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    _FREZA_Signal to noise, dust to dust.
    _FREZA_ --- ---

        One result of the textual bias of compiling systems has been too great an emphasis on syntax.
    The syntax of a language is only there to provide a representation for programs for an underlying
    machine. The bones of a language are the operations of that underlying machine; the syntax is
    cosmetic. Too often gross complexity is introduced in the syntax and explained in terms of it,
    but only an elementary machine lies behind the facade. Though the syntaxes ot languages vary
    greatly, in many cases the algorithmic constructions behind them are very similar. Procedures,
    conditional statements, loops, subscripted arrays and variables are common to most languages.
    If one is manipulating or proving properties of programs it is these essential constructions with
    which one is concerned, rather than the details of the text representing them. Of course, the
    manipulation has to be in terms of some representation, but the linear text string of letters is
    unlikely to be the appropriate one. A representation which reveals the structure is appropriate.

        For the definition of an abstract machine, the atomic program constructions and the ways of
    combining them to produce more elaborate pieces of program have to be specified. Giving a
    definition of these structures is the same as giving a semantics of the machine.

    J. M. Foster, Royal Signals and Radar Establishment,
    "The algebraic specification of a target machine: Ten15"
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    To the cynics, my message is: we will not solve a debt crisis with more debt. Moreover,
    simply giving more time will not resolve the underlying structural problems. [...]

    To the idealists, my message is that the EU is, at this stage, an emerging union, built on the
    basis of Member States who agree – or disagree – to pool sovereignty. Moving to a deeper
    economic integration, which is commensurate with a monetary union, is necessarily a
    process. But it is underway.

    Such a deeper economic union will not be the archetypical Union, which some of you may
    have in mind. It is worth remembering that the Union on this side of the Atlantic was built
    over almost 250 years, and it took 150 years to establish a central bank. The EU is 60 years
    old, and the euro, only 13.

    Joerg Asmussen, "Eurozone cross-fire", http://www.bis.org/review/r130422a.pdf?ql=1
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [Inflation is] the most gross social injustice [which] hits the less fortunate the most.

    Dr. Jelle Zijlstra, via http://www.marketupdate.nl/nieuws/valutacrisis/dr-zijlstras-final-settlement-gold-as-the-monetary-cosmos-sun/
    _FREZA_ --- ---
      • The Internet has:
        – Botched the protocol design.
        – Botched the architecture.
        – Botched the naming and addressing.
        – When they had an opportunity to move in the right direction with application names, they didn’t. They did DNS.
        – When they had an opportunity to move in the right direction with node addresses, they didn’t. They did IPv6.
        – More than Botched Network Management.
        – Botched the Congestion Control twice.
        – Once so bad it probably can not be fixed.

    John Day, "How in the Heck Do You Lose a Layer!?", http://rina.tssg.org/docs/JohnDay-LostLayer120306.pdf
    _FREZA_ --- ---
            Myths of the Internet: I
      • The Internet is an Engine of Innovation.
        – The Internet has in a real sense been stagnant since the late-70s
        – Living on Moore’s Law and Band-aids
      • Lots of Innovation on top of the Internet, but even that has begun to wane.
      • The Internet has decentralized administration. No one owns the Internet.
        – Actually, Same as the global PSTN, just no sexy name.
      • The IETF is a Grass-Roots Democracy.
        – Actually, It most closely Resembles the Communist Party.
        – IETF meeting is Party Congress; IESG is Politburo
      • The Internet is based on the ARPANET
        – Actually, It is based on the French network CYCLADES
            Myths of the Internet: II
      • The Internet is not an internet, but a catenet.
        – Ceased to be an Internet on January 1, 1983.
      • The Internet is a dumb network.
        – Actually, it keeps maximal state in the network, not minimal.
      • The Internet has decentralized routing.
        – Actually, most ISPs routes are statically allocated.
      • IP is the Internet Protocol.
        – That is what the letters stand for but it is really a subnet protocol.
      • IP addresses name the host.
        – No, they name the interface to the host.
      • TCP isn’t perfect, but it is good enough.
        – Every design decision is not just wrong but makes something else worse.
        – One thing it got right was destroyed creating IP.

    John Day, "Networking is IPC and only IPC, or how to clean a slate", http://csr.bu.edu/rina/KoreaHowtoCleanASlate100219.pdf
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    If you don't know why you're doing what you're doing, you're just an Eclipse macro that happens to breathe. Educate yourself.

    Z diskuze pod clankem http://steve-yegge.blogspot.ie/2008/03/get-that-job-at-google.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    The cocktail you have chosen is Modern Britain. A Modern Britain is like the classical Old Fashioned,
    but with a new twist. For a Modern Britain, you'll need finely made English hand-blown crystal glasses,
    the very best Islay malt whiskey, bred and lovingly blended by craftsmen who care: you'll need freshly
    squeezed apple juice from pleasant Somerset orchards, a quarter gill of London gin, a pint of rich Jersey
    cream, a half quart of soft, still Welsh mountain water, and to garnish, a shamrock, a daffoldil, a thistle
    and a rose. To complete the Modern Britain we add to this kindly, noble, honourable and civilised mixture
    a centilitre of flat cola-style syrup, a hectare of low-cal brand sweetener, a pot of non-dairy whitener, a
    leisure-sachet of instant heritage, a two-parent family size pack of diluted good values, free-market
    vegetables, a greedy helping of self-governing trusts and a plastic ice-cube for cosmetic purposes only.
    The product should be half-baked at an immoderate temperature of the lowest common denominator in
    an atmosphere of greasy cant and corrupt sleaze, until richly dishonoured and seared with shame. Your
    Modern Britain will ideally have lost all colour, flavour and fizz by now and should then be divided against
    itself and left in shoddy disrepair for a number of years until it rots before being sold off to the highest
    bidder. An ideal self-serving suggestion would be to accompany the whole botched cocktail with a raft of
    unappetising sound-bites and a package of feeble initiatives stuffed with tasteless media slime. But
    perhaps, somewhere, you might be inspired to add one small, tender, caring cherry of hope. I wonder.
    While you decide, I will entreat for the very finalest of last, last times, this entreaty of m'colleague,
    Britain's own Melody Man as I say, "Please, oh please, for all our sakes, please Mr Music, will you play?"

    A bit of Fry and Laurie, http://abitoffryandlaurie.co.uk/sketches/cocktail_ending_a_modern_britain
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    He wants us to trust that a 400-ml bottle of liquid is dangerous, but transferring it to four 100-ml
    bottles magically makes it safe. He wants us to trust that the butter knives given to first-class
    passengers are nevertheless too dangerous to be taken through a security checkpoint. He
    wants us to trust the no-fly list: 21,000 people so dangerous they’re not allowed to fly, yet so
    innocent they can’t be arrested. He wants us to trust that the deployment of expensive full-body
    scanners has nothing to do with the fact that the former secretary of homeland security, Michael
    Chertoff, lobbies for one of the companies that makes them. He wants us to trust that there’s a
    reason to confiscate a cupcake (Las Vegas), a 3-inch plastic toy gun (London Gatwick), a purse
    with an embroidered gun on it (Norfolk, VA), a T-shirt with a picture of a gun on it (London
    Heathrow) and a plastic lightsaber that’s really a flashlight with a long cone on top
    (Dallas/Fort Worth).


    The current TSA measures create an even greater harm: loss of liberty. Airports are effectively
    rights-free zones. Security officers have enormous power over you as a passenger. You have
    limited rights to refuse a search. Your possessions can be confiscated. You cannot make jokes,
    or wear clothing, that airport security does not approve of. You cannot travel anonymously.
    (Remember when we would mock Soviet-style “show me your papers” societies? That we’ve
    become inured to the very practice is a harm.) And if you’re on a certain secret list, you cannot
    fly, and you enter a Kafkaesque world where you cannot face your accuser, protest your
    innocence, clear your name, or even get confirmation from the government that someone,
    somewhere, has judged you guilty. These police powers would be illegal anywhere but in
    an airport, and we are all harmed—individually and collectively—by their existence.

    Bruce Schneier, http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/03/harms_of_post-9.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Vlastenectví je poslední útočiště chátry: kdo nemá mravní zásady, obvykle se zahalí
    do praporu, a parchanti se vždy dovolávají čistoty své rasy. Národní totožnost je poslední
    zbraň vyděděnců. A smysl pro ni se zakládá na nenávisti, na nenávisti k těm, kdo totožní

    Umberto Eco, Pražský hřbitov
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.

    Samuel Johnson, http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2012-March/065535.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---

    You cannot make a reliable system by *extending* an unreliable system.
    You cannot get a simple system by adding simplicity to a complex system.

    Richard O'Keefe, http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2012-March/065089.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [... on various kinds of wealth ...] However underlying them all is "work" to both
    accrue the wealth and to utilise it to transform raw materials or ideas into marketable
    goods or services. As such "work" is just an abstraction of energy.

    Thus I would keep my eye on the essential resources of non finite energy and finite
    raw resources, and their efficient utilisation, which is the real measure of mankind's
    growth not the faux notion of an "economy" based on the growth of financial wealth
    at the expense of either non renewable or dificult to renew resources, expressed
    through a percieved value of a black tulip.

    Clive Robinson, https://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001342.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [DE] Wir fordern etwas Abwechslung in uns'rer Umlaufbahn
    endgültige Befreiung von Newton's Schwerkraftwahn
    keine Gravitätlichkeiten, Fliegen fällt sonst schwer
    Schluss mit Kontinentendrift, Pangea wieder her

    [EN] We demand some change in our orbit
    absolute liberation from Newton's gravitational mania
    no gravitational bodily harm, or else flying’s a heavy task
    Put an end to continental drift, bring back Pangaea

    Einstruerzende Neubauten, Was Ist Ist, http://www.neubauten.org/ende-neu
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    But the real reason to make the distinction is, after all, because words matter. Two different things
    deserve to have two different names, and it only confuses matters to use the same word for both.

    Robert Harper, http://existentialtype.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/words-matter/
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    [DE] Wir fordern auch die Buchstaben zurück ins Alphabeth
    Damit Unsereins im Babylon-Gestammel sich versteht

    [EN] We demand letters are put back in the alphabet
    so the likes of me can think amid the Babylonian babble

    Einstruerzende Neubauten, Was Ist Ist, http://www.neubauten.org/ende-neu
    (Anglicka verze je nejspis trochu blbe, ne?)
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    They have proven quite effectively
    that bumblebees indeed can fly
    against the field's authority

    They invent each other ever anew
    still they won't have a different view
    of everyone or anything

    Einstruerzende Neubauten, Youme & Meyou, http://www.neubauten.org/perpetuum-mobile
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Do I contradict myself?
    Very well then I contradict myself,
    (I am large, I contain multitudes.)

    Walt Whitman, http://www.daypoems.net/plainpoems/1900.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    All of my opinions are consistent, but I cannot present them all at once.

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, On The Social Contract
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    I grew in the sea and poverty was my wealth, then I lost the sea, then all luxury seemed grey,
    poverty intolerable. Since then, I wait. I wait for the return voyage, the house by the sea, the clear
    light of day. I wait, I struggle to be polite. People see me pass in elegant cultured streets, I admire
    the views, I applaud like everyone else, I shake hands, it’s not really me speaking. People praise
    me, I daydream a little, I’m offended, but show almost no surprise. Then I forget and smile at
    whoever insults me, or I greet those I love too courteously. What’s to be done if I can only
    remember a single image? Finally they urge me to say who I am. Still nothing, still nothing.

    Albert Camus, http://www.philosophymagazine.com/others/MO_Heisenberg_PhysicsPhilo.html
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    The first principle is that you must not fool yourself--and you are the easiest person to fool.
    So you have to be very careful about that. After you've not fooled yourself, it's easy not to fool other
    scientists. You just have to be honest in a conventional way after that.

    Richard Feynmann, Cargo Cult Science, http://www.lhup.edu/~DSIMANEK/cargocul.htm
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