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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
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    MARSHUS: vime o tom ale zadne strachy.. nas ( VAS ) milovany obama to vyresi obratem ruky
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    Ekonomové: USA míří kvůli Fedu k další finanční krizi. Vzniká bublina všech bublin | byznys.ihned.cz - Zpravodajství
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    Reuters is trying to take a tight presidential election and turn it into a huge loss for the Republicans. Their headline of a Sunday-show roundup is "Republicans say party needs revamp after Romney drubbing." Losing by ten points might be a drubbing, but not by 51 to 48. That's more of an "Obama squeaker" than a "Romney drubbing."

    Reuters also takes Sen. Lindsey Graham's panic on NBC over Republicans being "in a death spiral with Hispanic voters" and highlights it with a heading "DEATH SPIRAL." It makes it sound like 2012 was more of a "wave election" than 2010. The story began with Gov. Bobby Jindal whapping Romney:

    The Republican Party needs to stop insulting voters and broaden its appeal after Democratic President Barack Obama won re-election this month over Mitt Romney with overwhelming support from Hispanics, blacks and single women, top Republicans said on Sunday...

    "If we want people to like us, we have to like them first. And you don't start to like people by insulting them and saying their votes were bought," Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, chairman of the Republican Governors Association, told the "Fox News Sunday" program.

    Reuters left out what Jindal said next on Fox:

    Let the Democratic Party be the party that says demography is destiny, that says we are going to divide people by race, by gender, by class. We as a Republican Party, believe our conservative principles are good for every single voter. It's not just a marketing campaign. It's not just having better PR folks. We're going to go and convince and fight for every single vote, showing them we are the party for the middle class, upward mobility. We don't start winning majorities and winning elections by insulting our voters.

    Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2012/11/18/sunday-hype-reuters-claims-romney-drubbing-plays-talk-gop-death-spiral#ixzz2CcT2BQlc
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    think progress pochopitelne je financovane by Soros asshole
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    think progress demokratiska far left zumpa sracek..

    the comment thread below this story should be nominated for the lifetime achievement award in commenting idiocy.

    Republican Senator Campaigns On Benghazi Tragedy Ahead Of 2014 Election | ThinkProgress
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    Why Obama was re-elected…

    There are basically two types of people in the world: Those who search for truth, and those who accept perception as truth.

    There are two types of voters: Those who study to find which candidate actually represents them (we’ll call them the Political Humans) , and those that passively accept the deluge of campaign rhetoric to pool before them so they can base their decision on what perception emerges from that pool, which also includes their own preconceived ideas from previous campaigns, never any real sense of logic and analysis, just perceptions (we’ll call them Political Zombies).

    While many Liberals actually do pay attention to which candidate stands for which ideas, principles and positions, they also have no moral compass to tell them achieving those goals should be done ethically. Thus they have to problem with swaying Political Zombies to their candidate with lies and distortions.

    Most Conservatives however have arrived at their political opinion through truth and logic and find the idea of swaying people with lies and distortion distasteful, and counter-intuitive to the formation of a valid form of government.

    This when Conservative Humans may outnumber Liberal Humans, the Liberals can almost always count on the votes from Political Zombies. And not just their votes, but sometimes their participation in election rigging, voter fraud and spreading even more lies and distortions.

    You may find the use of the term Liberal Human to be odd, but in reality these are people who understand that the underlying goal of socialism is not to share the wealth, but to hoard the wealth through the might of goernment for the a select few. Their goals are entirely self serving. They are the slave master screaming to their chained slaves to work harder or the “enemy” will put them in chains.

    The problem for Conservatives comes from the attempt to reason with the unreasonable. A giant crowd on mind-numbed Zombies created by a socialist education system (A system based on the ideas of the socialist John Dewey, specifically to make the masses compliant and easily manipulated). How to win without lowering themselves to the level of the Liberals and ignoring the idea of a intelligent vote. How do you convince the Zombies that freedom is more important that handouts, who’ve been conditioned to demand handouts? How do you convince the Zombies that their own children should be protected and provided for and not consumed and discarded in their quest for more toys?

    It’s a losing battle as more and more Americans cease being humans and succumb to the zombie virus.
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    mam o tobe dost silne pochybnosti ze ti jde o diskusi..
    Nic jsem se od tebe nedozvedel akorat nadavky a navazeni do me osoby... tve prispevky so far nulova uroven a ani nevis co vlastne zde chces... pokud tvrdis ze mas pristup k informacim tak se podle toho chovej... a rekni mi neco co nevim...
    FIONOR --- ---
    Nebo co? Budeš brečet? Dáš mi ban? Řekneš to mámě? Založíš petici?
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    FIONOR: posledni varovani...
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    možné to je, ale oproti fašistickému foxu jsou pořád ještě svatí a nemají potřebu se hrabat v bulvárních sračkách, aby si udržely kredit
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    FIONOR: pokud nevis rozdil mezi liberal v USA a v evrope tak nema cenu s tebou diskutovat...
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    FIONOR: bud tak laskav.. a prestan urazet v kazde vete...
    Uvedom si ze v AP Reuters jsou taky jenom lidi a maji svuj urcity bias..
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    Hm, co si americká retadrovaná lůza představuje pod pojmem liberální? Protože politologický význam toho slova se mění i napříč Evropou - a to v širokém spektru nalevo i napravo.
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    pravdepodobne lidi jako Paul Krugman jsou u tege genialove...
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    FIONOR: kdyz teda vsecko vis od liberalnich agentur tak co se seres ?
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    tl;dr :D

    Já pracuji přímo s agenturními zprávami, ne s předžvýkanými deriváty pro teabaggery, jako jsi ty. Pokud mi ty zprávy dokážeš dohledat přímo u zdroje, jsem ochoten se jimi zabývat, jinak mi nestojíš za víc času, než ti věnuji tím, že tě tu urážím a luštím tvoji retardovanou češtinu.
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    FIONOR: reuters takze muzes verit

    Obama Admin Gave Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems $1 Million The Day It Filed For Bankruptcy…
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    FIONOR: tady mas svy milovany AP tomu snad budes verit..

    US pension insurer runs record $34B deficit
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