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    ztracené heslo?
    LIQUIDFREAKPath of Exile
    SKUNK23 --- ---
    Takhle rozbitej start teda nepamatuju, vecer sem to v 11:00 vzdal a sel chrnet. No a ted rano to je v haji taky, fronta cisla skacou dolu nahoru dojedou ke konci a vykopne me to :/ snad to daj brzo dohromady.
    BARTUC --- ---
    maji to rozbity kuci :-D
    GORDHART --- ---
    Toto není photoshoped. :D

    BARTUC --- ---
    RADICETA: jaha diky moc, jsem slepej
    RADICETA --- ---
    BARTUC: Půjdou, jen to zapoměli napsat, ale přidali tam opravu. Je vpravo dole.
    BARTUC --- ---
    hele chapu to spravne, ze vall skilly uz nepujdou delat pomoci vaal orbu? Jsem si ted z nudy cetl znovu patchnotes a tohohle jsem si driv nevsiml...
    BARTUC --- ---
    pach se uz da tahat kdo netaha pres neco jinyho
    EVILMIND --- ---
    MAD_CADDY: jsou nerfli ne? resp. z changelogu jsem nepochopil uplne jestli to je nerf kvantity, nebo jen opatreni aby te nelagli vsichni najednou, ze polezou postupne z toho bosse...
    MAD_CADDY --- ---
    EVILMIND: Valdo's Rest a Harbringerové to jistí:)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    zmeny v atlas regionech, je treba naplanovat kde presne zbohatnem :)

    Poe Ultimatum Atlas Passives Changes (sans small passives-- which are all mostly buffs) - Album on Imgur
    BARTUC --- ---
    EVILMIND: super, ja dozadu uz nekoukal, juknu na to... stejne asi zacnu carrionama, protoze ty znam a vim jak progressovat a pak se asi juknu na tohle :-) Staci nastesti jen respec, takze pohoda
    MAD_CADDY --- ---
    Zdravím všechny, jsem rád, že POE jsou i na Nyxu. Co říkáte na nerfy?

    EVILMIND --- ---
    BARTUC: se staci podivat na cca poslednich deset stranek, jsou tam v podstate ctyri hodne dobry endgame variace (majitel toho threadu hraje dost malo a za tu budget verzi se nedostava):
    - moje verze s lvl 31 magama v sedmilinku
    - MoM/agnostic verze se stitem a astral plate
    - aegis verze s max buffem ze stitu pro sumony a spectrama
    - fleshcrafter modifikace tri predchozich

    Vsechny doslova meltujou cokoliv, ale prvni tri jsou hodne drahy, radove nekolik mirroru v cenach posledni ligy. Coz je na summonerech proste super - fungujou uplne v pohode i za par chaosu, ale vzdycky je tam co minmaxovat, kdyz tu currency mas... :)
    BARTUC --- ---
    EVILMIND: Jo na ten jsem taky narazil, ten vypada pekne dekuju. Pro me je ale pak problem pri premene do nejaky endgame bestie :-D
    ORBIT --- ---
    *The Epilogue section of the World Screen (U) now contains sections for the Conquerors and Maven quest lines.
    *The Conquerors of the Atlas quest line now has expandable sections in the quest tracker, similar to The Maven quest line.
    *A single item can now be unstacked from a stack of items on your cursor by pressing Shift + Left Click.
    *Copying an item's description with Ctrl + C now also copies the Item Class.
    *Pressing Ctrl + Alt + C now copies the Advanced Modifier Descriptions on an item.
    *Pressing Ctrl + Click on Jun, Veiled Master now brings up the Unveil Items interface.

    Added a File Cache Directory UI option, which can be used to change the directory where cache files for the game are stored.
    *Moved the List of Item Filters UI option closer to the top of the UI options menu.
    *You can now use ! as a prefix to a term (such as "!unique" or "Sword !Increased Physical Damage") to filter results in a search field (such as your stash) to display results that don't contain the specified search term.
    Improved the SSF migration warning.
    ORBIT --- ---
    The "Allies Cannot Die" aura has been removed. To replace this, a new "Benevolent Guardian" Nemesis modifier has been added which causes the Monster with this modifier to apply an Immunity buff to nearby allies for a short duration. If the original Monster is slain, affected allies lose the Immunity buff. Other Monsters that have this Nemesis modifier cannot be given the Immunity buff.
    ORBIT --- ---
    Increased Character Size is now capped at 100%.

    Abyss Jewel Balance
    17–20% chance to Avoid being Ignited (previously 9-10)
    17–20% chance to Avoid being Chilled (previously 9-10)
    17–20% chance to Avoid being Frozen (previously 9-10)
    17–20% chance to Avoid being Shocked (previously 9-10)
    17–20% chance to Avoid being Poisoned (previously 9-10)
    17–20% chance to Avoid being Stunned (previously 9-10)
    17–20% chance to avoid Bleeding (previously 9-10)

    Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown (previously 4 seconds).
    EVILMIND --- ---
    BARTUC: tohle je takovej zakladni guide pro vsechny skelemagy

    Witch - [3.14] Odif's Newbie Necro Skeleton Mage Build Guide: League Starter, Very Low Cost - Forum - Path of Exile
    BARTUC --- ---
    EVILMIND: jo to je fakt :-) imho budou porad fajn :-) Ja bych chtel zkusit pak skele magy, ale nenasel jsem zadnej guide co by se mi libil :-D snad neco vyroste
    EVILMIND --- ---
    BARTUC: tak oni jsou jako silny, a jeste navic vypadaji cool, to je treba trestat :-)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam