snizovalo CD vsech skillu o 3sec) has been replaced by Overpower, which allows Vicious Slash critical hits to have a chance to refund 2 points of Rage while the Juggernaut is in Shii-Cho Form."
lol, rage jugg je v prdeli...