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    ztracené heslo?
    LIQUIDFREAKPath of Exile
    EVILMIND --- ---
    tentokrat teda fakt pekny, asi budu nejakej potrebovat, kdyz ocividne nic nevyhraju jinak :)
    MPEGYNA --- ---
    alzo novy core support packy https://www.pathofexile.com/purchase
    SUNBEAM --- ---
    Announcements - She is near, and eager to witness your struggle - Forum - Path of Exile
    RADICETA --- ---
    BARTUC: tak nějak. já vyhrál portál za mayhem
    BARTUC --- ---
    kdy se vlastne rozdavaji ty ceny? hned po ukonceni ligy?
    EVILMIND --- ---
    musim rict, ze jsem nejak vycerpanej uz, a asi dojedu jen na 50 pro mystery box

    navic me stejne nikdy nevylosujou :-(
    ORBIT --- ---
    Flashback event začíná za chvilku.
    Race Events and League Ladders - DRE009: 3-Week Flashback SSF - Forum - Path of Exile

    Changing your Ascendancy Class has been disabled for the event.
    Levelling multiple characters that reach the prize-thresholds can help your odds to win one of the random-draw microtransactions.
    It's possible for players to win multiple of the random-draw prizes with one or more characters.
    Please do not delete your characters before prizes are awarded or they may not be eligible.

    Active Mods
    Flashback: Each area other than towns will contain the Heist league and three random mods from fourteen past leagues activated at once: Anarchy, Invasion, Breach, Ambush, Torment, Perandus, Beyond, Nemesis, Bloodlines, Abyss , Harbinger, Legion, Delirium, and Metamorph. These are consistent within specific areas for all players, and will change hourly.
    Flashback mods will be disabled for some areas that aren't suitable to containing multiple of them.

    Challenges can be completed in either the main Heist Leagues or these Flashback Events. You can make progress in either to have it count towards your overall number of challenges.

    The top five players of each of the ascendancy classes by experience will receive a Demigod's Authority (Unique Golden Blade).
    Players who reach level 50 will receive a Twilight Mystery Box. This prize is available only once per account for this type of event. Levelling multiple characters will not grant multiple mystery boxes.
    ORBIT --- ---
    Ja si vera nafarmil 6L v corupt zonach v mapach. Tam toho pada tolik, ze proste nemuze 6L casem neprocnout..
    boxy nebo breache, to je fuk a za 4 vaal orby pretocit.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    MRORANGE: tak kdyz nepojedes vic charu hluboko, tak ti to je fuk ne? kazdopadne azuritu predpokladam bude hafo, vetsinou kdyz jsem jel dolu na challenge tak jsem porad drzel 75/150, a nikdy jsem si nebral ty node cilenej, stacilo co nasbiram nahodne
    MRORANGE --- ---
    CRACKY_: tyjo akorát jsem na to koukal a říkám si, tak vednor na currency bude, takže nebude takový peklo mít 6l. Ale teda to že ty upgrady se budou muset jet znovu, to mi přijde trochu vostrý, ale je možný, že toho azuritu bude pořád dost, tak ne nutně?...
    CRACKY_ --- ---
    EVILMIND --- ---
    GURBON: jo ale ja jsem SSF, nemuzu si nic koupit ;)
    GURBON --- ---
    Sem zvedav jestli tu aspon nekdo neco vylosuje :)
    GORDHART --- ---
    Já jsem na ssf taky na 4linku a i s těma všema šílenejma dropama mi prostěnepadaj žlutý mapy. Takže to nechám na 86 a budu spokojenej :D
    MARSHUS --- ---
    GURBON: ja si koupil 6L za par supu, vyhoda Eva buildu :D
    GURBON --- ---
    EVILMIND: nez to zkouset fusama, radsi sem si koupil prophecy na 5L
    EVILMIND --- ---
    no ja pocitam zejtra dotahnu na 90 a koncim, porad hraju 4L, takovejch 500 fusingu jsem pouzil a neudelal jsem ani 5L, neskutecny... pak zapnu GFL a tam nekdo na 1 jew 6s a na 3 fusingy 6L, jako... fuck off :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    GURBON: skoncilo to pro me kdyz jsem se snazil to trochu uspechat a dal si t10 s deliriem nejakyma rip modama a conq influence :D jako kdybych nejel ten build poprve tak byla sance dat top 5 pathfinderu.
    GURBON --- ---
    MARSHUS: uz sem se lek ze to uz skoncilo... mame jeste 2 dny. Jdu to doplacat aspon na tu 85.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam