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    ztracené heslo?
    FESTERPoliticka situace v USA z pohledu konzervativce....
    rozbalit záhlaví
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    FESTER: Ja se chovam jako prase? :-)
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    Marneyy: zabanovani jsou akorat komuniste.. ty mezi nema skoncis tez pokud se budes chovat jak prase jak mas ve zvyku
    DR_COOPER --- ---
    Koukam, ze tady uz je z toho jenom takove smutne one man show. Budto jsi vsechny zabanoval nebo asi uz nikdo nema naladu s tebou vest diskusi, co? :D
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    Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth

    Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth - Household Income - Fox Nation

    Thanks Obama s jeho pochybnou party DemonRAT
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    panenko skakava ti v MSNBC jsou vazne magori !

    MSNBC Host Convinced Obama Is “Channeling” The Godfather…

    MSNBC: Those of us in 'nerd land' think Obama is 'channeling the Godfather' - YouTube
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    Massive Anti-Obama Rally Planned for Inauguration Day :: Minute Men News
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    proc nemam rad demokraty :

    Flashback: The View Lefty Joy Behar Thinks Term “Black Friday” Might Be A “Little Racist”…

    Joy Behars Moral Quandary 'Isn't it a Little Racist to Call it Black Friday ' - YouTube
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    When GOP Was in Charge California Was Golden - Now It's a Poverty-Stricken Broke State | Conservative News, Views & Books
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    Hollywood Marxist Oliver Stone Tells Al Jazeera Obama “Never Had Any Liberals In His Inner Circle”…

    Oliver Stone to Al Jazeera: Obama 'Never Had Any Liberals in His Inner Circle' | CNS News

    Put down the crack pipe down, Oliver.

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    tyden ban na uklidnenou...
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    FIONOR: todle se ty udajnej novinari v tvych zarucenych pravdivych AP a nedo Reuters nedovis..


    Priste radsi drz hubu tu komouskej doprdelizku..
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    Electoral college should not decide presidential elections | Royal Purple News
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    MARSHUS: Obama resi situaci prez Unions

    Labor leaders: Obama committed to higher taxes on wealthy over impending ‘fiscal cliff’ - The Washington Post

    jak resi situaci Unions ?
    Bakers’ Union Boss: We Knew Hostess Would Die If We Went On Strike…

    As Union Bosses Spin Twinkies’ Demise, Bakers’ Union Boss Admits Union Knew Hostess Would Die | RedState
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    MARSHUS: vime o tom ale zadne strachy.. nas ( VAS ) milovany obama to vyresi obratem ruky
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    Ekonomové: USA míří kvůli Fedu k další finanční krizi. Vzniká bublina všech bublin | byznys.ihned.cz - Zpravodajství
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    Reuters is trying to take a tight presidential election and turn it into a huge loss for the Republicans. Their headline of a Sunday-show roundup is "Republicans say party needs revamp after Romney drubbing." Losing by ten points might be a drubbing, but not by 51 to 48. That's more of an "Obama squeaker" than a "Romney drubbing."

    Reuters also takes Sen. Lindsey Graham's panic on NBC over Republicans being "in a death spiral with Hispanic voters" and highlights it with a heading "DEATH SPIRAL." It makes it sound like 2012 was more of a "wave election" than 2010. The story began with Gov. Bobby Jindal whapping Romney:

    The Republican Party needs to stop insulting voters and broaden its appeal after Democratic President Barack Obama won re-election this month over Mitt Romney with overwhelming support from Hispanics, blacks and single women, top Republicans said on Sunday...

    "If we want people to like us, we have to like them first. And you don't start to like people by insulting them and saying their votes were bought," Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, chairman of the Republican Governors Association, told the "Fox News Sunday" program.

    Reuters left out what Jindal said next on Fox:

    Let the Democratic Party be the party that says demography is destiny, that says we are going to divide people by race, by gender, by class. We as a Republican Party, believe our conservative principles are good for every single voter. It's not just a marketing campaign. It's not just having better PR folks. We're going to go and convince and fight for every single vote, showing them we are the party for the middle class, upward mobility. We don't start winning majorities and winning elections by insulting our voters.

    Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2012/11/18/sunday-hype-reuters-claims-romney-drubbing-plays-talk-gop-death-spiral#ixzz2CcT2BQlc
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    think progress pochopitelne je financovane by Soros asshole
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