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    ztracené heslo?
    SUMIDayZ Standalone/Mod Tactically Significant Carps
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Status Report - 17 Mar 15 | DayZ | Official website

    I appreciate different opinions but I can't see any reason why we should make infected as stationary as possible, it will just simplify the game too much in such case. It is important to understand that the infected in DayZ are not the undead, and to be honest I don't want to see DayZ to become a frenzied 'run and grab all you can' simulator. I would like to remind you that DayZ isn't supposed to be easy and straightforward, it's meant to be hard and unforgiving. While they are pretty fast right now it is just the perception in comparison with current character movement speed, which is planned to be lowered in general as it was increased intentionally when we had decided to do a complete overhaul on how the engine handles vehicles, and thus they would be absent for some time. As well I'm looking forward to the implementation of a proper stamina system for characters which alone will cut off the constant sprinting across the map and thorough the structures which is just ridiculous. With the agile infected that are able to catch up with you while you are escaping the scene you will think twice about your approach and also the load you are carry as it especially determines how far you will be able to sprint to loose them. To balance things out, the infected have their own stamina and are slowing down during the chase and with the combination of the possibility that they can stumble upon it gives you a some chance to flee if you run into such situations. The infected AI will be continuously worked on, in terms of expanding it further and also balancing it close to the perfection.
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Lots of fixes, some additions, focus on the zombies mostly if you can. The collision with cars is turned off for now (zombies animals), we need a bit more work on it. Zombie models are gonna change in 0.56 probably. There is some small visual stuff (like the running up attack missing), so the zombie weirdly stops as he gets to you. Has some weird interaction with ladders etc. And some more visual/gameplay stuff. The new loot system is turned off until we get the bug fixed. Might get on stable.

    There is lot more work to be done, for zombies to move and chase you on ladders, windows, destroy doors etc. There is no group AI , nor there will be for 0.55. But the basic stealth is there and the performance seems to be really good.

    There will be more experimentals over the next few days. The target for stable is 25th. With a small chance of being pushed to 1st if we dont get the last critical bugs fixed.

    EDIT: Also one annoying bug, if the zombie is chasing you and gets stuck in collision with terrain on client, it does not update properly and there will be an "invisible zombie" chasing you. If you want to avoid it, try to kill them or dont aggro (stealth around!)
    WILL --- ---
    BURKHAR: Zrovna den co jsem pryč a někdo nám leakuje vybavení ambasády.
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    Ty zedi na expu jsou dobrej brutál! Už se vůbec nezasekávají ve dveřích, do budovy za hráčem vběhnou bez zpomalení, docela masakr:)
    BURKHAR --- ---
    RUDOLF: Tyjo, moje kytara a noha! :O
    ZOMBO --- ---
    RUDOLF: Stalo se snad jen jednou, že v úterý vyšel hotfix na exp a ve středu hned stable. Ten tejden navíc to v tomhle případě chce, padalo to opravdu každejch 5 minut, ping 500+, takže zombík fackoval z 10 m, což nový AI nedělá nejlepší reklamu. Ale M4ka v roubence, díky rozházenejm loot spawnům, neurazila:)

    Eugen Harton on Twitter: "Experimental Client available for preload. Enjoy!. Servers up shortly."
    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: však v poho, chtěl jsem jen ujasnit, jakej maj ty buildy cyklus..
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    RUDOLF: V poho, jen se ptám..
    RUDOLF --- ---
    REDSNAKE: současnej exp je v příšeným stavu, teď nahoděj exp aby zjistili co všechno fachá a když cajk, tak to bude na stable koncem měsíce, tj příští středu.. když ne, tak se to zase posune o týden.. takhle to dělaj zhruba poslední půl rok..

    tj.. exp - testování novinek na větším počtu lidí, co funguje zůstane a na konci měsíce se hodí se na stable.. co nefunguje se vyvíjí dál na interním buildu.. když se rozjebe stable build, tak je priorita fixnustí stable.. pak zase pokračuje testování novinek na exp buildech a konce měsíc se to nahazuje na stable.. už v historii jsem tak viděl větší počty zedů, ai zvířat apod. věci který se objevili jen v jednom buildu aby pak na pár měsíců zmizeli..

    když si necheš trhat vlasy jeď stable build, zbořili ho asi jen dvakrát nebo třikrát.. na exp počítej se vším možným.. já si teď exp nahodil, páč se chci kouknout až bude čas na novou zed ai, ale než si k tomu sednu, tak už to bude pomalu na stable..
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    RUDOLF: Takže exp na stable ještě překlopenej nebude?
    RUDOLF --- ---
    jo a večer exp update - prej stabilnější build

    RUDOLF --- ---
    dean v londýně, hanouchu nechceš změnit práci?

    Job Application for Game Engineer at Improbable
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    F0N: imho tam standardně není vyplněno vůbec nic. Ale nejsem teď u svého počítače, tak nevím jistě. Nicméně Little má s tou údržbou pravdu. Středy jsou peklo.
    F0N --- ---
    LITTLEBOY007CZ: ah ok dik
    LITTLEBOY007CZ --- ---
    F0N: dneska je streda, coz je obvykle maintenance, zkusil bych to nekdy odpoledne jeste..
    F0N --- ---
    REDSNAKE: nefunguje - potreboval by som vediet aky je |default"pri remote (teda aky port tam je)
    REDSNAKE --- ---
    F0N: a když dáš dole ve filtrech něco jako default?
    F0N --- ---
    Moze mi niekto poradit s Dayz SA - napisal som do remote konkretny server a teraz sa nejak neviem vratit k tomu, aby mi vyhladalo znova vsetky servery (ak dam internet a refresh tak najde vzdy iba ten jeden z remote a tam to ostava aj ked to odmazem cele)
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