QWWERTY: pri dohledavani detailu jsem zjistil, ze zadny takover nebyl ale jenom remodel, bo to vlastni poard Makerbot, resp. Stratasys .... ook
porad si trvam na tom, ze dokud to bezelo v te stare podobne, tak to bylo pouzitelny
2020-03-14 - posledni snapshot staryho thingiversu, nez prekopali homepage a uplne vsechno
(korelace s obdobim zacinajicich covid lockdownu je vesely bonus :D)
Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objectshttps://web.archive.org/web/20200314104944/https://www.thingiverse.com/tak jako tak tam byly problemy asi dlouhodobe
Dr. Lex' Blog: The State of Thingiverse, End of 2019https://blobblubblobblog.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-state-of-thingiverse-end-of-2019.htmlThe turning point was somewhere in 2017, when one of the main moderators of the website, called ‘glitchpudding’, suddenly left.Misc: Formnext 2019 aka “just too much for one day” | XYZ dims *https://xyzdims.com/2019/11/21/misc-formnext-2019-aka-just-too-much-for-one-day/- only 2 web developers are assigned to Thingiverse maintenance as of 2019/11
- there is a backlog or debt of problems unaddressed for the years and MakerBot is aware of it (to the public it seemed nobody cares at MakerBot)
- Thingiverse is costly running it, and provides no (significant) income