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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    RUDOLF --- ---
    SOE jede v HWID banech, číterky kupujou za lacino RU klíče, ale prej jim ban zůstane i u nového účtu..

    RUDOLF --- ---
    HANOUCH: myslíš tu z total anihilation?

    arma versus mount and blade
    HANOUCH --- ---
    RUDOLF: Neco jako big bertha v age of empires?
    RUDOLF --- ---
    ad vávra, jsem přemýšlel, jestli připravuje speciální content pro backery, že by si vystříleli středověkou armádu, tak jsem začal snít dál, jestli by to šlo narvat do army a teď z redditu vypadlo, že tenhle chlapík to celý napsal a prodal to WB:-)

    ERRTU --- ---
    ZOMBO: boha, zrovna pred chvilkou mi ve hre Rebuild (taky zed-post-apo) prisla zprava ze pred branama stoji pojizdny bordel a za 15 jednotek jidla nabizi na den sve sluzby :D
    BURKHAR --- ---
    RUDOLF: Už jsem si řikal! :)
    RUDOLF --- ---
    BURKHAR: firing from passenger positions will be supported in later builds on stable branch.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    BURKHAR: bude
    BURKHAR --- ---
    ZOMBO: Cože, tam nebude firing from vehicles?!
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: Nedávno jsem si zrovna postesknul, jak byl ten systém v módu jednoduchej, ne moc arkádovitej ani naopak dickish.

    RUDOLF: S tim počtem nářadí by to pomalu chtělo...

    RUDOLF --- ---
    RUDOLF --- ---
    přibude sádlo a kosti.. kosti jako hrot na šípy.. sádlo abych si nepřípalil steak? z petky půjde časem ucraftit tlumič..

    dev blog opět nabírá rozměrů hype train..
    RUDOLF --- ---
    hmmm... skyrim volá

    The point is that you need to put all your items from which you want to craft something new in front of you then equip right tool in your hand and directly interact with the item pool to produce the desired new crafted item. This solution is giving us few important possibilities like adding meaning to the plethora of tools we already have in game, crafting complex items without need of intermediate products which are most of the time useless. As well, turn some of the stationary tables with machinery in houses and industry structures to crafting tables where you will be able to produce crafted rails for scopes, modify weapons and do other advanced processes.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    ZOMBO: Bloodbagy se možná vrací do hry:

    Lastly for me, we've been discussing the subject of blood regeneration, transfusion, and all the mechanics surrounding them for awhile. With blood regeneration at the rate it currently is, and the reduced amount of blood gained per blood bag, not many folks use or interact with these mechanics in the current stable build. Given that now is the time to experiment, and alter these mechanics to gauge viability through use on our steam branches we'll be reducing the blood regeneration rate, and increasing the amount of blood gained through proper blood transfusions.

    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: The initial intent of spawning vehicles supporting large groups of players is to gauge both the performance, and functionality of large player groups moving together at high speed across Chernarus. Any issues discovered should be reported to feedback.dayzgame.com whenever possible.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: soon
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    ZOMBO: bych uvítal spíš úložnej prostor na věci než na surváky.
    ZOMBO --- ---

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15 | DayZ | Official website
    HANOUCH --- ---
    ZOMBO: HA ! zrovna vcera jsme s nagou na hangouts resili kingdom cum a on si jeho tvurce zatim beha po lese se softwarovejma kulickama.
    KLEINZACH --- ---
    HIDESPY: ne, Krakonos 2015 :)
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