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    ztracené heslo?
    LIQUIDFREAKPath of Exile
    EVILMIND --- ---
    premejslim nad summoner buildem, jsem zadnej jeste nehral nikdy, a jsou to vesmes laciny league startery... nez se ukaze, co z tech zmen vylezlo jako silny :-)
    GURBON --- ---
    ORBIT: 3.5.0 - no longer drops...
    Timeworn Reliquary Key - Official Path of Exile Wiki
    BARTUC --- ---
    jugg zadnej nerf!!! budu vladnout muhahahaha :-DDD
    MRORANGE --- ---
    ORBIT: Imho nebyly, podobnou funkci měl Cameria v transportation.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    v Betrayal ne
    ORBIT --- ---
    Kolika z vám dropnul v Betrayal Timeworn Reliquary key? Padlo to vůbec někomu?
    ORBIT --- ---
    GURBON: jenže rozdíl mezi EK a BV je v tom že jedno nemusíš castit pořád, druhý jo :D
    Myslím, že to jen trochu zpomalý bv a možná swapovat gemy na single target, ale funknce bv zustava :D Nacasti behej skrz a sbirej expy
    GURBON --- ---
    no ten BV dostal pekne na prdel, zacinam premejslet o EK
    EVILMIND --- ---
    ice trapa vypada lakave :)

    Spells with major buffs in 3.6 (will update and edit over time) : pathofexile
    EVILMIND --- ---
    - Loreweave now sets your Maximum Resistances to a maximum of 78%
    - The Poet's Pen now only triggers spells socketed within it if you attacked with that specific weapon. Previously, dual-wielding The Poet's Pen would mean that you triggered spells from both weapons with each attack.
    - You are now less likely to find fossils at depths shallower than 58, and more likely to find fossils at deeper depths. - to teda darkness farmery nevyhnali moc hluboko :-)
    - The Crafting Bench now displays all mods, not just the mods you have unlocked. Mods you have not yet unlocked are greyed out.
    MRORANGE --- ---
    EVILMIND: Jo, to bylo známé už v momentě kdy oznámili synergized items s tím že mají implicit mod.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    Enchantments (such as those found from the Labyrinth) now have their own mod slot on items. They no longer use the Implicit mod slot.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    na redditu to je okopirovany nejakym botem nastesti
    jako ty buffy nejakejch kouzel jsou fakt masivni, 30-40 procent u neceho, to budu muset asi hodne prehodnotit starter build :-(
    MRORANGE --- ---
    A Ferret to RememberToday at 2:37 AM
    @everyone Struggling to understand the passive skill tree changes? Emmitt has you covered with both the online and offline skill tree's updated to 3.6
    https://github.com/PoESkillTree/PoESkillTree/releases/tag/3.0.0-alpha.1 Offline
    http://poeskilltree.com/compare/3.6.0/ Online
    MRORANGE --- ---
    EVILMIND: Tohle by měl být ale poslední patch/maintenance která znamená nefunkční stránky. Alespoň tak jsem to pochopil u Chrise v Baeclastu...
    EVILMIND --- ---
    do pytle, je nejaka blba maintenance, tak si je nemuzu precist nez vyrazim do prace, uaaaa
    MARSHUS --- ---
    notes jsou venku pro ty co nemuzou spat :D
    MARSHUS --- ---
    3/9 uber elderu deathless, to asi neni dost na hc ligu :D. tak jsem zvedavej na ty patch notes.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    pekne vysvetleno

    Scientist Man Explains Leech Mechanics: An Educational Shitpost : pathofexile
    BARTUC --- ---
    SKUNK23: to je jak dycky, nyx je rozlezlej vsude mozne :-D mno uvidime
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam