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    ztracené heslo?
    LIQUIDFREAKPath of Exile
    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    Jj vypada to dobre pro me zatim veci jen k dobremu.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    EVILMIND: a tohle taky naznacuje, ze tam zadny enchanty proste nejsou

    Tainted Blessings can no longer be obtained
    EVILMIND --- ---
    gemcuttery budou asi mit cenu ted :)

    The vendor recipe for turning a Level 20 Gem into a 20% Quality Level 1 version of that Gem no longer works with Skill Gems, as the benefit Quality provides to damage dealing Skills is now more powerful. The vendor recipe can now only be used with non-Awakened Support Gems.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    WHITEANGEL: tak to nevypada, na konci labu je proste jinej device ted:
    The Divine Font at the end of the Eternal Labyrinth is now a gem crafting device that can modify your skill and support gems by turning them into Transfigured Gems, add Quality or Experience to Gems, or sacrifice a Gem for one or more Treasure Keys to open Izaro's Chests.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    tady je ten nerf Sanctum - Reduced the drop rate of Forbidden Tomes.
    ORBIT --- ---
    User Interface Changes
    Hovering the create button on the character selection window now displays how many of your character slots are currently in use.
    You can now shift-click on faded items in your main inventory to remove them from the trade and sell windows.
    You can now shift-click currency items in your main inventory to only sell or trade a partial stack.
    Pressing Ctrl + Click on NPCs in the Campaign that you can sell items to now brings up the sell items interface.
    Pressing Ctrl + Click on Siosa now brings up the purchase items interface.
    Pressing Ctrl + Click on Tasuni now brings up the trade Divination Cards interface.
    Improved the highlighting of Basic Jewel Sockets when they are searched on the Passive Skill Tree.
    Added a close button to the Betrayal Investigation Board.
    EVILMIND --- ---

    Patch Notes - Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction - Forum - Path of Exile
    EVILMIND --- ---
    easy leveling? :)

    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    EVILMIND: Podle me enchanty budou part enahnced Lab jako jsou ted belty.
    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    EVILMIND: Mozna jsem se preslech ja ale myslim ze rikal 6P/6S will be possible.
    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    EVILMIND: o ostatnich enchantech jsem taky nic neslysel.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    HUGILA: sentinel nebude
    EVILMIND --- ---
    WHITEANGEL: to jsem teda minul, nebyl tam videt v videu ne? na webu je jen takovej ten normalni 1p/3s se 100 procent bonusem, co uz byl ted

    jinak koukam na webu se pise, ze mizi jen helmet enchanty, tak si pockam chvili na patchnotes jak se teda dostanes k tem ostatnim... jestli jsou treba v horsim levelu labu jen boty?
    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    Podle me spousta lidi ten Heist pdoceni ale bude fakt dobrej.
    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    EVILMIND: nene jsi spatne poslouchal budou ty nove base type itemy.

    treba Ring co ma 6 suffixu.
    HUGILA --- ---
    A Sentinel porad nic?
    EVILMIND --- ---
    WHITEANGEL: tak alt kvalita gemy byly ted nejvetsi cast Heist profitu, ne? to je komplet pryc... ted zrovna mluvi o tom, ze tam misto toho je vic currency apod, ale je to myslim docela risk plan ted jit rovnou do Heistu. Navic neni jisty ze tam zustanou catalysty kdyz se presunuly do Ultimatum.
    WHITEANGEL --- ---
    Ja pojedu urcite Heist podle toho co jsem videl.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    WHITEANGEL: jo jestli si pamatuju Ultimatum ligu, tak tehdy jsem hral nejakej minion build co vyslovene profitoval ze staticke hry na malem prostoru, s tema blight rukavicema co kolem tebe hazi spory na miniaury. To bude treba promyslet ze nemuzes pocitat s tim, ze to budes kosit z dalky.
    EVILMIND --- ---
    Metamorph stash tabs will be converted to Ultimatum tabs.

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