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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    RUDOLF --- ---
    bohemka zas vyrazila na střelnici a nahrávala střelbu pro dayz

    NAGASAWA --- ---
    RUDOLF: to je Davesade?
    RUDOLF --- ---
    tak nějak dayz

    RUDOLF --- ---
    The scariest truck you've ever seen
    RUDOLF --- ---
    The Guide to Suppressors - DayZ Standalone
    RUDOLF --- ---

    ZOMBO --- ---
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    DESTROYER: jsem dobitej, proto ty barvy.
    DESTROYER --- ---
    REDSNAKE: uber tu gamu :)
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    Nevěděl jsem, že se občas dají najít i takové pěkné detaily:)

    REDSNAKE --- ---
    Exp mi přijde už docela dobře hratelnej, s určitou dávkou trpělivosti. Za dvě hoďky to padlo jen jednou, což je pohoda. JInak spawn věcí je docela sranda. Letiště na krasnu pro mě bylo místo asi na půl hodiny a zas mám batoh plnej krátkej zbraní :D
    DESTROYER --- ---
    REDSNAKE: jj to obecne rozhodne ano..
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    DESTROYER: Popravdě, takové věci jako v Armě že jsi třeba zakopl o silnici a zlomil si nohu, nebo na schodech kotník a podobně, různé záhadné smrti se mi v DayZ nedějí. Což kvituju jen s povděkem samozřejmě...
    DESTROYER --- ---
    REDSNAKE: lucky one :)
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    DESTROYER: To dělám normálně a nikdy nebyl problém.
    DESTROYER --- ---
    RUDOLF: Jestli sem si vsiml dobre tak vystupoval se zaplym motorem, to je vetsinou suicide v soucasnosti no..
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Status Report - 17 Mar 15 | DayZ | Official website

    I appreciate different opinions but I can't see any reason why we should make infected as stationary as possible, it will just simplify the game too much in such case. It is important to understand that the infected in DayZ are not the undead, and to be honest I don't want to see DayZ to become a frenzied 'run and grab all you can' simulator. I would like to remind you that DayZ isn't supposed to be easy and straightforward, it's meant to be hard and unforgiving. While they are pretty fast right now it is just the perception in comparison with current character movement speed, which is planned to be lowered in general as it was increased intentionally when we had decided to do a complete overhaul on how the engine handles vehicles, and thus they would be absent for some time. As well I'm looking forward to the implementation of a proper stamina system for characters which alone will cut off the constant sprinting across the map and thorough the structures which is just ridiculous. With the agile infected that are able to catch up with you while you are escaping the scene you will think twice about your approach and also the load you are carry as it especially determines how far you will be able to sprint to loose them. To balance things out, the infected have their own stamina and are slowing down during the chase and with the combination of the possibility that they can stumble upon it gives you a some chance to flee if you run into such situations. The infected AI will be continuously worked on, in terms of expanding it further and also balancing it close to the perfection.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Lots of fixes, some additions, focus on the zombies mostly if you can. The collision with cars is turned off for now (zombies animals), we need a bit more work on it. Zombie models are gonna change in 0.56 probably. There is some small visual stuff (like the running up attack missing), so the zombie weirdly stops as he gets to you. Has some weird interaction with ladders etc. And some more visual/gameplay stuff. The new loot system is turned off until we get the bug fixed. Might get on stable.

    There is lot more work to be done, for zombies to move and chase you on ladders, windows, destroy doors etc. There is no group AI , nor there will be for 0.55. But the basic stealth is there and the performance seems to be really good.

    There will be more experimentals over the next few days. The target for stable is 25th. With a small chance of being pushed to 1st if we dont get the last critical bugs fixed.

    EDIT: Also one annoying bug, if the zombie is chasing you and gets stuck in collision with terrain on client, it does not update properly and there will be an "invisible zombie" chasing you. If you want to avoid it, try to kill them or dont aggro (stealth around!)
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